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"All right, So i get my license next week, My mom's gonna give me her Sentra, I think i'll put a blue racing stripe down the middle, Hood to tail" Hawk told His girlfriend and his best friend.

They had just arrived at the Dojo for another day of karate training, Angel was excited to see Sensei again she missed his snobby remarks.

After yesterday's celebration party Angel had asked her mom if she could dye her hair later on and her mother agreed which made the younger girl very happy. Miguel on the other hand scrunched his nose up at the thought that his twin sister will no longer have the same hair colour as him.

Angel haven't mentioned anything to hawk about it yet so that when she does it, it would be a surprise, She's also thinking about getting a tattoo of a hawk next to her boob and a cobra in between.

"Subtle. I like it" Miguel told hawk causing him to let out a little giggle. Hawk wrapped his arm around Angel's shoulders and all three of them stopped when they saw new student ed standing at the door.

"Looks like we got some new students" Angel smirked and looked at hawk seeing the same smirk on his face "Fresh Fish"

One of the kids saw them and tapped his friend making him turn around to face the trio Their eyes weren't on the boys they were on Angel only causing her smirk to grow more, Hawk squeezed her shoulder in a jealous way.

"It's the Champs" the kid told his nerdy friend

"check this out" hawk whispered to Angel but Miguel heard and told him not to but does hawk ever listen? no. "Hey mouth-breathers. Move it."

"Sorry about that"

"I'll get the door"

"So you guys wanna be cobra kais, huh?" Hawk asked the two and they both nodded their heads frantically.

Angel taking this opportunity to show that she's not someone they would want to mess with she acted like she was going to punch them causing them to flinch back making Miguel and Hawk laugh behind her "You got a long road ahead of you."

Not saying anything else Angel grabbed hawks hand winking at the two boys before walking into the dojo.

As the trio walked in the first thing they noticed were the wall now covered in black ash like it was on fire and the one mirror was gone, Almost as if Miguel read Angels mind they both asked "What the hell happened here?"

The twins ignored the fact that they once again talked at the same thing but it didn't go overlooked by Hawk and Aisha who both shared a look of amazement mixed with amusement.

Aisha quickly snapped out of her thoughts "Looks like sensei threw a party" Angel and Miguel shared a knowing look, They know sensei would never do this to the dojo even if it was a party, it's like his car you know? He's a bit protective... "Must have been pretty sick if fire got involved" The four of them chuckled and walked over to the front where they always stand.

The new kids were being a bit loud talking and pointing to the glass "Quite!" The firm voice of Johnny Lawrence shut everyone up "The dojo's closed to new students today." Angel found this rather weird, She raised her eyebrows and looked at her twin who was doing the exact same thing. Okay maybe they are more alike than they would like to admit "We just wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament."

"Do i need to say it again? Get out!" some of the new kids had already walked out too intimidated by Sensei, Johnny loved the power "Yes, Sir... Sensei.. come on let's go" Everyone groaned and walked out but johnny not forgetting to tell them to come back tomorrow and to bring their check books.

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