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After we did karate last night we went home, It was an actual boring night nothing to do.

I couldn't stop think about that fight, the boy and Eli. God Eli looked so cute when he smiled. I should really talk to him more, it will be nice.

I'm currently standing outside the dojo with Miguel and a whole bunch of other kids that wanted to join cobra kai. Funny enough Eli and Demetri is here as well.

Apparently Demetri didn't want to come but Eli begged him to. Everyone that's standing by the dojo is watch the video of Miguel and I fighting.

I then saw the red car pull up. Sure enough Johnny stepped out the car. He scanned the crowd that formed and his gaze landed on Miguel and i.

He started making his way to us but very slowly as he looks at what's going on. He soon reached us and smirked.

"Looks like we're in business" I nodded softly and made way for him to unlock the Dojo, he did so and we all went in.

Johnny walked to his office and Miguel and i stayed with Eli and Demetri.

"You guys excited?" i asked the two nerdy boys in front of me. Demetri scoffed but before his could answer Eli did it for him "hell yeah!" he exclaimed.

"Hey uh i have to go get dressed into my Gi, i'll see u guys after class yeah?" Demetri looked over at me with a 'are u serious' face "Well duh" Demetri replied.

"cool" I ran off to the changing rooms in the back and quickly changed. After i was done i walked back out and over to where Aisha and Miguel is.

"QUITE" the whole room went silent and looked over to where the noise came from.

"face front" We did as told and i took my place next to Aisha. Sensei started walking, Studying every single student in his dojo today.

"Nice shirt" he told Demetri, He looked down and looked back up at sensei "thanks"

"I'm joking. it sucks" Sensei told him as he continued walking through the people.

"word of advice if you got shit for teeth, don't smile" I winced at the words "god, makes me feel like a virgin just looking at you" eh, Well johnny is very nice........ yeah.

"when i look around this dojo. I don't see cobra kai material." He paused as he started making his way back to the front "i see losers, i see nerds, I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out" sensei's voice trailed off. I bit down on lip to keep myself from laughing.

"but my short time as a sensei i've also seen some miracles." Sensei then looked over at the three of his students wearing white gi's, his gaze first landed on my twin and i then moved over to aisha.

"so maybe there's some hope for you yet. But first i need to see where you're at. so everybody, fall in"

The kids started whispering, not knowing what that meant, "it means line up." Johnny told them.

the kids then started to form literal lines behind Miguel, Aisha and i, I pinched the bridge of my nose "well this is gonna be a long day" i muttered.

"No.. not.. not line up in a line, lines, get in lines" Johnny tried to elaborate more "you mean like rows?" Demetri questioned.

Johnny having enough put his hands on his face "ugh"  i giggled.

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