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I was frozen and speechless in my spot after my father told me those words.

"What?" I asked in a blank voice

"I mean, you did hurt him son, many times, so I think it's best for you to let him go" my father says

"No!" I said as I stood up from the couch


"No father! I have been waiting for 3 years to make him mine again and then I made a mistake on hurting him again that got him into an accident, and when I disappointed and also hurt his son, I thought you could help comfort me because we both know that we did the same thing! You said it 3 years ago after you lost Pop when I was 15!" I said and he also stood up

"Yes, I lost your father Jungkook, but I also know how to let go of someone when I brought pain and misery to them just like how I did to your father, so please listen to me son, just give up on him" father says with tears in his eyes

Yes, my father also went through the same I thing Yeonjun went through, but I was only fifteen when it happened, I also had two males as parents, Jeon Jaehee and Jeon Suyook, they were so happy until my father got drunk and brought a woman home and my Pop caught them, which made them argue and almost get a divorce, but they soon got along again and everything was fine, until father broke my Pop's heart when he thought that Pop was cheating on him, which got him into an accident and into coma, he woke up when I was 20, and whenever he sees father, he goes into a mental state of trauma. Father was so guilty for what he had done, so he accepted his fate and let Pop go so he can be happy again.

I looked away and stared at the picture on the table where a seven years old me being the middle of my father and Pop, I looked back at my father and also saw him staring at the picture with glossy eyes.

"Even if you tell me to give up on Taehyung just like how you did with Pop, then I won't... I know I made mistakes to give him pain and heartache, but that doesn't mean I'll give up on him... I love him too much to let him go, I lost him once father, I don't want to loose him again" I said at my father and he smiled at me

"I'm proud of you son" he says and also smiled at him

"Thanks father" I said and he gave me a pat on the shoulder

"Now go get him son, make Kim Taehyung my son-in-law again" father says and I nodded

"I'll be going now father" I said and he nodded

I walked out of his home and back into my car, I started the engine and drove back again towards Seoul National Hospital. When I got there, I parked my car and got out and locked it again and went inside, I walked until I got to room number 901 in the VIP section. I knocked on the door, and it was opened by an unknown man who was a little taller than me, he has perfect skin and a strong physique, but, not as more than me.

"Umm, who are you-wait, you're Jeon Jungkook!" The man says and I just looked at him confused

"Yeah, that's me, but who are you?" I asked and he smiled at me

"Oh! I'm Hyunsik, Park Hyunsik...

I'm Taehyung's boyfriend!"


Heyy Fam!!

Sorry for the short chapter-but, uh-oh!

Taehyung has a boyfriend?

Find out next chapter!!

Take care!!

I love you!!


Author-nim, over 'n out!!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now