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"Vantae! Come on! This isn't funny anymore!"

A 13-year old Vlad exclaims as he angrily stomps into the living room where his parents and uncles are who looked at him with a concerned expression. 

They all turned to a 20-year old Yeonjun who was snickering while scrolling through his phone, their mother, Jeon Taehyung raised a brow and crossed his arms as one of his legs were onto of the other then leaned back against his seat before speaking. 

"Any idea what's going on Jeon Yeonjun?" Taehyung asked his eldest who was now texting his best friend, Kim Beomgyu

"Uncle Tae taught Van your song when you guys were little, so Van thought that he and Vlad can do it too but Vlad didn't want to and then Van got angry and told Vlad that he'll leave if Vlad didn't sing the song-- so yeah" Yeonjun says and Taehyung sweatdropped before turning to his twin who wore a guilty smile

"Taeger, you do know that we only use that to make us forgive each other..." Taehyung softly says 

"I know, I know-- but Van heard me humming it to Jinsoo, and him being curious, he asked me" Taewha says 

"And you couldn't reject him why?" Yeonjun asks as he leans his arms against the sofa 


"Ok, thanks, I already know the answer" Vlad says as he sighs before continuing his search for his twin 

"Why do you use a song to forgive each other?" Taehyung's husband, Jeon Jungkook asks while his twin brother, Jeon Jeongguk and the husband of Jeon Taewha nodded his head at his brother's question, also wanting to know the reason

"Well, unlike YOU immature rabbits-- me and Taebear communicate with each other in a mature way, with soft words and love-- while you guys communicate using fists, brawls and yelling-- so yeah" Taewha explains as he sternly gazed at his husband who had a guilty smile while Jungkook just remained silent

"Well what can we say Taewha? Me and Gguk are manly as we ARE the pants of the relationships" Jungkook smugly says and crossed his arms with a smirk of his face while Jeongguk just sweatdropped

"Oh really Jeon Jungkook? YOU wear the pants in THIS relationship?" Jungkook froze and slowly turned towards his beautiful wife who has one brow raised his arms crossed and his posture straight that made Jungkook ALMOST hard but shuddered in fear from his wife's stern glare

"Baby, you I was just joking-- don't take my words to heart please" Jungkook nervously laughed and hugged his wife who just remained still and scoffed but ruffled his husband's hair

"And that's why you're the dumb and stupid one in this family" Taehyung says with a sigh and heard an offended gasp from his husband while heard snickers from his brother and brother-in-law

"I am NOT!" Jungkook says then pouts

"Uhh, yes, you are appa-- where do you think Vantae got his stupidness from?" Yeonjun says and turns to his father before going back to what he was doing

Jungkook pouted more once he heard his eldest say that before turning to his wife who just put his arms up in surrender, making him whine and snuggle up to his wife who rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"And you say you're the pants of this relationship when you whine and pout like a kid whose candy got stolen" Taehyung says as he carressed his husband's head

"BaBy~!" Jungkook whines more making Taehyun giggle


𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now