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*a few years later*

It was another beautiful and peaceful day at the Bangtan Mansion, the Jeon Family along with their closest friends decided to hang out at their mafia base.

Of course, the bottoms were in the kitchen meanwhile the tops were in the living room while the teenagers and children were at the gaming room that Taehyung decided to put up.

"Appa!!" A loud voice called out

The tops all looked at the owner of the voice and Jungkook instantly grew worried that it was Vante who called out to him, with his older brother, Yeonjun and his twin brother, Vlad who tried supressing their laughs while Vante had a disappointed look on his face.

"Van? What's wrong?" Jungkook worriedly asks

"Chi said something very disappointing to me, which even made my brothers agree to it" Vante said and Namjoon had a surprise look on his face

"What did Chi do Vante?" Namjoon asks instead

"She said that Fennec hyung is adopted!" Vante exclaims

Everything went quiet for a while, until Yeonjun sighed once again.

"But Bear, I AM adopted" Yeonjun says and Vante shook his head angrily at him

"NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU WOULDN'T LOOK LIKE EOMMA!!" Vante shouted then pouted as he crossed his arms

Jungkook chuckled and decided to help Yeonjun out who sighed again as Vlad face palmed.

"Van, Chi and your Fennec hyung is right-- he's adopted" Jungkook says and Vante covered his ears

"Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!" Vante exclaimed then removed his hands as he accusingly pointed his finger at Jungkook

"I know you lie!
Your lips are moving
Tell me do you think I'm dumb?!
I might be young, but I ain't stupid
Talking around in circles with your tongue!" Vante sang and Jungkook had enough

"But your hyung REALLY is adopted-- go ask your eomma" Jungkook said with a sigh and Vantae nodded

"EOMMA!!! IS HYUNG ADOPTED?!" Vante asked/yelled to Taehyung who was in the kitchen

Meanwhile with the bottoms, who overheard everything in the living room and tried their best not to laugh at Vante-- until they heard him yell.

"EOMMA!!! IS HYUNG ADOPTED?!" Vante yells from the living room

"Yes!" Taehyung answers back and the bottoms couldn't contain their laughters any longer and all bursted out into laughter

Back with the tops and the Jeon siblings, once they heard Taehyung's answer.

"Oh" was the only thing Vante said then blushed as he was embarrassed from his outburst earlier

"And they said I was the dumb one out of me and Vante" Vlad said to Yeonjun who chuckled and shook his head

"No wonder Fanxing doesn't get all of the hints that Vante does" Yeonjun says

"Yah!" Vante exclaims, hurt in his expressions, but annoyance was in his tone as they mentioned his crush

"Don't Bear, Appa is more dumb and stupid than you" Vlad reassures and Jungkook looked at his youngest son with an offended look

"How am I the dumb and stupid one?" Jungkook asks

"You literally forgot your and Eomma's anniversary" Vlad says, a hand on his hip

"But I bought him a card and gave him a present that night" Jungkook says and Yeonjun snickered

"You bought him a birthday card, from rushing to get him something" Jimin says

They all looked towards Jimin and saw him with the other bottoms there, who had snickers on their faces-- meanwhile Jungkoom gulped in nervousness as Taehyung just stood there with a hand on his waist and a sassy look on his face.

Jungkook cleared his throat and smiled at his husband, to show that he's not completely scared on the outside-- but very scared on the inside.

"H-hey Baby, umm-- am I dumb?" Jungkook asks, trying to get the card out of his mind

"Yes Kookie, very dumb AND stupid"

Hey fam! I'm back from my hiatus!

Take care

I love you

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now