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After crying for who knows how long-- I went to the bathroom and tried to fix myself since I'm going to take my friends out while we also talk about business or some shit. After I was satisfied with myself, I walked out of the bathroom and took my blazer off of my swivel chair and my necessities and walked out of my office.

All of the employees bowed to me once they saw me walk through the halls, some girls tried to act cute and seductive but sorry ladies-- news flash! I'm gay, especially for a certain beauty who had the fucking guts to cheat on me and live like he never did anything to me, and that shit hurt.

What? Just because I hate him with everything in my body doesn't mean that I'm not interested in his life WHICH I am ACTUALLY NOT-- he's just all over the news around the world for being the first ever CEO for hitting billions going to trillions at such a young age, I mean-- he did start working at his father's company since 18 years old since he was homeschooled most of his life.

But anyways-- back to what I was doing, I got out of the doors of my company and into my car that a staff drove over to the front of the company then drove to the place where I'm going to be meeting my hyungs.

As I got to the location, I drove in front of the restaurang and got out and gave the valet driver my car keys, he drove off while I walked in making employees greet me with respect but I can see fear in their eyes which made me smirk.

"Kook! Over here!" I turned towards my friend, JHope, also known as Min-Jung Hoseok, one of Jimin's husbands

I walked over to their table and sat down, while both Hoseok hyung and Suga, also known as Min-Jung Yoongi, another husband of Jimin, look around with confused faces before they turned towards me.

"What?" I asked with a raised brow

"Did you give Minnie paper work?" Hoseok hyung asks me with a serious look

"No" I said while drinking the wine that the waiter poured on my glass

"Then where is he?" It was Yoongi hyung who asked with a raised brow while he crossed his arms in front of his chest

"He said something about meeting up with an old friend" I said after I placed the glass back onto the table

"Old friend? Which old friend? Taemin? Kai? Sana? Jihyo?" Hoseok hyung asks as he tries to remember the other names of Jimin's old friends but Seokjin hyung glared at me as he slammed his hand on the table

"Don't tell me it's him" he says with anger and everyone turned to me with wide eyes

"You and I both know hyung, that Jimin, cannot be stopped from getting close to his so-called soulmate" I spat and he just huffed in his seat while Namjoon hyun tried to calm him down

"Where are they meeting up anyways?" Seokjin hyung asked and I just shrugged

"He didn't say anything" I said and then waiters came forward to our table and placed the food that hyung ordered





While Jungkook along with his friends and brother are eating, Jimin walked into the building that was in front of him and was greeted by one of Taehyung's men that made him nervously take a step backward making the guy giggle.


"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you-- Mr. Oikawa isn't here since Mr. Kim sent him to do something, so he sent me instead" the young male says making Jimin release the breath he didn't realise he was holding

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now