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"So that's the San that you want to hurt so bad huh? don't blame ya" tory told Angel as she giggled at the smaller girl Angel huffed on air that she didn't even realise she was holding until now "She's a stuck up rich girl who wants everyone to do as she says" Aisha avoided the conversation knowing that she's still friends with sam and she's not the type to talk bad about people behind their backs

"i can tell, looks like she needs someone to humble her before you murder her" Tory snorted out, Angel rolled her eyes at the blonde before telling them she needed to use the toilet, Angel walked off leaving the two girls behind who was giggling about who knows what, Not paying attention she walked into something.. or should i say someone.

She fell to the ground with a loud thud looking up with a toxic glare to see who had knocked her down, her eyes only softening once she saw Robbie stand in front of her with his hand stretched out for her to take, She smiled softly grabbing g his hand as he hoisted her back on her feet "sorry about that i wasn't paying attention"

Robby smiled at the short brunette who had just walked into his chest, She didn't seem all that bad in the moment but his mind will quickly change once he sees what she's capable of doing, who would've know that's she herself could be nice, too her enemy as well "no it's okay i should've moved out of the way" he laughed "seems like you've got a lot going on up there" he pointed to his head looking down at her

she let out a deep breath, he didn't seem all bad but she can't be seen getting friendly with him, a myagi-do student. She hardened her stare feeling slightly guilty to be changing so fast but once she flips the script she won't even be giving him any time of her day "yeah but don't you worry your pretty little head about that princess i'm sure you've got a lot on your hands with that snake you like so much" she spat before pushing past him.

Robbie's smile faded slightly but shrugged it off and walked over to sam who was watching from afar, She felt a slight sting in her chest but yet she knew that she can't tell him who to talk to since he isn't her boyfriend... yet.

Angel flushed the toilet and walked away from the toilet looking at herself in the mirror, she liked what she saw knowing that she's changed so much her bullies are scared of her, oh how the tables turned. She smirked at herself before walking out of the toilet on a journey to find her friends.

She found the giggling pair and joined in finding out that they were talking about boys Tory grinned at angel "so you and hawk huh" Angel's face flushed a deep red, they've been dating for a while but yet she still gets butterflies in her stomach whenever he gets mentioned the brunette went to say something but was cut off by an annoying voice that only belonged to one person Sam. "hey!" The girls smiles faded slowly as they turned around to an unhappy looking sam "My moms missing her wallet"

"Sucks for her" Tory smiled giggling as the other two broke out in giggles as well "you two wouldn't know anything about that?" Sam questioned shifting her eyes from Tory to Angel, Angel raised her eye brows at Sam before stepping forward slightly but being held back by Aisha's arm "wait. Wait what are you saying?"

"Just give me the walker and i won't tell security." Angel scoffed her eyes darkening i'm a second pushing Aisha's arm off she stepped forward again this time being joined by tory "are you freaking kidding me?" tory asked in disbelief, Angel couldn't believe that Sam's accusing them of stealing her moms wallet "Sam, they didn't steal your moms wallet."

"Right and they didn't steal a bottle of vodka and wouldn't steal half of the silverware in here." Sam's voice started to piss angel off more, she heard the sass and attitude slip out as her blood started to boil and her hands started forming tight fists "listen, we didn't rob your mom bitch!" tory stepped forward getting into her face, Angel sighed not wanting to make a scene she grabbed her hand pulling her back slightly "let's just get out of here"

Turning on their heels the girls began to walk off not getting far before Sam grabbed Tory's bag. At that moment Angel saw it happen and all she couldn't think of was to beat this bitches ass, She grabbed sam's arm and yanked her forwards to her face "Listen to me sam and listen closely cause i'm only going to say this once. Don't you ever fucking dare accuse us of doing something we didn't fucking do, And don't you ever try and grab my friend like that again because i will fucking hurt you. got that?"

Angel didn't yell, instead her voice dripped with venom as she stared Sam dead in the eyes not daring to look away or stand back, Sam yanked away from Angel and went to punch her instead Angel caught her hand and smirked while pushing her back, She tripped over her feet and fell back on the table full of food covered in cake and chocolate Tory laughed at and looked at Angel admiring how badass she was.

Aisha on the other hand gasped wanting to say something but kept it in, Angel winked at sam a smirk of mischief on her face before turning on her heels and grabbing Tory's hand storming off leaving Aisha behind knowing she was going to be like a little lap dog for Sam again.

Angel couldn't wait to tell Hawk what she did he would be so proud of her, She smirked the whole way out of the club before letting go of tory's hand and walking down the streets, a mesmerised blonde following after laughing as she replayed the scene on her head "that's what she gets for being a dumb fucking bitch"

Tory laughed harder as it seemed even funnier now that it happened "she really is fucked in the head isn't she?" Angel chuckled looking back at tory not being able to hold in her laughs she started giggling uncontrollably "did you see her face when i was telling her i'll hurt her" She said in between giggles as tory looked up at her "looks like she was about to piss herself and cry for mommy"

Angel snorted at Tory's remark before linking her arms in with hers, Giggling and making jokes about what happened they walked all the way back to where the brunette lived.

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