CHAPTER 32: "WHAT...?"

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Ever since Taehyung let Vlad meet his son, Jungkook would always find some day to spend time with him, of course everyone in the Exo Mafia along with Daehyun and Hanseol also knows about Jungkook being the other father of Vante and Vlad, but Taehyung talked to them about Vlad wanting to spend time with Jungkook since he hasn't met Jungkook in 11 years.

And whenever Jungkook picks Vlad up, he would have a small conversation with Taehyung or maybe even flirt that makes Taehyung laugh, giggle and sometimes blush, but another jealous bunny was watching the scene with dark eyes, but seeing Taehyung smiling as well as Vlad, he just sighed and let it go.

Today, was another one of those days when Vlad wanted to hang out with Jungkook, and as per usual, Taehyung and Jeongguk allows him to go, Jungkook also met Vante and they became close as well that made Jeongguk jealous, but sigh in relief and smile when Vante was more comfortable with him.

Jeongguk was the one who will set Vlad off since Taehyung started to work again at his old company while Yeonjun hung out with Beomgyu and his boyfriends and Soobin, and maybe even to get to know Soobin more, while Vante was with Baekhyun in the game room of the mansion.

They both waited for his brother to show up until his black Mercedes came and then he parked it then he came out of the car, wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket and black ripped jeans with timberlands and sunglasses on his eyes.

"APPA!!" Vlad called out excitedly while Jungkook smiled as he walked towards him

"Hey kiddo, ready to hit the amusement park?" Jungkook asks

"YEAH!!" Vlad cheers as he fist pumps the air

"Where's Tae?" Jungkook asks as he looks at Jeongguk with cold eyes

"He started working again" Jeongguk asks and Jungkook nods

"We'll get going, come on Vlad" Jungkook says and he starts walking away

"Wait a minute Appa!" Vlad says then turns to Jeongguk

"Dad, I'm going to stay at Appa's tonight, can you tell Eomma?" Vlad asks as he tilts his head

"Sure, I'll call him, but you also have to call your Eomma and tell him as well, ok Vlad?" Jeongguk says and Vlad nods

"Ok, bye Dad!" Vlad says as he runs towards Jungkook who was waiting for him

Jeongguk smiled at Vlad as the kid waved at him then entered the passenger seat, then went back to his cold expression when he and Jungkook looked at each other again.

"Look after him!" Jeongguk yells

Jungkook tolls his eyes and walks around his car and then entered the driver's seat and closed his doors as he started the engine, then soon he and Vlad left the Exo Mansion while Jeongguk just watched them leave, he sighed and entered the mansion again and closed the door.

Meanwhile with Taehyung, like Jeongguk said he started working at his company again, signing documents and also writing some documents for the Deadly Walkers, when he returned, Tzuyu clung onto him and wailed like a child as she yells that he left without telling her and also earned a scolding from her.

He was in a meeting about the new designs of jewelries that goes well with gowns, dresses, and etc. until a shattering glass was heard as gun was fired that was supposed to be aimed at Taehyung, everyone screamed and panic while Taehyung just looked at the wall as he stood up, he looked at the shattered glass.

He blinked his eyes twice and got Kyungsoo's new invention, contact lenses that can scan any information of the person, or long range sight, running, he saw a black figure moving then it disappeared, he blinked once and got back to his original sight then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

He took it out to see the message, his brows furrowed in confusion as soon as he read what was written on the message.

Think you can escape me Baby Boy~?

Guess what! You can't.

So I'm coming for you Kim Tae***

Taehyung licked his dry lips as he continued to stare at the message, only one answer in his mind.



Hey Fam!!

Short chapter, sorry, but anyways-

hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to write another one!!

Take care!

I love you!


Author-nim, over 'n out!

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