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"Three more absences, sensei" Miguel told Sensei as he walked past us.

You guessed it. Eli didn't show up. I guess he quit as well.  "Bunch of Pussies" Aisha exclaimed

"No it's my fault, Since you joined Cobra Kai, I have been hard on you, I've called you names, I've humiliated you, Some of you i've hit. And for that." Sensei paused.

"I don't apologise" He continued "Cobra kai is about strength. If you're not strong on the inside, you can't be strong on the outside."

I looked at him confused "and right now, you're all weak." He's right, We are weak. "and i know that, Because i was you."

What? Sensei a freak? A nerd? what? how? "I used to have no friends. Used to be the weirdo kid. Not that weird. I still hooked up with babes and all, but.. The point is i wasn't always the badass sensei i am today."

Woah okay that's a plot twist. "Just like a cobra, I had to shed my loser skin, to find my true power. And you guys will too." Just as he finished the Dojo doors opens making the bell jangle.

"Welcome to Cobra Kai." Sensei welcomed the new guy walking in. I turned my head to look as the boy but when i did i couldn't believe my eyes Eli?

"Eli what happened?" Miguel asked, Eli looked at Miguel then at Sensei "I'm flipping the script" Eli replied then looking back at me and winking.

My heart did three front flips and my stomach had butterflies in them. He looks hot holy shit.

"wait are you the kid with the lip? Nice cut bro." Sensei walked more forwards to see Eli more clearly "You see that?" Sensei asked pointing at Eli.

"Doesn't matter if you're a loser or a nerd or a freak. All that matters is that you become badass." Sensei exclaimed.

My eyes were still on Eli and i saw him Smirk at sensei's comment. "Hawk. Fall in"  Eli, or should i say Hawk Smirked and took off his shoes walking on the mat standing next to me.

"Fear does not exist in this dojo does it?" sensei asked Hawk "No sensei"

"Pain does not exist in this dojo does it?" Sensei then asked me "No sensei"

"Defeat does not exist in this dojo does it?" Sensei asked Miguel "No sensei"

Sensei turned around "Class, Are you ready to lear the way of the fist?"

"Yes Sensei." we all exclaimed.

" we all exclaimed

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"Junbi! bow. Fighting positions" We took our stance

Sensei walked around studying everyone's stance, He stopped by hawk and kicked his feat more apart making him grunt.

"stabilise your base hawk." Sensei told him as he took his fighting stance, He then punched forward "Keep your balance full rotation when you strike."

Hawk then nodded "Yes sensei! Hiy!" He punched.

Sensei then turned around but in as he turned and looked at the small kid he flinched "Did you just Flinch, Virgin?" Sensei asked and moved to another student acting like he's gonna punch him making him flinch as well.

"Holy shit we got a room full of flickers." Sensei exclaimed "Yes sensei" All the students except for Miguel, Aisha and i yelled.

"That was not a question!" Sensei yelled "Raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face.

The whole class raised up their hands once again except for Miguel, Aisha and i. Even Hawk raised his hand.

"Put your hands down. All your lives, you've been avoiding fights, so you don't break your nose or lose a tooth. This concussion nonsense. So there's only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, Each and everyone of you is gonna take a punch very hard to the face." Sensei told everyone.

"Ms. Robinson, Line them up. Unflinching this group."

"Yes Sensei" Aisha looked at me and Miguel whole everyone else was whispering and Sensei went to his office. I nodded my head and so did Miguel.

Aisha Then went up to Virgin and cracked her knuckles. He sighed and Aisha punched him. Hard. I wince at the sight.

I walked over to Sensei's office and Miguel was following behind.

"Hey sensei, I need to ask you something" Miguel stated as he walked in "First aid's under the counter. we got a bleeder? sensei asked

"no. Well i mean yeah we do. There is a lot of blood but this is about something else" Sensei then looked back up at us "And i need advice." I added

"what is it?" Sensei asked Miguel first "Well there's a girl at school-" Johnny cut him off "Is she hot?"

"And shes super smart"


"Funny and cool."


Johnny kept asking if she was hot, Miguel chuckled "Yes She's hot. Super hot."

"Nice" Johnny smirked as he nodded his head approvingly "I think you'd really like her. She's likes karate and..." Miguel trailed off. Is he talking about Sam? Oh my god. He's talking about Sam!

"I wanna ask her out but i just don't know." Sensei Scoffed "Dont know? What's there to think about? Shes hot, and all those other things" I giggled at Senseis statement.

"Well, Yeah but what it she says no." I looked at Miguel really? Is he that oblivious?

"Uh uh Dont go there. Have you not seen the way she looks at you?" I asked him Miguel looks at me confused.

"Never even accept defeat Diaz There is no 'no'" Sensei Told him.

"Pretty sure no means no." Miguel answered. "Yeah if things are getting physical no mean no, But if you just ask her out... You're a Cobra Kai. All the babes wanna date a cobra kai."

Miguel smirked as he looked down. He then saw something and grabbed it out of sensei's hand "Are we entreating this tournament?" He questioned.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the paper, It was an all valley karate tournament.

"I don't Think we're ready yet." Just as sensei said that hawk came flying across the room falling on the floor with a loud grunt and everyone else 'oooh' ed

"He's okay!" I heard aisha say as Hawk slowly get up "I'm okay!" He groans "It's just a tooth."

I looked back at Sensei but only to realise that Him and Miguel are already staring at me with a smirk on both their faces.

"What?" I asked "You like Hawk don't you?" Sensei smirked. I groaned. How the hell did he know that?

"That's why i needed advice" I state. Sensei Chuckled "The kid clearly has a thing for you."

I groan again "Never mind i'll figure something out" I went to walk away but stopped when i heard sensei call after me.

I turned around "If he hurts you, I'll break his neck" I smiled at sensei's words and nod my head.

I walked outside and stood next to hawk and watched as some more kids gets punched in the face.

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