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After Jungkook and the rest of the Bangtan Mafia listened to Bogum about what happened to Taehyung after they mistreated him that night, they all felt guilt and regret. Ami and Jin, crying silently while Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok had tears in their eyes while Jungkook was frozen and pale as his tears flow down from his face. Baekhyun scoffs at them as he glares at them with a hard stare.

"So now you feel guilt? Or are you just faking it so we won't end my brother's collaboration with yours so you won't go bankrupt?" Baekhyun asks in a mocking tone but they were only silent

"And here's the proof that YOUR men wanted to kill you" Eunwoo says and pressed a buttom from the remote and the screen turned on and then two men were seen

"This was taken a year ago, from Italy" Clay says and the video starts playing and Jungkook and the Bangtan Mafia watched and listened to the video carefully

"Do you think after this, we'll finally be able to dethrone Jeon Jungkook?" One asks

"Are you crazy?! Boss has been with Jeon Jaehee even before that brat took over it!!" The other says

"Yeah, but... what if Jeon Jungkook and the other higher positions find out about it?" The same man asks and the other scoffs

"Seriously Dan?! Even though those brats may seem smart, but they can't really sense and find out what boss Rueben has been planning 5 years ago!!" The man exclaims

"Yeah, but Sam, what about Kim Taehyung?" Dan asks

"That brat's bitch?" Sam asks asks

"Yeah, remember, he was really skeptical about us" Dan says and Sam laughs

"Seriously Dan?! That bitch was cheated on by that brat, thanks to boss's daughter Chunseo, that bitch can't be a problem to us anymore" Sam says

"So how will boss dethrone Jeon Jungkook?" Dan asks

"Obviously death, boss will poison his food that he sent for Lorenz" Sam explains

The two soon arrived at their headquarters where they both had wide eyes when they saw the bloody massacre.

"What the fu-"

"So you think of killing Jeon Jungkook huh?" A voice says and they both readied their guns

"Who are you and how did you find our headquarters?!" Sam asks

The man laughed and a voice that was laughing as well was heard, and then feet were heard that landed on the ground and Dan and Sam backed away a little. Soon, footsteps were heard that were walking close towards the two man. Dan and Sam soon saw two people that were both wearing a mask, one was wearing a white creepy smiling face and another was wearing a bear mask, and they were holding katanas.

"Well, we're what you say... you're worst nightmares" the one with the white mask says darkly

And Sam and Dan don't know what happened next that the they had their lives taken by the two masked men that were holding katanas. A gunshot was heard and the one with the bear mask groaned in pain when he was hit in the arm.

"Sapnap!!" The man with the white mask calls as he caught his friend and then growled at the one who shot Sapnap

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... so you two are Dream and Sapnap? Guess your leader was a coward to show fight me himself" Rueben says as he walked towards them with a smirk on his face

"What do you mean that I'm a coward to fight you myself Reuben Gomez?" A deep voice says

Rueben's smirk faltered and he turned around when he saw a man wearing a fox mask. It all so happened that Rueben didn't even know that he was stabbed by V's katana.

"That's what you get for trying to dethrone and kill MY man" V says in a dark voice

The video stopped playing the tape, and to say Jungkook and the Bangtan Mafia were speechless and more guilt crept up their body from what they said to Taehyung.

"I-I didn't know..." Jungkook whispers

"Jimin asked us for help for the proof" Bogum says and Yoongi looks up

"M-Minnie was here?" Yoongi asks

"He went here last week after the incident, and told us everything that night" Bogum says

"W-where is he now?" Jungkook asks

"Seoul National Hospital" Eunwoo says

"C-can I see him?" Jungkook asks in a weak voice


"Just this once" Baekhyun cuts Bogum off

"What?!" Bogum, Eunwoo, Nick and Clay exclaim all at the same time

"You can only visit Taehyung once, and after that, I don't want you coming near him again, understood?" Baekhyun asks in a stern voice and Jungkook weakly nods

"Then you may go, his room is 901, in the VIP section, take as much time as you want, since this will be the last time and day you will ever see my brother again" Baekhyun says

And that's the only signal Jungkook needs to run out of the office and into the elevator and out of the company and into his car, he started the engine and then drove off towards Seoul National Hospital. When he got there, he stopped his car and ordered someone to park his car, he quickly ran inside the hospital to get to the VIP section, room number 901.

When he finally saw the room 901, he heard muffled sniffles from the other side of the room, his hands started shaking as he reached for the door knob. Jungkook opened the door, and he shakily walked towards the inside of the room, and his eyes widen as his eyes started to foam when he saw Taehyung on the bed, and saw Yeonjun holding Taehyung's face.

"M-mom-mmy! M-mommy!! M-mommy p-please... wake up... y-you p-prom-mised m-me that y-you will n-never l-leave m-me!!" Yeonjun cries as he tries to wake up Taehyung

"Y-Yeonjun...?" Jungkook calls out brokenly

Yeonjun looked at the owner of the voice and his eyes furrowed in anger when he saw Jungkook standing there.

"W-what are you doing here?" Yeonjun asks as he wipes his eyes and looks away from Jungkook

"Your uncle Baekhyun t-told me tha-"

"You don't deserve to be here... mr. Jeon Jungkook" Yeonjun says and Jungkook looks at him with wide eyes



Jungkook was now crying as Yeonjun yelled at him, he feels really guilty and regrets for everything he did to Taehyung, but he also doesn't want to upset Yeonjun, so he decided to walk away and leave the room until Taehyung's heart beat started beating erratically. Jungkook and Yeonjun both looked at the heart monitor and they both started panicking.



Heyy Fam!!

How's it going?

Take care!

I love you!


Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now