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I opened my eyes as I heard the intercom of the plane made a 'ping' sound and opened the blind of my window seat and stared at the horizon while I listened to what the pilot is about to say.

"Good morning Mr. Jeon, Mr. Kims, and Mr. Min-Jungs-- this is your pilot speaking, the time right now is 8:37 AM, please fasten your seatbelts as we are preparing to land at the Harry Reid International Airport-- thank you" our pilot says and then the intercom makes a sound once more before turning off as the sign above our seats blinked with the 'seatbelts on' glowing

I looked around as I heard the others waking up, aside from Jimin Hyung as Hoseok Hyung and Yoongi Hyung both held his hands while Seokjin Hyung puts his head on top of Namjoon Hyung's shoulder as he reads a book, as for me, I looked out my window once more and saw the airport and other jets coming in for a landing at the same airport were landing at, but what caught my eye the most are the two jets flying past our jet and my eyes widen when I saw the logos on the jets.

'The Deadly Mystiques and Joduagjeu... leaving the airport at the same time? Are they allies or something?' I thought, but I shook my head as I felt the jet coming in for a landing-- once we landed, I unfastened my seat's seatbelt and stood up, groaning as I stretched my limbs and was satisfied when I heard a little crack sound before turning towards the others who also stood up, aside from Jimin hyung as he was still asleep, so Yoongi hyung carried him while Hoseok hyung carried their hand-carries.

I went out after Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung and nodded towards the staff of the plane before getting off and walking in front of the hyungs before they followed me as we walked through the airport, our bodyguards surrounded us to block us from the crowd of reporters who were taking our picture and asking us questions, especially me. I groaned in frustration in my head when I thought that the news of my company having problems.

And with that, I looked ahead of me, glaring at anyone who comes to annoy me and I think they got the message as they flinched before moving away from me and my hyungs as we made our way towards the cars that were waiting for us in front of the airport. We got in and the drivers drove off towards the hotel that we're staying at.




-Meanwhile with Taehyung and Before they arrived at the airport-


I looked out of the window of my private jet that belongs to my group, the Deadly Mystiques, and glanced at my other private jet that belongs to my second underground group, the Joduagjeu, and you may be wondering-- why don't I just use one of my private jets? Well, No one still knows that I'm both V and Yeomseo until I make my grand reveal that I'm leader of BOTH dangerous and richest mafia groups in the world, so that's why I used both jets, but of course, my members from the Deadly Mystiques ride on this jet while my members from Joduagjeu ride on the other jet.

I turned down and smiled when I saw my two treasures asleep and all cuddled up with each other, Yeonjun wanted to sit by the window so I let him while Jinsoo sits in between us. Jisoo told me to take them, and at first I disagreed, saying that it was too dangerous and that something might happen-- but Jisoo being Jisoo, she said that she'll come along because her group was also invited and that she'll be the one to watch over my babies while I attend the event. I sighed once more but chuckled internally, knowing that whenever me and Jisoo argue, she would always find a way to win against me and me being me, I decided to always let her win, knowing that she'll just whine and pout at me until she gets what she wants.

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