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After checking into the hotel that the event was hosted at, both Taehyung and Jungkook's group decided to explore Vegas-- of course, with them not seeing each other, which is amazing since not only were they invited to the same event, they were also staying in the SAME hotel.

Jungkook's group, well Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok decided to explore the shops around Vegas, dragging Namjoon with them, while Jungkook and Yoongi were back at the hotel and look around for their allies and catch up with them.

While Taehyung let his group explore Vegas while him, Jisoo, Bogum and Tooru decided to stay at the hotel since Jinsoo and Yeonjun wanted to swim at the hotel's swimming pool, of course there are some men from Taehyung's group stayed within the crowd in undercover to make sure the safety of not only their leader, but their leader's children who they've grown fond of.


After talking with our allies, me and Yoongi Hyung decided to go to the hotel's restaurant to get something to eat as it is lunch time-- I listened in on Yoongi Hyung's talk with Hoseok Hyung and Jimin Hyung, sometimes hearing Jin Hyung and Namjoon Hyung's voices as well.

We both sat down and looked through the menu, of course the prices were expensive, but I didn't care since I had enough money to even buy this place, I placed the menu down and as I was about to look through my e-mail, I heard a familiar voice and laugh-- I looked around, trying to look for the owner of the voice and laugh until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"Kook? You okay?" Yoongi Hyung asked me, worry in his expression

"Y-yeah" I said and looked at the direction where the voice and laugh came from before looking back at Yoongi Hyung

"I'm fine Hyung, just thought that I heard someone familiar..." I said and he raised a brow before he nodding

"Alright, if you say so-- but tell the waiter your order" he says and I looked over and saw a young man who was carrying a notepad and a pen

After shaking my thoughts I told the man my order before he left to place in our food, while me and Yoongi Hyung talked about business.


I giggled and laughed as I watched my two bundles of joys' silliness as they play with Jisoo and Bogum in the pool while bullying Tooru who was whining towards his boyfriend who did nothing but smirk and laugh.

I heard my phone ring and took it out of my pocket and raised a brow when I saw an all too familiar name on the screen, of course I unlocked my phone and opened his message and I froze when I read what he messaged me.

Hades Hyung

Hide, Jungkook heard your voice and is looking for you. If you don't want him to go over to you and punch you, I suggest you hide and lower your fucking voice down.

Wow, no 'Hi' or 'How you doing?' Hyung? So rude.

Well, do you want Jungkook to see you? HIDE FUCKER!

Ok, ok! I'm hiding now. Thanks for the heads-up Hyung.
Seen by 12:30 PM

I gave my phone to Tooru's boyfriend before searching for Jungkook and saw him looking for me probably, so I joined my kids in the water, since he couldn't see me from where he was sitting-- whew, that was close. Jungkook or his friends shouldn't see me, luckily they don't know that I'm a Mafia Leader of not one, but TWO of the famous Mafia Groups that were known to be the most strongest, smartest and stealthiest groups to exist in the whole world.


Hey Fam!

Sorry for the short chapter, but the next ones will be longer since it will be about the event.

But I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Author-nim, over 'n out!

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