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It has been a week now after that night where Jungkook and the Bangtan Mafia found out about V's identity, but not the identity of who the leader of the Exo Mafia. Jimin still doesn't talk to Yoongi and the others and decided to stay with his cousin Park Minyoung and her husband Park Seojoon.

Jungkook along with the others arrived at the company, deciding to let his half-brother, Jeon Wonwoo a break from the work he left. Jungkook walked towards his office and opened the door, then he saw Taehyung's secretary there with a clipboard in her hands, and with a stoic expression.

"Mr. Jeon, you are needed at the conference room right now" Tzuyu says with a professional tone

Jungkook nods and Tzuyu left the room with Jungkook and his friends following. They soon arrived at the conference room, and was met with Eunwoo, Clay, and Nick on the other seats, beside Taehyung's seat that Bogum is recently sitting.

Tzuyu closed the door of the conference room and Jungkook and his friends sat on the chairs and Bogum leaned forward and placed his arms on the table.

"Mr. Jeon, do you still know me?" Bogum asks

"Park Bo Gum, you are friends with Kim Taehyung, or, otherwise known as V..." Jungkook mocks and Bogum clenches his fist

"That's it!! I'm just cut to the chase here!!" Eunwoo snaps and Bogum looks at him

"I believe that's not very wise Eunwoo" Clay suddenly says and Eunwoo scoffs

"Not very wise? I'll tell what's not very wise here!! This bastard and his friends were saved by Taehyung and when they found out about that he killed their men just to save their asses this is what they do to him?! Especially THAT guy!!" Eunwoo yells as he points to Jungkook while looking at Bogum, Clay and Nick

"I have to agree with Eunwoo on this one..." Clay says

"Umm.. I'm sorry, but what's going on here?" Ami asks and earned a glare from Eunwoo


"You almost killed my baby brother!!" Someone yells

"B-Baekhyung hyung" Bogum whispered

Jungkook and the Bangtan Mafia looked at the said male who barged into the office, his eyes puffy red from crying once he heard what Bogum told him what happened that night.

-last night-

Bogum answered his call when he received one from his brother.

"Hello? Sunghoon?" He asked

"Bogum hyung... I have to tell you something" his brother, Sunghoon says in a weak tone

"What happened? Is something wrong Sung?" Bogum asks

"H-hyung... i-it's about Taehyung hyung" Sunghoon says

Bogum stood up from his bed as Sunghoon mentioned his best friend's name, that made his heart start running a marathon as he starts trembling.

"W-what happened to T-Taehyung?" Bogum shakily asks and heard a deep sigh from his brother

"H-he got into in accident..." Sunghoon says and that's the only thing that made Bogum's knees go weak and tear up

"W-where are you n-now?" Bogum asks

"In Seoul National Hospital" Sunghoon says and Bogum took a hoodie and his keys and wallet and exited his penthouse

"Ok, I'll be there, j-just wait for m-me... I-I just have s-something t-to do, o-ok Sung?" Bogum says

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now