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It was the day after yesterday where Taehyung got to see the others again, but he and Yeonjun left early as Yeonjun still has his classes, Jungkook was upset that the two were leaving.

But remembered that today is the day where his company as well as Taehyung's merge and combine for collaboration!

Meaning, that he'll see Taehyung everyday and get to talk to him, even if it's about business.

He fixed his hair and tie, and then left his room, he saw his friends Jin, Ami, Jimin along with their husband/boyfriend/fiance, eating breakfast.

"Morning" Jungkook greets

"Hey Jungkookie! Do you want to eat before you and Jimin go to work?" Jin asks him with a smile on his face

"No thanks, I'll just go through the drive thru, since Taehyung called me that we have a meeting in an hour" Jungkook says and Jin nods

"And Jimin, you can go to the office later" Jungkook says and Jimin nods

Jungkook bid his friends goodbye and went outside of the mansion and into his car, then drove off towards the his and Taehyung's merged company.

Once he got there, he was greeted by employees and guards, as he only nodded his head to him and went inside the building and into the elevator and up to Taehyung's office.

He knocked on the door and came in when he heard Taehyung saying "come in" from the inside of his office.

Jungkook entered and saw Taehyung by his desk, talking to someone on his air pod on call with his brother, Baekhyun, as he writes and signs documents needed for his meeting with Exo and Deadly Ethereals, which Jungkook still doesn't know about.

"Umm, I don't think that Lulu hyung would want a bacon quesedilias as a snack on his bachelor party hyung" Taehyung says

And yes, Taehyung's cousin, Luhan and his fiance Sehun are close to getting married, but since because of their missions, they still haven't gotten to host a bachelors party and wedding.

But Sehun always calls Luhan, 'Oh Luhan' as he is engaged to him, which makes Luhan blush and smile shyly.

"No hyung! Don't you dare give too much sweets to Yeonjun!!" Taehyung says

"Ugh! I'll see you later" Taehyung says and ends the call

Jungkook chuckled as Taehyung slumped on his seat with an adorable pout on his face, Jungkook walked towards him and sat on one of the chairs in front of Taehyung's desk.

"What's wrong Tae?" Jungkook asks

"Baek hyung wanted me to handle Junnie with a sugar rush when he comes here, so I said no, and earned a whine from Junnie on the other line" Taehyung says as he rolls his eyes while Jungkook laughs

"Anyways, I talked Chief Kang, he said that their still looking for the thief's traces" Taehyung says and Jungkook hums

And another yes, after that dinner reunion last night, Jungkook and Taehyung became close again and are only friends, which made Jungkook cringed at that.

"Oh, Tzuyu said that there was a mail sent to you, but you still weren't here, so I took it" Taehyung says and gave Jungkook the letter

"And don't worry, I didn't read it" Taehyung says again

Jungkook opens the envelope and saw a neatly white folded letter inside, he took it and opened it and started reading it, soon his eyes widen but his brows furrowed in annoyance and Taehyung saw that.

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮... [A TaeKook FF]Where stories live. Discover now