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After the tournament the crew made plans to go out and celebrate their victory tomorrow night, The twins were obviously happy with that mostly because one is tired and one is pissed. Oh the pissed one is Angel if you didn't know.

Hawk kept ignoring the girl after their sweet little encounter, Moon and Demetri came down to congratulate Miguel but Moon never said anything to Angel at all. Demetri gave Angel a hug without her consent. That was the only time Hawk showed an reaction was when he pulled him off her and said "Don't touch what's mine." After that Hawk just kept walking away from Angel without another word. Moon was after him like a lost puppy.

Tyler kept staring at Angel and she hated it. Little did she know Hawk thought she liked it that's the reason he was avoiding her. He's a jerk for doing what he's doing and he knows it.

Angel let out a sigh as she saw Hawk walk away to the other side of her brother once again, It's been the third time since she tried to stand next to him. Miguel looked down at his sister with a frown, He knows what's going on and he doesn't want her to feel how he feels.

"Oh hawk you did amazing out there" Moon gushed over hawk hooking her arm around his, Angel looked over at the two and slowly felt her heart shatter when she saw that hawk didn't move her arm at all but instead he let it happen. Looking down to hide her glossy eyes she spoke softly "I'm going to find mom, See you in the car miguel" The brunette girl turned on her heels and walked away not looking back or waiting for any sort of response.

Hawk frowned as he looked at the girl walking away, He could hear it in her voice that she was upset and it's all because of him "Are you for real dude?" Miguel questioned hawk who's arm was still in moons hands, He looked up at Miguel with an emotionless face. Miguel sighed before he spoke again "She didn't even do anything wrong and you're treating her like shit."

"She's been flirting with that other guy this entire tournament long." Hawk stated almost proudly thinking that he was correct. He wasn't Angel was creeped out by Tyler and she thought something was very off about him, in all honesty he scared her. Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose and looked up muttering some Spanish words at his idiotic friend "No she wasn't. But by the looks of it your doing what you thought she did."

Hawk wanted to say something, Anything. but he couldn't deep down he knew that Angel would never want to hurt him like that and it's completely wrong for him to do this. Hawk slowly removed his arm from moons grasp earning a frown from the pretty girl. He didn't care. He only thought about Angel.

"You better fix this right now." and with that Miguel left and went to search for his twin sister, his Yaya and his mom.

Angel sat in the car alone because she told her mom that she wasn't feeling well and wanted to go wait in the car while she talked to Sensei.

She sat and looked out the window. 'He probably likes moon, He's most likely going to leave me for her. I wouldn't blame him at all, Moon has everything he needs, She's pretty, Perfect body, Flawless skin, rich.'  Angel sighed and just continued to stare out the window.


The next morning the girl woke up to her ringtone, She nearly fell out of bed, She rubbed her head trying to remember how she got in her bed or how she got home. Still half asleep the young girl grabbed her phone and picked it up "hallo?"

"Hey babe" The voice of her boyfriend rang through her ears. Memories from The night before came rushing back. She felt her heart break again "Oh so now i'm "babe" again?" Angel asked her boyfriend harshly.

Hawk sighed staying quiet for just a little bit thinking of what to say "I'm so-" Angel groaned and rubbed her head cutting off the blue mohawked boy "Go talk to moon." And with that she ended the call.


She got up and out of bed realising she's still in her Gi, 'Miguel must have carried me in' she thought, She walked to her closet opening it and thinking of what she's going to wear for tonight's celebration.

She wanted to look sexy to show hawk what he might lose if he doesn't change his act quickly.

She smirked when she saw the perfect outfit, She grabbed it and ran to the shower. She turned on the water and jumped into the shower. Angel knew that she's going to have to hear hawk out, But nothing she just wanted to forget about all drama and have fun with her friends and boyfriend.

After some time she turned the water off and got out the shower, walking to the mirror with the towel wrapped around her she brushed her teeth and started drying her hair. Debating on whether she wants to leave her hair down or not.

Finally coming to a decision she left her hair down and ran out of her bathroom quickly putting on her outfit (on top). She walked out of her room and straight into Miguel "oh hey"

Her twin looked at her and smiled. He still felt bad for her and he was still really pissed about what hawk did. "Hey you okay?" She smiled up at him even though her eyes told a whole other story "yep" Popping the P at the end she grabbed onto Miguel's arm and dragged him outside. Not after saying goodbye to their yaya of course.


Its been about 4 hours since Miguel and Angel went off to do their own thing. They ended up running into kyler and his goons literally.

Now it's time for the celebration party. Angel was nervous.

"Uhm before we go in..." Miguel's voice cut the young girls thoughts off when he spoke, Angel turned her head away from where the crew is sitting and looked at Miguel "Moon's going to be here"

Nearly chocking on her spit she widened her eyes and looked back over at the crew immediately catching sight of Moon next to hawk. She clenched her jaw and looked back at Miguel "Whatever he's just a stupid boy. I don't care" But she did care and Miguel knew it. He also left out the fact that Hawk invited her even after Aisha and Miguel had asked him not to... He couldn't tell her that.

It will ruin her.


here is the outfit if any of u cant see it

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here is the outfit if any of u cant see it

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