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When the two girls got back to Angels house they were still somehow giggling at the sight of Sam covered in all sorts of food before they stormed off.

Angel has never felt so happy to actually have a new girl Best friend who thinks and acts the same way she does, She just knew that they would make a power friendship once Tory starts going to school with her "i think i might have to head home now" Tory called out as she stuck her head under Angels pillow trying her hardest not to yell now that she has to leave her best friend

Angels smile fell slightly as she looked at tory before smiling a big smile "Why don't you stay at mine tonight?" Angel asked tory as she lifted her head slightly and peaked at Angel with one eye to make sure she was being for real, Tory smiled slightly wanting to say yes so badly but knowing she had to go home and make sure her Mother was okay she let out a big sigh and sat up facing the brunette "i cant"

Angel pouted slightly which didn't go unnoticed by tory as she instantly felt bad "Trust me girl i really want to but i have to go make sure my mom's alright since i'm kinda taking care of her" Angel nodded her head at her friend understanding where she's coming from, Tory got up with Angel following afger her "Hey at least i'll see you tomorrow for training"

Tory smiled at her friend excited that she was able to join Cobra Kai and that's she beat the champ with her first training session "cant wait" She grinned, Angel smiled again and the two girls walked out of her room.

Not looking where she's going Angel walked straight into Miguel's back causing her to fall back and him to stumble forwards, Tory laughed loudly as Angel hit the floor with a loud grunt, Miguel turned around his eyes hard with a glare to his twin before noticing Tory and his eyes instantly softened as they made eye contact "Are you not going to even bother to help me up you pig?"

Miguel scoffed at his sister and stepped back looking at her on the floor "Nah" he shook his head and lifted his two fingers to his forehead making an 'L' sticking out his tongue. Angel glared at her twin before she pushed herself up, She grabbed miguel's two fingers and twisted them back causing miguel to wince and gasp slightly "ow ow ow ow ow ow stop"

"Not until you apologise for standing in my way pig" Miguel rolled his eyes which only resulted in Angel pushing his fingers back more "ow ow ow ow ow stop stop okay okay ow" Tory watched the scene play out in amusement admiring what bond they had "And i thought you was the champion"

Miguel looked at tory and rolled his eyes, Angel looked back at her friend and snorted "Yeah no he's the biggest lil softie out there Tory you'll see" Pushing his fingers back more Miguel jumped slightly before yelling out cuss words "okay i'm sorry!" He yelled hoping that she would just let go

"sorry for what?" Angel questioned as she pushed down more "Sorry for standing in your way!" Miguel rushed out, Angel smirked and let his fingers drop, Miguel instantly pulled his hand to his chest holding his two fingers "You're a scary person man" Tory snorted laughing before nodding her head violently "i agree there"

Angel smiled innocently "i don't know what you two are talking about" she faked an innocent voice while batting her eye lids slightly "I'll never hurt anyone and i most certainly would never want ti scare them" She joked as miguel raised an eye brow "you almost just broke my fingers!" He yelled out to his twin and Tory lost it laughing loudly again

angel stood back and started giggling before pushing miguel back slightly and grabbing tory's hand leading her to the door, Angel opened the door and immediately pulled Tory into a hug "See you tomorrow" Angel said with a soft smile playing on her lips "Don't kill your brother" tory replied in amusement before walking out the house and heading off.

Angel shut the door before turning back to look at Miguel again "you like her don't you" She asked her twin folding her arms as she smirked at him, Miguel's eyes went wide shocked that she could read him so fast and he wasn't even trying to make it obvious

"Don't bother saying no i saw how you softened your eyes when you saw her you dick" Miguel smiled sheepishly as his hand trailed ti the back of his neck rubbing it awkwardly he avoided eye contact with his twin "i cant like her i've barely known her for like four hours"

Angel rolled her eyes and grinned at her brother who was making it so obvious acting like she's oblivious "Miguel the moment she kicked your ass at karate training today i saw the way you looked at her you shithead"

Miguel stayed quite feeling his face heat up slightly, He knew he could never hide anything from Angel, She is his other half after all there's no hiding anything from her "I wasn't born yesterday cocksucker" She stated now suddenly next to him as she hit him on the back of the head "Don't hurt her."

Before miguel went to speak he got another hand to the head and he rubbed the spot she hit twice and turned around only to see her flip him off standing inside her room before shutting her door in his face "Weirdo" he mumbled before shaking his head and walking into his room.

Angel got into bed laying her head in her pillow a faint smile on her face counting in her head '3' her smile grew slightly '2' got bigger and bigger '1' not even a second later there was a knock on her window , grinning she got out of bed and walked over to it.

She opened up her window a huge smile on her face, She crossed her arms and stepped back "Well well well, Didn't think you'll actually show" She smirked

"Don't underestimate me princess" Hawk announced as he started climbing through her window, He pulled angel in by her waist and had his lips land on hers with a gentle kiss as he lifted his two hands to hold the side of her cheeks he pulled away putting his forehead to hers.

Angel smiled melting at his touch she closed her eyes and savoured the sweet moment they just had, She lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, She had only just realised that Hawk's hair wasn't in a Mohawk but instead his blue hair fell softly on his forehead parted to each side, She instantly stepped back and looked at his hair.

Her heart skipped a beat as hawk slyly smirked at her "You like it?" He asked gesturing to his hair after seeing her wide eyes stare at his head, Angel didn't say anything instead she stepped forward and ran her fingers through his hair and smiled "you look so pretty"

Hawk's smirked was replaced with a smile as he started down at his girl, his heart fluttering and his stomach doing ten million flips after she called him pretty "fuck" he mumbled lightly closing his eyes as she continued running her hand through his hair, Angel smiled and stepped closer to her boyfriend and wrapped her arms around his neck again as his arms instantly snaked around her waist.

Angel put her head down on his chest as he pulled her closer he smiled, utterly in love with the girl hugging him he wanted to pull her closer even tho there was no more space between them, Angel looked up at Hawk and they made eye contact smiling softly she stood on her toes and kissed him again He didn't hesitate to kiss back.

when the pair pulled away angel grabbed hawks hand and led him ti her bed, Hawk took off his shirt and his shoes as he climbed into bed with her, Angel knew what they were doing was very risky considering her mom can walk in at any moment or even miguel and they would both instantly assume the worst, But in the moment she didn't care as she laid her head on hawks chest and his arm wrapped around her shoulders drawing small figures in her arm.

"i love you" she said barely above a whisper just loud enough for him to hear, He smiled before kissing her forehead "i love you too princess" he whispered as they both started drifting off to a deep peaceful sleep in each other's arms.

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