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The next day Johnny had the whole Karate students meet at the Junk yard for whatever reason.

He's most likely planning something stupid again.

I'm currently standing in between Hawk and Miguel.

Hawk was holding my hand as he faced front to sensei. Hes so hot and he doesn't even know it.

Well i think he does know it he just doesn't show it? Just wait until he gets more girls attention with his hood looks.

"You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. Your ready for this tournament, Am i right?" Johnny's Firm strong voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I have a feeling we should all say 'No sensei' because if we say Yes he's just gonna say no anyway.

"Yes sensei!" Every student yelled to their sensei as we all glanced up to Johnny who was standing g on top of a cars roof.

"Wrong!" He yelled throwing the cameo of beer he has onto the floor making us all jump alert so that we don't get hit with it.

Such a Johnny move. You know sometimes i think he's Mental.

"Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the all Valley Under-18 karate tournament, You gotta give me better than your best." Johnny started pacing as he talked.

His voice not once breaking. His not hesitating either which means that he's being completely serious and it's kind of scary to see him this motivated.

"Which is why from now on. You're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sensei!"

"Are you losers?"

"No sensei"

"Are you nerds?"

"No sensei"

"are you sure?"

"No sensei" i started giggling at the kids who said no sensei. That includes Hawk, Miguel and Aisha i think i was the only one who didn't reply No to that.

Johnny sighed and brought his hands up to his eyes muttering things under his breath.


This whole time johnny made us train extremely hard. I don't think i ever even did this much work in PE.

First he made us run through tires Which kinda hurt my legs a lot.

Then he made us Smash the cars That was fun i enjoyed that a lot. I got all my anger out of that.

To be fair that was the only fun part about training. Hawk and i occasionally sneaked in kisses as we were smashing the cars. He would laugh at me when i would hit something and it wouldn't break.

Then i would be upset and break it in an instant causing him to stop teasing me.

Johnny then made us balance on this beam thing that goes over a massive dumpster. That was nerve wrecking my fat. I kept thinking i was gonna fall inside.

After that we went back to the tires. It went well for a bit until Aisha tripped making everyone behind her fall on each other. Miguel landed on Aisha.

Hawk landed on Miguel and i fell on top of Hawk and the rest fell on top of me nearly making me pass out with all their fat asses.

Then Johnny did the dumbest thing anyone could ever do.

He gave every single one of us a piece of bacon and released a pack of wiled dogs. We all had to act fast and run to save ourself.

I ran so fast i think i even beat the flash. I jumped on top of a car and took a deep breath as i looked over and saw both Miguel and Aisha on a car.

But when i looked to my right the he was. There was Hawk to slow to jump causing a dog to bite him on the ass.

A loud yell came from his lips as i winced and pinched the bridge of my nose.

After all that we all got sent home. Hawk and i said our goodbyes but before i got to kiss him Johnny ended up dragging me away.

I'm guessing he's overprotective?

He took Miguel and i back to the dojo where we started punching on the dummies. I think he wants us to win the tournament. Either me or Miguel.

I think Johnny knows that we are stronger than the rest. I like that.

Johnny walked into the room and glanced at Both Miguel and i scrunching up his nose "Okay okay thats enough, safe some for the tournament"

"Why are we the only ones here sensei?" And there he goes. There goes my idiotic twin brother.

"cause let's face it, You two are the only chance i got at winning this thing." I raised an Eyebrow as i looked over at Johnny.

"So what i'm your best student?" Miguel gushed making me gasp and glare at him "We." I corrected him. He chuckled before looking at me

"I'm sorry, are WE your best students?" I corrected Making Johnny chuckle.

"Dont flatter yourself. Have you seen the others?" I looked at johnny and smiled. He clearly doesn't like to be mushy about his feelings.

Miguel walked to his phone and giggled as he looked at a notification. The giggle cause Johnny to scrunch his nose up.

"What's so funny?" Okay note to self  Johnny doesn't like being left in the dark.

"Oh, Nothing just this funny picture my girlfriend posted" Johnny walked closer to Miguel watching his phone closely.

"Wait a second" Johnny started as she snatched the phone out of Miguel's grasp. Johnny swiped through some of sam's post "Is that Daniel LaRusso's daughter?"

"Yeah, You know Samantha?" I asked as i stepped next to Johnny. Johnny looked at me before looking back at Miguel completely ignoring my question.

"Your dating a LaRusso?" Johnny ask Miguel with a venomous tone lacing onto is voice "yeah, why? Is something wrong?"

"We need to talk."


Johnny Took Miguel and I go get some drinks. We sat outside the dojo on the side walk.

He told us about Ali, And how they met and that they didn't get a long at all at first. He also made some joke about treating girls like shit is an alpha move causing me to tell him it's not.

We also learned about Bobby, Tommy, Dutch and Jimmy, Or known as the cobras. They were Johnny's best friends.

He told us that they went to golf n stuff on his first date with Ali. They eventually started dating. She got him his black headband he always wears for valentine's Day.

They dated for two years before they broke up. He said that daniel had started making moves on Ali. When Johnny just wanted to have a normal conversation with Also Daniel kept butting in.

Daniel had apparently punched Johnny out of no where and just started bullying him.

Johnny told us that at the halloween dance Daniel dumped water on Johnny for no reason. When Johnny chased Daniel down that same night, He had found out that daniel has his own karate master.

according to Johnny the guy beat him and his friends up and gave tommy i think was a broken wrist?.

To be honest we found out a lot about him. Its so wrong of daniel to do that to him. I mean this guy sounds like an actual douche.

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