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After Taehyung told them everything on how he found Yeonjun, he didn't reveal that Taeyeon was the corpse or how he asked D.O to arrange all of his papers... Jimin was shocked and felt bad for Taehyung, while Jungkook felt guilt and regret and relief washing over him... but still teared up at what Taehyung went through...

"T-Taehyung! I'm so sorry that... that happened to you!" Jimin says

"It's fine Jimin" Taehyung says and looks at his son

"But... why does Yeonjun call your friend 'mom'? Isn't that weird for you?" Jungkook asks, surprised to where the confidence came from

"Well... as I started working, I couldn't take care of my son... my brother and cousin couldn't also take care of him... and he was comfortable with Irene that he sees her as a mom" Taehyung says

Jungkook feels hurt and sad as he always wanted to have a child with Taehyung... but being the idiot he is, he hurt the only person that made him sane... it's true that he really fucked his secretary 3 years ago... but he he has a good reason behind it... but, if he tells Taehyung... he might think that it was a such a foolish thing to do... especially that... that devil woman had nothing against him...

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Jimin's voice

He looked at Jimin and noticed that Taehyung wasn't in the room anymore... but he still saw Yeonjun on the couch, watching something on his ipod...

"W-what?" Jungkook asks

"You were spacing out... Taehyung just had to attend the meeting... since I told him that your schedule is clear for the day... he asked us to watch over his son..." Jimin says to him and he nodded

Jimin's phone suddenly rang, he took it and saw that it was his boyfriend... he looked at Jungkook, who only nodded his head for him to answer it... Jimin left the office, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung's son alone... he gulped and decided to do something on his phone... a few moments later... he felt a little hand on his knee, he gulped once he saw Yeonjun looking at him with his puppy eyes... and Jungkook instantly fell in love with the child as he wanted to take care of him...

"Hello mister!!" Yeonjun greeted and smiled brightly, melting Jungkook's heart

"Hello" Jungkook greeted smiling and he felt nervous as he heard Yeonjun gasp

"What happened?" Jungkook asked worriedly

"You look like a bunny!!" Yeonjun exclaims as he claps his little hands

Jungkook smiled again and chuckled at the child's cuteness... he picked Yeonjun up onto his lap as the child made grabby hands towards him... Yeonjun poked his nose and he scrunched it as it tickles, while Yeonjun giggled at him... Yeonjun felt safe in Jungkook's arms, and even though he's only a 6 year old child... he knows what happened to his daddy and Jungkook... but he doesn't hate Jungkook, he just wants to know why Jungkook hurt his daddy...

They were so busy playing and laughing with each other... that they didn't notice someone was watching them... with a smile on his face with tears foaming in his eyes... Taehyung has forgiven Jungkook 1 year ago... but he still isn't ok with what he did, he knows that Jungkook wasn't drunk when that happened... and he finally knows why he did that, but he's waiting for Jungkook to tell him... because, even after 3 years... he still loves him, but, he was still hunted by the past... and he knows that Jungkook was finding out who he is... as V...

He finally told his family and friends... that he wouldn't kill Jungkook and take revenge on him... but he promised them that he wouldn't get attached to him and fall in love with him... which was impossible... but he tried to stay strong about it with the help of his son... but seeing Yeonjun playing with Jungkook, makes his heart melt...

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now