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The next morning Angel and Miguel were both up early and ready for a day out, Angel got up and went to take a shower while Miguel was working out waiting for her to finish.

After her shower she dried her hair and threw on her sexy fit for the day, Miguel told her the night before that she should dress badass tomorrow and she thought that was dumb because she always dresses up badass.

After she dried her hair she walked into Miguel's room and went rummaging through his clothes looking for one of his old flannel shirts "Did i say it's okay to just look through my clothes?"

Angel didn't even bother looking at him instead she kept looking for the shirt "I didn't ask."

After they had their breakfast, Miguel grabbed a pair of sunglasses for him and threw a pair at his sister, She opened the door and just on time johnny did the same.

Angel put on her glasses and threw her bag over her shoulder walking outside fist bumping Johnny before walking in the middle of Johnny and Miguel ignoring the fact that they had given each other a fist bump too "that should be just me and Johnny's thing to do" Angel thought to herself. yeah she's kinda gotten attached. oops

They all got into Johnny's new freshly painted Cobra Kai car, Angel in the back the two boys in the front. The young girl won't lie she wanted to sit in the front but Miguel just ended up forcing her head in the back nearly causing her to break her neck.

They eventually got to a stop sign while blasting AC/DC back in black with the two immature boys bobbing their head to the beat and the young girl in the back shaking her head and smiling at the two idiots her smile got wiped off as soon as she noticed two girls park next to Johnny. Miguel obviously noticing too looked at the two girls and let a huge smirk come to his lips.

"Don't look play it cool" Miguel looked back at johnny only to be met with him bobbing his head more. Angel sitting in the back silently laughing suddenly got an idea in her head causing her to crack up more.

Leaning forwards Angel wrapped her arms around Miguel's shoulders and started giving him sloppy kisses on his cheek earning a "Ew" from him and earning the girl's attention, Miguel pushed his twin off him and started to wipe his face rapidly. Angel and Johnny not being able to keep it in let out their laughs while johnny stepped on the gas.

"you guys are so immature" Miguel calls out over the music only making Angel crack up more "You know you love me" she yells back. Miguel turned his head to look at his sister and rolls his eyes when he saw her nearly halfway down the seat holding her stomach in pain while laughing.


After their fun little excursion with Johnny the twins had to go home and get ready for karate training.

Miguel wasn't too excited he still hasn't gotten over Sam and it started pissing off the brunette girl having to listen to him talk about her over and over and over again each day. It's never new it's the same old boring stories. How miguel and Sam met, how their "mascot" is an octopus blah blah blah she didn't give a single fuck.

Oh the other hand Angel was jumping out of her skin ready for karate training and to see her dumbass mohawked boyfriend again. Mostly training though.

The twins walked over to the dojo in silence, they didn't complain it's how they liked it, not awkward and not weird just comfortable silence.

Walking into the dojo Angel went to the changing rooms and Miguel disappeared over to aisha.

Miguel being the desperate twin stole Aisha's phone without her knowing and called Sam.

"Hey, about time i heard from you. Did you miss me?" Sam's voice called through on the other end of the phone causing miguel's heart to do a double take "A lot" Miguel answered back out of instinct, After hearing the silence on the other end of the phone he acted fast "please don't hang up. Aisha doesn't know i'm using her phone." The heartbroken boy admitted to the girl he's in love with.

"What do you want?" Sam asked with caution scared of what's coming next but also fed up with him trying to talk to her. Miguel acting quick answered back immediately "i know i screwed up. I made a mistake. I just want things to go back to the way they were"

"Yeah well it's not that easy." Miguel noticed how she had no emotion to her voice as she said that. "Look, I'll do anything, I-" Miguel stopped talking as he started to stutter He took a deep breathe after he realised that he's literally begging for a girl something he never thought would happen to him "I cant stop thinking about you."

"Look, Miguel, i-" sam paused as she saw Robbie outside, "shit he heard me" she thought to herself, Miguel also didn't let this go unnoticed as she's gone awfully quite and didn't finish what she was saying "I cant talk right now. Can you just tell Aisha to call me back?" Sam not waiting for a response from Miguel ended the call.

"Whatcha doin on Aisha's phone there brother" Angel asked behind Miguel causing him to jump and nearly drop the phone. Miguel turned around slowly only to be met with Aisha standing behind Angel with her arms crossed and her foot tapping the floor giving him a death stare, He smiled awkwardly and handed her the phone "sorry.." Aisha just nodded and grabbed the phone from his hands.

Hawk and Angel started to giggle softly as they watched the scene unfold, Miguel being so awkward and scared of Aisha just really looks funny and hits the laughing spot.

Aisha, Hawk, Angel and Bert were all lined up examining the new recruits, Angel and Hawk thinking of funny names to call them and Aisha and bert just.. watching?

Hawk brought his finger up to his mouth not noticing that Angel did the exact same "what do you think? Shithead one  and Shithead two?" Hawk asked looking at Angel "I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat" Aisha called out before Angel spoke causing the two lovebirds to laugh.

"Well i'm Chris-" one of the recruits tried to speak before being brutally interrupted by a very intimidating Angel "Did i say you could speak?" She yelled out. Miguel came from behind him "Guys look they're just messing with you." Miguel told the two as he shook hands with Chris.

Angel nudged hawk in the side causing him to look down at his girlfriend with a smirk, Angel not looking up smirked and mouthed "watch this" to hawk.

"Besides everyone knows your names are assface and douchebag" The young brunette told the newbies earning laughs from everyone, Hawk threw his arm around her proud to be known as her boyfriend "Dibs on assface" one of the recruits called out.

Angel was about to say something else but her eyes got drawn to a very familiar face walking into the dojo. "who's that" Hawk asked no one in particular "Jesus christ no way" Angel said as she slowly made her way to him with miguel following shortly after telling hawk he doesn't know.

"Hey uh, can i help you sir?" Miguel asked, Angel not behind able to comprehend what's happening she swear she's seen this man before, Theres a vivid memory of him she just can't remember where.

The man gave a small smirk "no. But maybe i can help you" Thats when it hit Angel, This was the man who helped her almost win the tournament the one that disappeared and just showed up when she needed it, Angel smiled at him and he looked at her his eyes lighting up just a tad "Hey" Sensei Johnny called out "uh sensei..." Miguel pointed to the man.

Johnny almost looked shocked as he walked to see who Miguel was pointing at, The man looked at me once more before making his way over to johnny.

Angel felt a hand grab her arm and pull her back She snapped out of her daze and looked to see who this hand belongs to before she breaks it. "Get your hands off me brother." He didn't hesitate he listened because he knew what would've happened if he didn't.

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