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Taehyung arrived at the location of the old warehouse and hopped off of his motorbike and hid it away from the warehouse.

He made sure that his mask won't fall off and hid well in the building so he won't be noticed by the men and women guards surrounding and protecting the building, he prepared his gun and placed a silencer on it and aimed it the guards that were on the top of the building.

He shot the guards and they fell down or lay unconscious while the guards on the ground checked the ones that fell from the top.

"Is he alive?" One of the guards asked

"He's not, someone tell the boss tha-ACK!!"

Taehyung shot the guards on the ground as well while the others who just came were shocked and were shaking in fear as they don't know what's going on, they decided to run back inside but were shot by Taehyung.

Taehyung quickly ran in the building and snuck into the darkness so he wouldn't be seen by any of the guards, he heard voices and followed it, and once he did, he saw Jungkook and the others tied and locked up, while Ryunara Matsuo was giggling like a psycho and he was disgusted once he heard the words that Ryunara Matsuo said about him.

"Such a daddy~" Ryunara Matsuo says dreamily

"But from what I have heard Ryunara Matsuo, is that Kim Taehyung switched his drink with yours and let you get drugged by him so his men can have their with you" V says

He saw and heard silent as they all froze while he stepped into the light. Ryunara Matsuo, the Bangtan Mafia and Jungkook had all of their eyes widen once they saw him.

"V?" Jungkook says and the said male looks at him

"Why are you here?!"

Ryunara Matsuo shakily asks in terror as she saw the feared assassin of the world. V looks at her and placed his hands in his pocket.

"Well, I owe Taehyung a favor and he told me to save the love of his life as well as his friends" V says and Jungkook's eyes widen once he heard that V said the love of his life's name

"And he never slept with you, he never wants you to be in his life, you're obsessed and only want him for money" V says and Ryunara Matsuo glares at him

"No he doesn't!! He loves me!!" She yells and V scoffs

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that Ryunara Matsuo, and besides, Kim Taehyung's gay" V says and smirks once he saw the mafia leader shaking in anger

Ryunara Matsuo pressed a button and the lights turned on and many armed guards were seen as Ryunara Matsuo smirked in victory once she heard V sigh.

Her smirked faltered as her and the Bangtan Mafia's eyes widen once V threw smoke bombs around the room and he suddenly disappeared. All of the guards were looking around in hopes to see the assassin, but soon a sound of a gun shooting and screams of pain were heard. Soon the smoke disappeared and V was seen again, but in a middle of dead bloodied bodies.

"Seriously? That's the only people you got?" V asked as he looked up

While Ryunara Matsuo was shaking in fear as the Bangtan Mafia had their eyes widen when V defeated 50 men. Ryunara Matsuo screamed in rage and frustration and took out her gun and aimed it at V while the said male dropped his gun and took out his dagger.

"Already out of bullets V?" Ryunara Matsuo asked with a devilish smirk on her face

"Let's see how great you can dodge this far bullet..." Ryunara Matsuo whispered and fired her gun

Jungkook and the others eyes widen once they saw V not moving in his place, but soon were shocked once he dodged it and threw his dagger at Ryunara Matsuo, the tip of the dagger through her palm as it was stuck onto the wall.

She screamed in pain and tried removing the dagger but she screamed again once V threw another one, slicing through her palm and stuck onto the wall again, Ryunara Matsuo glared at V with tears of pain in her eyes but rage were also in them as she looked at V when the masked male went towards her.

"You. Will. Pay. For. This!!" She shrieked and V laughed humorlessly

"Oh sweetheart~ try me" V dared and the woman looked away while V smirked

V turned his head once the doors of the warehouse were opened harshly and three masked men entered and ran towards V.

"What are you three doing here?" V asked the three

"Well you left without even telling us to help you! Now thanks to you, we missed all the fun!!" Dream whines behind his white creepy smile mask

"You didn't, this woman right here says that she wants to have fun, so... give it to her" V said and Dream was back to standing straight

Dream looked at Ryunara Matsuo, while the aforementioned was sacred when she heard the code name of the masked male, Dream tranquilized her as she fell limp and unconscious while he and Sapnap removed the daggers from her hands, blood oozing out of the deep wound as they carried her towards their pick-up as they knew that V saved someone for them to play with. Dream and Sapnap left while EC and V were the only ones left.

"Do you know how much you risked your life just to save them?" EC asked V in a serious voice

"So? It was my choice EC" V said

V turned to Jungkook and the others and decided to free them, but he stood in front of Jungkook as the male just stared at him cautiously

"Relax, Taehyung would kill me if I hurt you guys" V said

Which I will never... he thought. He untied them as he signaled for EC to unlock the cell and uncuff Jimin, Jin and Ami.

And once Jungkook and the others were free, V ordered EC to return to base since his husband might be looking for him. It was silent for a while, until Jungkook cleared his throat, deciding to speak.

"Why did you save us?" Jungkook asks and V nodded

"Like I said, I owe Taehyung a huge forward" V said and Jungkook nods

"Are you sure you're doing this for Taehyung? Or are you just tricking us so you can kills us?" Yoongi asks with a cold look which earned him a glare and a shove in the arm

"Can you remove your mask?" Jimin softly asks and V looks at him

"I-I can't" V says and looks away

"Why not?" Jin asks

"I just can't" V says again

"Please? Can we see the face of our savior?" Ami asks

V continued to look away from them as he felt the heated glares from Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon, while Jungkook just looked at him with a serious look, not forgetting that V killed his men back in Italy, so he doesn't fully trust the masked male. V sighed once he saw the eyes of Jimin, Jin and Ami looking at him pleadingly.

"Alright, I'll remove the mask" V said

I'm sorry Baekhyun hyung, Luhan hyung, Bogum, appa, everyone... V thought as he reached into the ribbons of his mask, he untied it and slowly removed his mask. The Bangtan Mafia gasped and widen their eyes while Jungkook's eyes widen as his heart clenched once V fully removed his mask, and saw the face of the person behind it.


Heyy Fam!!
How's it going?
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now