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"yeah but you can't quit" I'm now currently listening to my Brother trying to convince Demetri to come back to Karate.

"I got yelled at, Got my ass kicked and then gave him my money. You know who lives like that? Hookers" I laughed at his statement.

"Yeah, but he's not that bad of a guy. You gotta give him a chance. You don't know him like we do" I motioned between Miguel and i. Demetri scoffed at my statement.

"That... That's hooker talk" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Did he just call me a hooker? "Besides i don't need to learn karate when i have you two." Demetri nodded with his head to the other side.

Miguel and i looked over to where demetri nodded at and our gazes landed on kyler. When he saw us he stopped dead in his tracks and walked the other way. Welp he looks even more ugly if that's even possible.

I giggle and looked back over at demetri "See no ones gonna mess with you two" I smirk. We continued waking and and went to class.

As the three of us walk into class we went to sit at a table

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As the three of us walk into class we went to sit at a table. Sam then walked in and went to sit down until the whole class started laughing at her.

I clenched my jaw. "Thanks for the blow pop guys. Really never gets old" I feel so bad for her.

"It's cause she gives blow jobs." i heard demetri. I looked over at him with a glare "get it? 'blow pop' 'blow job'"

"Yeah. We get it." i said through gritted teeth "it's just a rumour" Miguel muttered.

"Hey everybody who let the pigs out?" I heard our teacher ask. I looked up at him confused, Pigs? what pigs? "i did, because i ordered the fetal pigs" ohh okay that explains why he was talking about pigs.

some kids laughed sarcastically and the rest just stayed silent with straight faces.

"but seriously get in your groups." Lucky for me i'm already in my group. In the corner of my eye i saw sam walk up to Mr.Palmer.

"Who wants to take Samantha in, This little piggy needs a group" I turned around to look at the class. No one had their hands raised. Sad.

"Don't all volunteer at once" Everyonw just stayed silent. I looked over at miguel and slightly nodded my head. We both raised our hands "We'll take her." Miguel said.

Sam's eyes lit up and she grabbed her bag. She walked over to her table slightly bumping into Demetri. Demetri being the weirdo he is sniffed his arm as Sam was talking to Miguel. I didn't hear cause i was to busy trying not to laugh at Demetri.

Sam came back with a chair as we started dissecting a dead piggy..

"what were you thinking for sex?" Sam asked making me chuckle and the boys look up at her "uh.... uh... i mean, I've... I've" Miguel shuttered but sam cut him off.

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