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so Miguel asked sam out on a date which she declined that was funny, But he didn't give up and asked her out as "friends" instead which she said yes to.

I still haven't had courage to ask hawk if he liked me or something but i better do it fast.

"i need somewhere romantic, but not to romantic" I got snapped out of my thoughts when i heard Miguel. Aisha, Hawk, Miguel and i were stretching on the dojo's mat. Aisha rolled her eyes at Miguel. mhm i wonder what even happened between them.

"you could take her to get tattoos" Hawk suggested making aisha laugh. Miguel and i looked at him weirdly "what?" miguel muttered.

Hawk got up eagerly and started taking off his karate gi "i know a guy, just hooked me up with this bad boy" Hawk turned around and reveal is massive hawk tattoo on his back.

"oh" miguel mumbled "oh shit" aisha giggled "that's badass" i exclaimed "Right? fourteen hours in the chair"

Damn, Welp looks like Eli had completely turned into hawk for good. Hawk's confidence has shot up real fast too. wait. If he's more confident and isn't scared to talk to girls anymore why hasn't he asked me out yet? Maybe he just doesn't like me more as a friend.

shit i have to come up with a plan very soon. If i dont he might just fall for someone else and i really don't want that.

"wait, are your parents okay with that? Aisha asked hawk. Hawk immediately covered up his tattoo "oh, they have no idea, definitely gonna have to wear a T-shirt until i go to collage. probably longer" Hawk paused for a bit.

"please don't tell them" He sat down next to me again. Thats cute looks like there is still a little bit of Eli left.

"uh... any other suggestions?" Miguel asked as he looked between Aisha and i, Why is he asking me i barely know the girl.

"Don't look at me, Sam and i used to be friends. We're not anymore." Aisha told Miguel making his full attention go into me "Why are you looking at me for? i barely know Sam." I exclaimed. He nodded his head and looked back at Aisha.

"Okay, I need your help." Miguel looked like he was ready to beg, Aisha rolled her eyes "Fine um.." I zoned out for a bit.

Shit how am i gonna tell- what the- I looked down at my hand behind me and saw that Hawk had put his hand on mine. I looked at him only to be met with a smirk. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. Welp guess that confir- "Banned? what are you talking about?" I heard johnny yell.

I looked up at Miguel and saw that he already got up, I looked at Hawk and gave him a small smile, He nodded his head kinda know knowing what i wanted to ask, He removed his hand so i got up fast and walked over to the office.

I walked in on Sensei banging the phone against the thing multiple times "Sensei whats going on?" Miguel asked our angry sensei softly.

"There's a life time ban on cobra kai from entering the tournament" Johnny's works made me to a double take "What?" Miguel and i exclaimed in sync.

"How is that fair?" I asked with a frown on my face, "it's not" Johnny replied while grabbing the chair and sitting down again "there's nothing i can do about it."

"What?" I asked in disbelief "what happens to 'never accept defeat'?" I asked

"there is no 'no'" miguel added "that was girl advice. This is different" Johnny replied. what? how is this different? "this is the real world. There are rules"

"Since when do you care about the rules?" Miguel and i asked in sync, We looked at each other kinda creeped out but we broke contacted and looked back at Sensei

" 'we don't take no for an answer' You said that! You gotta fight this" Miguel told him. His voice loud and fir. Johnny was quite for a second probably thinking about something.

"you know what? You guys are right" He stated as he got up from his chair "I'm gonna go down there..."


"and beat their asses" Johnny exclaimed

"Yeah" Miguel replied without realising what he said "No, no, no, no, no! what? No, That's not what we meant" i said looking at Miguel then back at johnny "We're saying maybe there's a more delicate approach sensei?"

"The way of the fist is not delicate. Cobras are not delicate." Johnny replied taking a few steps closer to Miguel and i "yes, yes sorry i- forget delicate... I'm just saying maybe there's a smarter way to fight back?"

Johnny was quite once again, Looks like i got to him. Smart..

After the talk with Johnny we had convinced him to act professional as possible and not to punch anyone when someone pisses him off. That might be a little too much to ask for but oh well..

Miguel and i went back into the mat and started our karate training. Hawk kept on staring at me with a smirk which kinda made me nervous not gonna lie.

After we were done with karate i went to change and waited for hawk since he said he wanted to talk to me.

"i need advice" I looked up from my phone and saw Hawk standing in front of me "what's up?"

He took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eye "How do i tell a girl that i like them?" I giggles at his question causing him to scrunch his nose up.

"sorry you're so cute, i just had to.. Uhm to be completely honest lots of girls works differently, Some girls likes when a guy is honest, gentle and caring and some likes this bad boy vibe but still respects them you know?" He nodded his head rather slowly

"What about you?" Me? is he trying to tell me he likes me. I didn't even think about this. Shit oh.

"I like it when the guy is honest and cute" he smiled, No smirk. No cheeky grin. An actual smile.

"Okay in that case" He didn't finish his sentence instead he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me.

I was shocked to say the less. When i realised what was happening i started to kiss him back. I is wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him.

His lips were soft, The kiss is gentle, not to soft but not to hard. You wouldn't say that this was his first kiss. It honestly feels like he has kissed many girls.

We slowly pulled apart to breathe. His forehead rested on mine as we looked into each other's eyes.

"will you be my girlfriend?" My heart fluttered and the butterflies in my stomach went crazy. A smile formed on my lips "Yes"

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