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I woke up this morning with a banging headache, You can already guess it yes i woke up moaning and groaning. dont ask.

I got dressed into one of Miguel's hoodies that i stole from him because why not? some black ripped jeans and white converse.

I haven't left the room yet but i should probably go have some breakfast. I walked out of my room, but stopped dead in my tracks once i heard ma call Johnny a bad influence, Miguel was Quick to defend our Sensei but ma wasn't having it.

"I know he's a loser." Ma claimed, Thats when i felt my blood boil, She had crossed the line this time and i'm not taking that. She doesn't even know Sensei but she just assumes stuff like this?

I admit he didn't really make a good first appearance, But he is a good man whether or not she wants to hear it.

"He is not a loser." I finally said something as i stepped into the view, Ma's eyes flicker over to me, They were full of guilt.

"If you knew him, You'd see he's a great man" My voice was firm and it held a poisonous tone to it "you do not have the right to judge him if you haven't met him or even tried to hear him out last night." all of the memories from last night came back to me. Johnny's face held so much pain.

"Angel-" Ma tried to speak but i cut her off by holding my hand out, I honestly do not want to hear her say sorry, Not now at least.

"No let me speak." Ma demanded and stood up from her spot on the couch, I shook my head frantically and ran out the house.

I went to sit down in front of johnny's house on the fountain, Maybe if i run into him i can convince him to let us try again. In the corner of my eye i saw Miguel sit next to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me softly, It felt like the flood gates were opened because once those words left my twins mouth i just completely broke down, He was quick to pull me into a hug, He kept on telling me things will be okay and that he loves me.

Everything was going so great, I had karate in my life, I had johnny, My two friends, and of course my brother. It felt like as soon as everything went so good the world came crashing down.

It's like a painful reminder of that voice in the back of your head telling you that you aren't good enough, and will never be good enough. Its a painful reminder of how cruel life actually is, that nothing will ever go your way.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard a door open, I pulled away from Miguel's embrace and turned my head to see Johnny leaving his apartment. I jumped up in an instant.

"Hey sensei, our mom says that we can't train with you anymore" Miguel told Johnny ask he walked up next to him, I did the same but stood on the other side of Sensei "But i had this idea that maybe if we went to the dojo before-" Miguel had tried to tell him his plan but johnny had cut him off.

"you don't get it kid. There is no Dojo, I'm closing it up. it's over." I gasped softly and felt my heart drop. He cant do this i need him, We need him.

"what about u-us, i- i need you w-we need you" I tried to keep my voice as firm as possible but of course it came out shaky. Johnny had finally looked at me, Hurt written all over his face. I could tell this was hard for him.

"I'm sorry kid, I gotta go" He turned around to leave but i could let him "No Johnny please, Please d-dont do this, I-i need you p-please" I begged him.

He stopped for a moment but then continued walking back to his car, Miguel put his arm around me and pulled me into him, I put my head in the crook of his neck and started choking back the tears that was threatening to fall.

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