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"Hello Junglebook" I greeted with a teasing smile and stifled my laugh as Jungkook's smile fell

"Well hello to you too Taehyung" Jungkook greets me back sarcastically

I walked towards my stand and removed my blazer and hanged it and on the stand and fixed my crumple sleeves and walked towards my desk as I saw files on it... I took it and read it, ignoring Jungkook who was trying to get my attention...

"Are you seriously ignoring me right now?" He asked

I decided to keep ignoring him and kept reading the presentation I asked Tzuyu to do... I heard him scoff at me and then I looked up from the presentation I was reading and looked at him...

"What are you even doing here Jungkook? Don't you have work to do?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow and he slumped in my swivel chair and shook his head

"And may I ask why?" I asked him with confusion

"Namjoon hyung decided to take over the company along with Yoongi hyung and Jimin, as I take a break" Jungkook says with a shrug and sat up from my swivel chair

"And why did you decided to come here?" I asked again as I stand up and sat on my chair and opened my computer

"Well... just wanted to talk you and catch up on things... that's all" he said with another shrug

"But I'm busy with our collaboration Jungkook, and- Tzuyu can you please print and photocopy out these documents for the presentation? I need them before the meeting, thanks!- now what was I saying? Oh! Right! I'm busy right now" I say as I started typing on my computer

I heard him groan and saw him plopped himself on the couch...

"Aren't you going to leave?" I asked him, not looking away from my computer

"Nope! I'm bored" he says then looks at me

"Can your son come here?" He asked

"He has lessons" I say

"He doesn't go to school?" He asked again and I shake my head as a 'No'

"He's scared of being in public, especially one time that he got a panic attack when we went to the toy store... people surrounded us and he it was hard for me ro calm him down after that" I say with a sigh

"Is he claustraphobic?" He asked me and I nodded

"It seems that way, but the doctors told me that he'll find a potential friend... someday" I say again

"How did he obtain his phobia?" Jungkook asks me

"He says the he had nightmares about his father... h-hitting his m-mother..." I stutter, trying not to cry in front of Jungkook

"Oh shit! I forgot that... he's suppose to be your nephew... sorry" Jungkook apologizes

"It's fine! But I'm happy that he became my son... he's the reason on why I'm here today" I say and I saw him nod

"Have you ever thought of... you know! Falling in love again? Getting into a relationship again, now that you have a son?" He asked me

"Too many questions Jeon?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow and irritated voice

He went silent as he must've noticed my voice, I looked over at him and saw that he was quiet while looking at me... guilt and pain in his eyes...

"Mr. Kim! You have a meeting in- Oh!" We both looked at Tzuyu who opened the door

"I guess I came in a bad time?" She asked and I only sighed

"What is it Tzuyu?" I asked her

"You have a meeting in 20 minutes" she said and I nodded

"Alright, please set the printed presentations on the table" I say as I stand up from my swivel chair and took my phone

"Yes mr. Kim" Tzuyu says then closes the door

I opened my phone and contacted someone and waited for it to ring... I looked at Jungkook who was still looking at me with guilt...

"Hello? Tae?" I heard my brother on the other line

"Hey hyung, are Junnie's lessons finished?" I asked him as I took my blazer

"Uhh... yeah, he is! Why?" He asked me

"Can you drop him off at the company? I feel a little lonely here and I miss him..." I say

"Yeah! Sure Tae! Do we need to drop him off at your office?" He asked me

"Just send him up to the elevator and I'll send someone to pick him up from the lounge... I know you still have your weekly check-up this afternoon" I answer

"Ok Tae! I'll just ready Yeonjun's things then we can go... see you and Yeonjun later!" Baekhyun hyung says

"Alright hyung, bye" I say then drop the call

I put my phone in my pocket and looked at Jungkook as I wore my blazer...

"Can you keep Yeonjun company while I'm at the meeting? He says he misses you..." I say akwardly

I saw Jungkook's eyes sparkled and my heart skipped a beat at that... stupid heart!! I thought... he smiled at me and nodded...

"Sure Taehyung! I miss the kid too" he says and I nodded and left my office

With a smile on my face...

Is Taehyung warming up to Jungkook again?
Find out!
Take care!
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now