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After school Miguel and i went to the dojo "Angel, Miguel come here" i nodded and walked into the mat, I bowed at Sensei and stood in front of the dummy. Miguel did the same.

"You can't strike first if you don't know how to strike" like Miguel today ahh we love to see it "the cobra strike is composed of two parts" He paused and looked at me, I stepped back and gave him space to demonstrate.

"The lunge" sensei lunges forwards "which requires the use of the whole body" I paid close attention to his stance and watched carefully "and the bite" Sensei said as he punched the dummy "which is everything that happens after you make contact" sensei took his fist off the dummy and put them back "alright you don't stop here where knuckle hits the bone" he pushes the dummy back with his fist "you punch through the bone like the guy you really wanna hit is standing behind this asshole" i immediately thought if Kyler.

"all right?" sensei asked and stood in a fighting position he lunged at the dummy and punched its face "HYAH" sensei yelled at she punched the dummy. Noice.

"strike here, you bloody his nose" sensei said as he put his fist on the nose "Strike here, you break his teeth" sensei motioned to his mouth "Strike here" sensei punched its throat "you could severely damage his trachea" Miguel gulped and i smirked, Sensei looked at us "obviously that's only for extreme situations" i half frowned, i wouldn't mind doing that to Kyler "all right line up" i nodded and stood back in front of the dummy.

i stood in my fighting stance and looks the dummy in its fake eyes "focus i want you two to practice" sensei's phone started to ring Miguel hit the dummy with no force making me scoff "keep practicing. Punch through the dummy" Sensei said as he walked away to pick up the phone.

I looked back at the dummy but got distracted by Miguel punching the dummy then leaning on it "can you not" I said annoyed at my idiotic brother he nodded and started punching the dummy with no force. God with him near me i won't be able to focus ugh.

I leaned on the dummy and watched as miguel put no effort into his punching "Whats wrong?" i frowned knowing he's upset about something.

"Nothing" i sighed "I'm your twin i know when you are upset" He just ignored me and went on with doing what he was doing i sighed and took my fighting position again.

I looked at the dummy and sent a punch at it, a hard one. I punched it again and again and again the adrenaline running through me was amazing.

I eventually got a little tired and stopped to catch my breath. I punched the dummy hard imagining it was kyler, Miguel was still not putting effort in.

"All right no no no." Sensei yelled as he walked up to us. I punched the dummy one more time as hard as i can.

"You're doing it all wrong" Sensei yelled at Miguel "what do you want, those kids at school to keep dumping shit on your head? you want all the girls at school to think you're a wang-less dork?" I held in a laugh as sensei went on "cause you can stop your training right now and you can walk outside and let the whole world know you're a loser" well shit someone is in a bad mood who crawled up his panties?

"Or you can plant your feet, look your enemy in the eyes" sensei motioned to the dummy's eyes.

"And punch him in the face" Sensei yelled.

I took my fighting stance again and looked at miguel to see he did the same.

"picture your enemy, Both of you" sensei said looking at miguel and i. I nodded and thought of kyler once again.

"you guys have a picture in your mind?" Miguel and I nodded "what are you gonna do?" Miguel and i both punched the dummies at the same time with extreme force "HYAH!" we both yelled as we punched it "again!" we obeyed and punch it again "HYAH" we yelled "are you two losers?" my jaw clenched "NO SENSEI" Miguel and i yelled in sync as we punched the dummy getting multiple 'again's' from sensei making us punch one after one after one.

I slowed down after a while due to my arms getting tired, I sent one hard final punch to the dummy making me wince as my knuckles are now red.

I stopped punching at turned to look at Miguel he was still going strong. he was punching the dummy harder and harder each time. God i feel like a proud mother he's growing up!!!! my dorky brother is growing up! He stopped after a few more punches to catch his breath.

"Woah! well done" I ran to him and hugged him he chuckled and hugged me back "no way look at you! you were killing it!!" He complimented and i pulled out of the hug "Who were you two thinking of?" sensei asked.

"Kyler." we said in sync.

sorry for this short chapter lol anyway i hope you like this so far

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sorry for this short chapter lol anyway i hope you like this so far...I'm busy with the next chapter i promise!!

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