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The next morning Angel slowly woke up, Miguel was sitting on her bed waiting for her to get up. He looked over at her and saw that she had finally opened her eyes "hey how are you feeling?" he ask softly "like shit." she mumbled Miguel stood up and walked over to her side "you have a black eye and a bruised rib" Angel groaned when those words left his mouth "is ma at work?" Miguel shook his head "Shes leaving in a bit, and she wants to talk to you" Angel's eyes grew wide "what am i gonna do about the eye?!" Miguel shrugged and helped her sit up.

Angel groaned and held her side in pain "God those assholes" she mumbled "Here let's get you dressed" Angel nodded and held onto her brother as she slowly got up, She walked to her mirror and lifted up her shirt, She gasped at the now black and purple bruise "holy shit" Miguel winced as he saw her bruise. Angel looked at her eye in the mirror "Do you have sunglasses?" Miguel nodded "ill go get them for you" Angel smile at him as he walked to his room.

Angel walked to her closet and picked out some Black skinny jeans a long sleeve over sized shirt and some white and black sneakers. Miguel walked back in her room and handed her the glasses "I'll go stall for you but hurry" Angel nodded and watched her brother walk out the room closing the door behind him.

She slowly took of her shirt studying her bruise, She put on the over sized shirt and took of her jeans to put on the new clean ones. Once she was fully dressed she put on he shoes and tied her hair up in a high ponytail, She put the glasses on and walked to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and once she was done she took a deep breath "okay you can do this" she mumbled to herself.

She walked out the bathroom and walked into the kitchen "morning mama" she kissed her ma's cheek "morning Abuela" she smiled and kissed her grandmother's cheek, she sat down next to Miguel and kissed his cheek "morning again miggy" he smiled at her and started to eat his food "Angel huni why are you wearing glasses inside?" her mother asked "oh uh, I was actually going to go for a walk that's why i put them on" Her mom looked at her not buying into the story "Take them off you're inside" Angel shook her head "nah ma i'm about to go" Angel said as she gets up "Take them off." her mom demanded.

Angel sighed and looked at her brother "Dont look at him look at me and take them off." Angel looked back at her mom and slowly took off the glasses revealing her black eye Her mom gasps and rushed to her "Oh my god what happened" angel looked down "oh i just fell and hit my eye on a curve nothing bad" her mom gasped and hugged her tight making her wince in pain, She pulled away "Lift up your shirt" Angel sighed and lifts up her shirt to reveal her black and purple bruise "Oh my god! Who did this to you and don't say you fell!" Her mom says while studying her bruises "i had a run in with some guys ma its nothing" He mom looked at her "its not nothing!" Angel looked down and grabbed her moms hands "I'm fine i promise, But Miguel and i actually need to go i need to talk to him" her mom slowly nods and kisses Angels cheek.

Angel walked over to Miguel and grabbed his hand pulling him out the house. They sat on the Fountain talking about school when the red car pulls up, Angel and Miguel both jump to their feet and walks to the guy, "Hey i just wanted to say thank you" the guy looked at her studying her eye while still getting out the car "All right you said it." He told her while slamming his car door shut she flinched a little and he started to walk away.

the twins followed him "So last night was that like Tae Kwon Do" Miguel started "Or jujitsu or MMA or something" Angel finished "Its karate. Old-school karate" the guy corrected Miguel and Angel shared amazing looks and smiled "Do you think you could teach us?" The guy looked at them "What? no." then looked back around "come on when school starts those guys will make our lives miserable" Miguel explains "its not my problem." Angel looked at Miguel then back at the guy "look if we just knew a little bit of what you knew, then we would be-" Angel started but was cut off

"Forget it." the guy says turning to face them "I don't do karate anymore all right? besides, i need to find a job" Miguel looked at Angel then back at the guy "Well you could open your own karate school" Miguel suggested "Its called a dojo" Angel and the guy says in sync "You can open your own dojo" He corrected "look i'm not getting into this with you two I'm not even sure i'm allowed to be around kids right now." He growled "all right you want my advice? Stop being so annoying maybe you'll stop getting your asses kicked" He spat and walked away.

Miguel and Angel sighed "okay" Angel whispered Miguel grabbed angels hand and went back to the house, They walked in and both went straight to Miguel's room, They walked in and Angel closed the door behind her. She sat next to him on his bed "Are we really that annoying" Miguel chuckled "I know you are" Angel gasped playfully "Thats rude" he laughs and puts on his tv. They watched some old movies and played some games.

After some time angel and miguel went to the kitchen "take out the trash please" their mom said "yes ma'am" miguel laughed and grabbed the trash. Angel walked to the door and held it open for him, he walked out and angel closed the door behind them.

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