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After what happened between Taehyung and Jungkook, it was only between them, Taehyung did tell Jimin that he wanted him and Yeonjun to leave so he and Jungkook can talk privately, but he doesn't know that Taehyung lost his virginity to them man he loved and still love until now.

Taehyung was finally discharged from the hospital, and Yeonjun and the rest of the Exo Mafia along with Clay, Nick, and Eunwoo to be glad, that he was all better, but they all noticed that Taehyung always spaces out, but they just thought that 'he felt betrayed by the man he claimed to love', which was false since Taehyung always thinks about the letter Jungkook left him and he always cry before he goes to sleep.

Yeonjun notices his mother's sadness, and he blames Jungkook in his head for hurting his mother, but he also senses something much more deeper as to why Taehyung has been distancing himself as well as acting strange, and he remembers that Jungkook came to his mother's hospital room as he and Jimin left and went home, so he figured that it has to do something about that day before Taehyung was discharged.

So he thought about talking to Jungkook. but he needs some help, until he remembered that Jimin gave him his number so that he can call him if he needs something, so he sneakily went into his Taehyung's room, and saw the male sleeping soundly as his phone was on his night stand, so he tiptoed and grabbed the phone and ran out of the room, shutting the door quietly.

He rushed into his room and locked his door, he opened Taehyung's phone and entered the passcode which was '090197' which he remembered was someone's birthday according to what his uncle Kyungsoo says, he then opened the contacts app and dialed Jimin's number, and after a few rings Jimin picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?" Jimin asked from the other side of the phone

"Uncle Jimin, it's me! Yeonjun!" Yeonjun says

"Oh! Yeonjun, wasn't expecting for you to call already, do you need something?" Jimin asks

"Yes, I want to talk to uncle Jungkook..."




Jungkook was in his office back at their mansion as he does his paperwork from home after the event that happened between him and Taehyung, while Namjoon took over the company, they all knew what happened between him and Taehyung since he broke down once he returned from the hospital after the day he heard Taehyung cried his heart out when he left him alone to wake up by himself.

They all felt broken at the end of Jungkook's story, but it was their own fault, they didn't hear Taehyung first which resulted for this to happen, Jimin talks to Yoongi but he decided to stay at his parents' house this time, he walked out of his office and decided to go downstairs, but his eyes widen once he saw Yeonjun in the living room with Jimin sitting beside him.

"Yeonjun?" Jungkook calls out confused and Yeonjun looks at him

"Hello uncle Jungkook" Yeonjun greets

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks as he sat in front of him

"Mommy's been acting strange and also has been distancing himself from me, my uncles and grandada so I know that it has something to do with you when me and uncle Jimin left the hospital the day before mommy was discharged, so you better tell me what you did to my mom before I hit you with my bag!!" Yeonjun threatens him

Jungkook gulped since his brows were furrowed, he's almost the same as Taehyung when he's serious, so he looked away and sighed and then he looked back at him with sad eyes, and Yeonjun must've noticed it since he saw sadness, pain and tears in Jungkook's eyes, the same emotions and tears in Taehyung's eyes.

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now