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Both Taehyung and Jungkook's groups walked towards the hallway that leads towards the event room where the anniversary party was held, it was a miracle that both the males haven't seen each other yet, but Jungkook isn't going to know that Taehyung is at the party, since he doesn't know that he's a Mafia Leader, only a well-known CEO.

Meanwhile Taehyung has been waiting for so long to see Jungkook again, even though that the other can't recognize him, Taehyung can recognize the man that he still loves after the mistake that he did three years ago. But there is another problem that he has come to know about, his Hyung has been seen talking to him on the phone, luckily that he was able to eliminate the person, but he can't risk his Hyung's safety anymore.

Being too deep in his thoughts, Taehyung was shaken away from it when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Jisung looking at him with concern evident in his eyes and the same goes for Shoto— Taehyung shook his head and smiled a small one towards the two.

"You okay Hyung?" Jisung asks him

"Yeah, I'm fine Ji" Taehyung says as he smiles at them

Both Jisung and Shoto both know that the other's smile is a fake, but they don't want to pry because they both know that Taehyung is a stubborn male, who doesn't want to burden anyone with his problems— they were thankful for Jisoo and Hades as they're the only ones who can get Taehyung to tell them what was troubling him.

Both Jisung and Shoto stopped as Taehyung also stopped when they were met with big doors, they entered the room when the guards nod towards them before opening the door— as the doors opened, Taehyung walked inside with his trusted men and bodyguards following right behind him, ignoring the eyes that were watching them as they walked down the stairs.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!! ROGUE, YOU BITCH!!" A voice yelled, then a groan of pain was heard from Taehyung's side

"UGH! BITCH! GET OFF YOU'RE HEAVY!" Shoto exclaims as he tries to pry off the male who was hugging him do tightly

Uki Violeta Ovid, one of the grooms who is hosting the event, also a member of the Noctyx Mafia and is one of Shoto's friends. Jisung laughed at Shoto's 'annoyed' face, while Taehyung just rolled his eyes and laughed silently at the other's face as the groom's mafia members, husband and friends also laughed at the two who were still on the floor, then Shoto laughed and hugged the other back.

"Ok, that's enough now Uki, let me hug my boyfriend" one of Shoto's boyfriend says as the two purple heads stood up

Shoto was soon pulled away by his boyfriends as the aforementioned giggled at his two boyfriends before kissing their cheeks as a greeting, Vox Akuma, the right-hand man of the mafia boss of Luxiem, and Shu Yamino, the doctor of Luxiem— the three met when Taehyung told Shoto to go on a vacation in Japan and it was a coincidence that Luxiem had a mission there too, so the purple head met the two there.

Taehyung and Jisung decided to let Shoto catch up with his lovers and friends as they decided to go towards SKZ where Bang Chan was waiting for them with a friendly smile, and as Jisung and Chan talked, Taehyung just observed the room as he drinks his wine that he asked for— without noticing the pair of dark eyes that were staring at him ever since he entered the room.

Meanwhile with Jungkook [A/N: When Taehyung entered the event room] he was talking to their allies but once he heard gasps all around the room as the doors opened, his curiosity got the best of him as he also looked towards the doors and his eyes widened as his jaw dropped when he saw the male walk in, looking so beautiful, and that made Jungkook want to get to know the other.

Everyone looked towards the center of the room as the MC said that it was time for the dance, with Uki and Fulgur doing the first dance for a few minutes before others join them, everyone watched the happy married couple with awe, especially the couple's friends, knowing how they struggled with their love at first until Fulgur out a ring on it.

Shoto was soon found slow dancing with one of his boyfriends, Shu, as Vox, his other boyfriend stands in the side and watches his lovers with a soft smile— Jungkook saw V (Taehyung) just watching the people dancing and decided to ask him for a dance, to get to know the other while also talking about their collaboration with one another.

"May I have this dance?"

Taehyung looked towards the owner of the voice, and his eyes widened when he saw that it was Jungkook, forgetting that the male was also invited by Shoto's friend, he quickly recovered from his shock but he couldn't stop his heart from beating so fast as he stares into the dark eyes of the other, of course he couldn't let this opportunity slip from dancing with the man he nodded and placed his hand onto Jungkook's who was reaching out towards him.

They both walked towards the dance floor and started to dance along with hothead other people. Jungkook felt a familiar warmth when V had taken his hand and decided to shrug it off, not wanting to weird the other out before they even had a chance on starting their collaboration— so with a small shake of his head, he cleared his throat in gaining the other's attention, but stopped for a moment when he made eye contact with V, and Jungkook swears that even with the mask, he felt his heart running a marathon as he gazed into other's eyes.

"Umm, Mr. Jeon?" Jungkook shook his head when the other had called him

"Yes? And please, no need to call me Mr. Jeon, I think we're about the same age, Mr.? How should I address you?" Jungkook softly asks and V nods, ignoring his beating heart when he heard the gentle tone of his love

"I don't think it's right to call you by your first name Mr. Jeon" V answers instead and Jungkook chuckles at that

"Please, I insist— after all, we are going to collaborate after the event and I want us to be comfortable with each other, because I believe that we will have a strong alliance" Jungkook says with a friendly smile

Taehyung's heart started to beat even faster as he blushed behind the mask, lucky that Jungkook didn't notice it. He tried to calm his fast heart by shaking off the thoughts as he knows that the other is only doing this for work, like how he just explained— but Taehyung couldn't help, but smile back at the other with a small one.

"Alright then... Jungkook" Taehyung says

And this time, it was Jungkook's turn to blush as his heart started to run marathon once again, because the way that V said his name had an all too familiar gentleness and softness to it and he couldn't he'll but wonder if it was the man he loathed under the mask, but he knows that it was impossible for Taehyung to be both V and himself as he watched the news earlier today that Taehyung had another successful launch of his new designs.

But what he didn't know was that it wasn't Taehyung who launched the designs, but his trusted man and close friend Cha Eunwoo, who took over Taehyung's place as a substitute since the other attended the party in Vegas— poor Jungkook didn't know as he stopped watching the news when he got ready for the party, if only he knew.

Me: *sighs* this is getting harder to watch
JK: Umm— excuse me?! We all know you can change the plot! It's only YOU who wanted this to happen!! *glares at me*
Me: YAH! Is that how you treat the one who's writing YOUR fate?!
JK: I don't fucking care! Make me and MY baby fall in love again right now! Let me meet my kid!!
Me: Ok, ok I'm sorry Kook— but you're gonna have to wait for yours and Tae's love story to blossom
JK: *sighs and goes away to cuddle Taehyung who comforted him*
Me: *sighing before turning towards you guys* anyways, a new chapter has been made! What do you guys think? Tae?
V: Be sure to vote, comment, and share with others! *still comforting Jungkook*
Me: *smiles at them* like what Taehyung said! Take care Fam!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𐤀 💜

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now