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falling face first into the wet cold cement wasn't her plan. Earning a ton of giggles and cackles from the other students she rolled over on her back not caring to even try and get up she was hoping the universe would love her this once and suck her into a black hole.

a hand stretched out with a voice following it "get up you goose" sucking down her embarrassment she grabbed Miguel's hand with hesitation earning another laugh. Popping his twin sister back on her feet he couldn't help but step back and laugh some more "okay Diaz stop laughing at your sister before she kicks your ass"

"yes sensei Lawrence" Angel rolled her eyes as she moved to the end of the tube, Miguel falling straight on his ass with a loud grunt, he struggled to get up but got it eventually, Hawk got in not too long after.

As more students started to get in Miguel used his foot to feel around the cement "uh-uh this is weird" Miguel said his voice dripping in disgust "well no shit Sherlock but this is your own fault for slacking off thinking you'll get away with it" Miguel looked at his twin and rolled his eyes, she was about to make a comment when a loud bang was heard almost making the girl fall on her ass if hawk didn't catch her "don't just stand there. You wanna get stuck? Move!"

"come on" hawk didn't sound to happy, Angel could here the regret and annoyance in his voice. Quite frankly she wishes she never agreed to be in here but she just had to open her big mouth to look tough around the new sensei.

Angel was still hung up trying to figure out why she's so eager to make Sensei Kreese so proud. She couldn't help but think he's the real deal, He did get johnny Lawrence to be this good after all.

Snapping out of her thoughts she stepped forward slightly and touched the side of the tube getting chills of the disgusting feeling of cold sliminess squishing into her fingers.

Starting to push on the side as hard as she can, she realised that this will be a lost cause, there was no way they'll be able to turn it, it's way too heavy and slippery, she wasn't to keen on the fact of falling face first again.

"let's go guys! move it" Johnny yelled from the outside hoping they heard him, He had high hopes that some of his best students will be able to do this.

Johnny has noticed that Angel has been acting weird lately, She's changed, She's gotten tougher, stronger, but he could tell she was trying to prove something to someone, He didn't read into it too quickly, He thought nothing of it yet, But he made a promise to himself after he saw how easily a girl can get hurt.

He's had his fair share with breaking girls hearts and he never wants to see Angel go through what he made other girls go through back in the day. He promised that he will break anyones neck who breaks her heart. Even if it was her own twin brother.

Hawk stood back swaying his arms like a dickhead while the rest was still trying to get it to move "come on, all of you. Go!" miguel yelled out in frustration, he really wanted to prove that he's worthy of his title, not just to Sensei Lawrence but to Angel as well

Angel didn't know that her words from earlier had gotten under his skin, She was right what was he thinking, What were they all thinking when they thought that sensei would just let them joke around knowing how important karate is to him. It was a stupid idea from the beginning, But he didn't understand what made her back out, she was game to do it, she was the one who came up with the joke. Miguel was going to make it his mission to find out what's been going on in her head.

"come on ashley don't just stand there!" Hawk yelled snapping Miguel out of his thoughts 'Who's ashley?' The twins thought. brushing it off they all started pushing once again. "Push!" the young brunette yelled out as the tube started to slowly move, A large smile formed on her face "that's it we're doing it!"

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