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Standing next to Aisha and hawk angels full attention was brought to her sensei "the back thrust kick works like this." Johnny called out to his students

"you step, pivot" kicking up his leg Angel couldn't help but smirk to know that she'll be using that very soon "throw a side kick"

"What about if your opponent attacks you from behind?" Hawk asked sensei, quite a good question not going to lie even Angel was curious now "excellent question." Johnny paused contemplating on whether he should answer it or not, Instead he looked over to John Kreese "Sensei Kreese, you wanna take this one?"

Angel grinned watching as Sensei Kreese had a glimmer in his eyes when he looked at Sensei Lawrence "certainly, sensei Lawrence" Stepping to the side Sensei kreese looked at the students Miguel had muttered something to Sensei Lawrence when he went to stand in front of him, Angel not really caring enough to focus on their conversation she was Looking at John Kreese "the key to this move is making your enemy think you are retreating"

Angel saw Hawk smirk in the corner of her eyes which only excited her more "But just as they let their guard down, that's when you strike the hardest." Sensei kreese finished making slight eye contact with Angel as she nodded her head smirking

She liked what she was hearing and it made her feel even more powerful knowing that she'll be using that on sam sooner or later, Sensei stepped back looking as if he turned away before bringing his leg up suddenly as he kicked a kick in the air.


After karate training hawk had asked angels to meet him outside the dojo, and so she did, Tory was standing with her keeping her Brunette friend some company "how long have you and hawk been a thing?"

Angel have tory a side glance, a smile creeping on her face before looking at her friend fully "a couple months now" Tory looked slightly taken aback which caused angel to told her head and furrow her eyebrows at her sudden look of shock "what?"

Tory shook her head and smiled "it just seems like you've been dating for well over a year or two" Angel giggled feeling slightly happier that even people who barely knew their relationship saw how strong their connection was "don't be going soft on me now Diaz"

Angel looked up at her friend her smile now wiped off her face instead replaced with a cheeky grin "Never" Before tory was able to say anything else Angel felt an arm wrap around her shoulder and a kiss to her cheek "what you two girls talking about?"

Tory cocked her head to the side and gave him a stern look "just told your girl not to go soft on me but don't worry lovebirds i'll leave you two to it" Tory winked at angel before walking off, Miguel running after her and offering to walk her home just so he can spend more time with her

Angel smiled watching the pair stride off into the distance "i reckon they'll make a powerful couple" angel told her boyfriend who's ram had now moved down to her waist "no one can be more powerful than us princess" Hawks voice came out soft which only sent butterflies to Angel's stomach as she looked up at him mesmerised by his beauty "we'll see"


Hawk had dragged his girlfriend to the hair salon which kinda shocked her cause wasn't it always the girls dragging their boyfriends ti these kind of places?

Before they entered hawk had grabbed both angel's hands and practically begged her to have matching hair with him, She agreed to match with him as it has been on her to do list for a while now but she's just never had the chance to go

turns out Hawk had already made an appointment and payed before hand to have them both dye their hair red, Angel obviously not on board with the fact that he had asked her to go fully red, she told him she'll either do just her ends or just some front pieces but there's no way in hell she was going full red, She'll look like a clown.

Hawk being Hawk denied that she would look silly and instead tried to sweet talk her into getting it done but she still refused telling him to take it or leave it and if he continues she'll purposely make it bright pink He sent her a playful glare and eventually gave up trying and told her ti do whatever she's comfortable with because either way she would still be as beautiful as ever.

It wasn't necessarily a long process for the young girl as she still had virgin hair, She was never allowed to cut it, nor dye it which she was thankful to otherwise this would've been a whole mission, She decided that she was no longer going to be a brunette and told them ti dye her roots black with her ends a bright red to match hawk's

After they was done with everything hawk couldn't stop playing with her hair, which gradually started ti kind of annoy her, Every now and then she'll give him a side eye which made him stop but 5 minutes later he'll be back at it, eventually pissing her off to the max she slapped his hand away and glared at him only to be faced with a sly smirk

"oh you just wanted a reaction didn't you" Hawk shrugged his shoulders chuckling slightly under his breathe "so what would you say if i messed up your pretty Mohawk?" Angel nearly lost it at how fast he jumped up and put his hands up to cover his hair "Nuh uh not the hair and not the face"

"oh yeah?" She questioned a look of mischief in her eyes getting up and stepping closer to him only causing him to step back slightly "These are my money makers!" Hawk defended only causing a bigger smirk to grow on her face

she stepped forward once again this time hawk staying in his place, Her hand slightly lifting up to his face as a look of horror flashed in his eyes "You cant!" He yelled before running behind her scared for the life of his hair, Angel doubled over in laughter at how her boyfriend was so overprotective about his hair "oh Ha.Ha really funny"

about 20 minutes after the sweet playful encounter they had hawk led her to a tattoo shop explaining that he has to change his hawks hair colour and that he wanted a new tattoo, Angel had also told him that she might consider getting a tattoo as well and it seemed to make him beam with happiness having the perfect matching tattoo in mind.

Laying in the tattoo bed for about 2 hours and leaving angel to entertain herself wasn't all too fun, She gets bored easily and ever so often she'll do something to get on Rico's nerves causing them both to giggle every now and then

"there you go brother" Hawk finally sitting up from the chair, Angel finally walked back into the room after being kicked out for annoying and distracting Rico, The moment she walked in she was met with a shirtless Hawk and the first thing that caught her attention wasn't his abs but instead the heart with an Angel halo above it and an A in the middle tattooed right on his chest

Smiling a sweet soft smile she looked up to a smirking hawk who was watching her carefully while she was admiring his tattoo "is that for me?" she questioned her eyes never leaving his "maybe" she smiled a big smile and pulled him in for a kiss, He threw his arm over her grabbing his shirt in the process

"Hey asshole twins, grab Hawks bag we're out." Hawk looked at Angel grinning that she was the one who told them what to do and made them her bitch within seconds, walking out of the tattoo shop the two idiotic asshats followed behind them while they walked like they were superior now that they were officially a power couple with their hair.

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