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Me and Jimin arrived at Kim Accessories Company and was greeted by a woman with a smile and then she bowed to us...

"Good morning mr. Jeon! Secretary Park! My name is Chou Tzuyu and the secretary of the CEO of Kim Accessories, mr. Kim is already waiting for you in his office and has requested me to come and fetch the two of you... now would you please follow me" the woman says as she walked inside the building

Me and Jimin followed her inside and they were greeted by many employees and staffs as they only continued to walk, then they both got into the elevator... when they reached their floor, secretary Chou continued to walk as she knocked on the door and we heard a 'come in' and secretary Chou stood aside as she gestured for us to go inside as she went back to her cubicle... then me and Jimin entered the doors and I froze when I heard the voice I was dying to hear for the past 3 years...

"Nice to see you again...

Jeon Jungkook..."


I heard Tzuyu messaged me that Jungkook has arrived with Jimin, so I waited for them to come in my office... then when I heard my office doors open, I decided to let them know who I was...

"Nice seeing you again... Jeon Jungkook" I said as I turned my swivel chair facing them

I saw them both froze in their place with wide eyes as they stared at me... while I just kept on a blank expression on my face...

"T-Taehyung?" Jimin calls and I smiled a small smile at him

"It's been three years huh?" I asked as I stood up from my swivel chair

"How about you two take a seat and we'll begin talking about... our collaboration" I say and they both sat in front of me and I sat back down

"Now, let's get into it..." I say as I opened the files I asked for Tzuyu yesterday

"This is the thirtieth time your designs have been stolen, correct?" I asked and Jimin nodded as Jungkook only kept staring at me but I shrugged that off

"Alright, I'll help you with your company and maybe merge it... and I'll hire some of my best investigators to take action into finding the thief" I say and snapped my fingers in front of Jungkook

"I know I'm handsome mr. Jeon, but please... I advise you to stop staring at people, it's bad as it is" I say and he snapped out of his thoughts and looked away

"Jimin can you-"



My and Jimin's eyes widen when we looked at the source of the loud voice, and saw a young boy running in the office with secretary Chou behind her... and what shocked me more is that he said 'daddy'... I looked at the child as he hopped onto Taehyung's lap as Taehyung stroke his head while looking at secretary Chou...

"Tzuyu, explain" Taehyung says

"Ms. Irene brought him here because she had a call from her manager and needed her at the photoshoot early, so she asked me to watch him and then... he barged in your office, forgive me mr. Kim" Tzuyu apologizes and Taehyung only nods

"Alright, you may go and continue your work... thank you Tzuyu" Taehyung says and Tzuyu nods and closes the door

I looked at the child in Taehyung's arms who was now looking at the front while playing with Taehyung's slim fingers as Taehyung took his phone out... so he's a parent now huh... guess I missed my chance getting back with him... my heart ached at that... seeing the love of my life having a child and a wife... is this the punishment God gave me... why so cruel?

"Y-you're married?" Jimin asks as Taehyung was about to press something on his phone

"No" Taehyung says and me and Jimin looked at each other then back at Taehyung again

"D-daddy" the child called and we all looked at him

"Yes Junnie?" Taehyung asks softly

"W-who are this gays?" The boy named 'Junnie' says while pointing at me and Jimin

"Well, you do remember what Irene told you yesterday" Taehyung says and the boy nodded

"Yes! I heard mommy and dada talking about work!" My eyed widen at what the boy said

I thought he's not married?! Maybe a girlfriend? Or maybe a fiancé and they'll get married soon... I thought as I tried to control my tears and Jimin must've saw that...

"You said you're not married Tae-"

"That's right" Taehyung cuts him off then sighs

"I guess you have the right to know... Junnie, can you go to the couch over there and play with your tablet? Daddy has to talk to these nice 'gays'" Taehyung says then chuckles at the word 'gays' on what his son used

"O-okie daddy!" The boy says and got off of Taehyung's legs and ran to the couch and started playing on the tablet that was on the table

Then I turned my attention back to Taehyung as he slumped in his seat and sighed as he looked at me and Jimin...

"It's been three years ago... after, I saw Jungkook cheat on me..."

Everything will be revealed on the next chapter...
Sorry for that...
I hope you're ready for a flashback...
I love you!

Author-nim, over 'n out!

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now