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Hi don't hate me for this but uh

its not letting me post the link🤠✋🏻

since it's not letting me post the link DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND GO TO INSTAGRAM TYPE IN @/vintage cobra AND WATCH THE RECENT EDIT OKI


The party went on as if nothing happen at all with Yasmine, She went running somewhere, I don't really give a fuck.

Moon stayed and talked to Aisha while hawk was busy kissing my neck behind them. I turned around to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck while his were still around my waist.

"Is something wrong?" His lips formed a smirk as he grabbed my hand that was around his neck and started pulling me along with him.

I didn't pay much attention where he was pulling me the only thing i could focus on was his hands. His veins were popping out and it's so hot. I kinda have a thing for veins what can i call it a vein fetish?

⚠️Slight Smut⚠️

He pushed me up against the tree only then did i realise he took me a little away from everyone i'm sure if Miguel would see us making out he would use that to either blackmail me or tease me and i really don't want that he'll just make me do all his chores.

Hawk takes a step forward leaning close to me, My heart beat starts beating uncontrollably "I loved it when you were jealous" He whispered in my ear as he placed soft kisses along my jaw down to my neck, He was desperately looking for my sweet spot. Once he found it i let out a moan and i felt him smirk on my skin. He then started suck on it most likely giving me a hickey great Sensei and Ma's gonna kill me.

His hands traveled all over my body only stopping at my Stomach. He's fingers traced shapes while he was still full attack mode on my neck. He pulled away from my neck and moved his lips to mine.

One of his hands moved under my shirt and the other moved to my neck. Oh my god Hes choking me! hes choking me! hes choking me! I finally caught on to whats going on, I smirked into the kiss and my fingers started tracing his abs.

⚠️Smut ended⚠️

"Hey yo- Oh- sorry!" Hawk and i pulled apart so fast when we heard someone's voice interrupt our very heated make out session. Hawk turned around and i just looked up to see who it was and no surprise when i say it's Demetri and Aisha. Great.

"We just wanted to tell you Sam is here with another boy.." I smiled at Aisha while trying to avoid eye contact with Demetri since i really don't wanna know how much he saw since he's one of those kinds who would just watch you from afar and it's kinda creepy.

Hawk grabbed my hand his jaw clenched and his grip firm. I guess he didn't like what Aisha told us or it's because they interrupted i don't really know. But let's be honest here. I wanna punch sam so hard right now like girl.

"Who's this guy?" Miguel's voice immediately stood out as hawk and i approached them. My eyes landed on that exact same guy i saw at the parking lot staring at sensei and the guy that had dinner with Sam's family.

"Hey i-" Sam was cut off by the guy next to her "wait this.... This is your boyfriend?" Miguel didn't look to happy i mean i wouldn't either. Sam has been ignoring him all day then she suddenly makes an appearance out of no where and brings a boy along? Damn man imma keep with what i said imma beat this bitch up.

"Yeah Miguel relax. This is Robby he works for my dad" Sam told him. Okay dumb move First don't tell him to relax when he has every right to be mad right now and Two this is totally unfair towards Miguel since he's your BOYFRIEND and he has never even met your dad.

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