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After Johnny had brought us home ma wasn't so happy about Miguel's state. And of course she blames me. I'm currently sitting on the couch crying and running my fingers through my twin's hair as he is asleep with his head on my lap.


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We pulled up outside our house, I got out of the car as fast as i could. I turned around to make sure johnny is getting Miguel.

I ran to our door and knocked on it since it was locked. The door soon opened and i came face to face with our ma. She was smiling so big but it soon faded when Miguel came into sight groaning in johnny's arms.

She pushed me out of the way making me fall to the ground as johnny came closer to the door "Oh, Miguelito" she yelled and started crying. She stepped out of the way to let johnny in.

He put miguel down on the couch and walked back outside to help me up off the ground. I smiled as he picked me up but it soon faded when ma started yelling at him.

"I don't want you ever coming near my kids again, do you understand me" Ma spat with so much venom making me slightly flinch at her tone.

"I'm sorry. I should never have gotten involved" Johnny's voice slightly breaks as those words left his mouth, I could see that he was trying not to cry. This broke Johnny Lawrence.

"NO!" Miguel and i yelled

"Cobra kai never dies!" Miguel finished right before ma shut the door.

"No" i whispered as i started crying. I turned around only to see my mom already looking at me.

"what did you do!" she yelled at me, I looked at her confused "I don't do anything!" i cried "Like i'm
gonna believe that! who did you tell to do this to him?" she spat, i was taken aback from what she said, Shes blaming me.

My sweet mother is blaming me for this "You have always been jealous that your brother was the better twin" she hissed i gasped and so did miguel.

Jealous? i have never been jealous of him, I would
never do such a thing. I would never do anything to put my twin, my best friend, my everything i'm danger. I would never hurt him.

"I cant believe you would say that. I cant believe you would think that i had anything to do with this. If it wasn't for me who ran to the bathroom Miguel would still be laying on that floor. I cant believe you would ever thing i would do such a thing to my own twin brother because you think i'm jealous of him? I would never do anything to put him in danger!" i yelled while crying.

I looked her straight in the eyes "i know you're mad right now. I know you're upset but to say such horrible things to your own daughter is disgusting. Its not like you!"  She looked at the ground knowing she messed up by blaming me she knows she's the guilty one.

She looked up at me once more with tears in her eyes she opened her mouth to say something but closed it and stormed to her bedroom.

I let out a sigh and walked to the couch, I sat down and Miguel immediately put his head on my lap, I smiled softly and looked down at him, He reached up to my face and wiped my tears away and smiled.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he closed his eyes and started to fall asleep.

End of flashback

Here i am still crying, she hasn't come out of her room once

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Here i am still crying, she hasn't come out of her room once. Our yaya gave me some frozen peas to put on miguel's eyes as he's sleeping. I nodded and softly placed it on his eye.

He gasped and his eyes shot opened slapping my hand with the peas away and sitting up straight. He looked at the peas "Oh" he said nearly above a whisper and grabbed the peas out of my hand placing it on his eye.

"I'm gonna go to bed and i think you should to" i said while standing up, He nodded and slowly got up. I grabbed his arm to help him to his room.

He sat on his bed and i went to grab my makeup remover, I walked back into his room "time to clean up my lovely" he chuckled softly. I walked up in fort of him and started taking off the face paint. He groaned a couple of times as i reached his eye.

I finished up and walked out his room to let him change, I walked to my room and changed out of my outfit and crawled into bed.

I couldn't get Johnny's face and moms words out of my head. Johnny looked so broken, He was so upset, His voice was breaking and tears were forming in his eyes, Mom broke Johnny Lawrence. I don't ever want to see johnny sad He's like the father i never had.

Moms words cut deep. Really really deep. I cant believe our sweet mom would ever say such things.

I closed my eyes and started to cry myself to sleep.

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