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Its been a few hours now, Miguel and I went back to cleaning. We were both cleaning the window of Johnny's office, Miguel on the outside and me on the inside.

"Hey sensei, is there any particular way you want us to wash these windows?" Miguel asked while washing.

"Nah I dont give a shit whatever's easiest" Miguel nodded and carried on with what he's doing.

"You know what? Just go clean the toilet and we'll call it a night" Miguel and I sighed, that toilet is disgusting!

"Okay" Miguel said as he walked away "and do that one on your hands and knees" sensei yelled after Miguel. I groaned and went to walk out but sensei stoped me.

"Not you Angel" I turned around to face him with a confused look "Why sensei?" he looked up at me "you're stronger than your brother." I smirked proudly at what he said "you're a natural Cobra" sensei said making me grin.

"Sensei?" he looked back up at me "how can i become more badass?" he smirked at my question almost like he was expecting it "Flip the script" he shrugged. What? what does he mean by that?

"I'm gonna go help Miguel" He nodded and i walked to the bathroom.

I laughed at the sight in front of me. Miguel looked up and groaned at my amused face. I sat down next to him as he went back to cleaning.

"What does Flip the script mean?" I asked miguel and turned to face him He shrugged "no idea.. why?" i shrugged "Just wanted to know" he nodded and went back to scrubbing.

About 6 minutes later i got bored and walked out the bathroom, When I walked out the bathroom Johnny was talking to someone and it looked like they were about to fight.

"Bathroom's clean!" Miguel yelled as he walked out and straight into me making me groan "is there anything else you need us to do-" I stepped on his toe making him wince "shut up" i whispered to him.

Johnny lifted up his hand to tell us to be quiet, The guy johnny is talking to glanced over at us "Oh i'm sorry sensei i-" I hit the back of his head making him go quiet.

"Sensei?" the guy asked "really?" he asked again turning to sensei, Johnny nodded proudly making me smirk.

"Oh my God, Kids i don't know what he's told you but you shouldn't believe a word he says or you're gonna end up exactly like him" I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes at the douche.

"you and i.." The guy looked back at johnny then looked around "this" he paused "we aren't done." he stated as he started walking away.

"I'm right hear man" Johnny said.

The guy scoffs and turns around to look at sensei again he waved it off and walked out the door.

"I'm sorry if We interrupted anything sensei." I apologised even though miguel was the one making the noise.

"Should i do 20 push-ups on my knuckles?" Miguel asked making me snort. Sensei chuckled "Right, Like you could" he said still looking out the window.

Miguel frowned but didn't say anything, The car lights went on and sensei's full attention is on the guy. I wonder what happened...

Miguel and i are now home after a long day, Miguel is practicing in his room while i do push-ups and crunches in mine

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Miguel and i are now home after a long day, Miguel is practicing in his room while i do push-ups and crunches in mine. A knock on my door stopped me from continuing with my push-up.

"Angel La cena está lista" it was my Yaya she told me dinner is ready. I sighed and got up and turned off my music and walked to the door.

I walked to miguel's room with Yaya. I know what he's doing but if i didn't know he was practicing i would be really disgusted... if you know what i mean.

My yaya knocked on his door "Miguel, poner la mesa para la cena" she told him to set the table but ill most likely do it she knocked again "Miguel" i rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen.

I grabbed the plates and stuff to set the table.

Miguel came out his room after a while, We all sat at the table stuffing our faces full of food

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Miguel came out his room after a while, We all sat at the table stuffing our faces full of food. Who new learning karate would make you this hungry.

Just then the door opened and ma walked in "Mama!" i squealed "hey guys" she smiled softly and closed the door.

"Mm it smells good in here" i smiled and zoned out for a bit. My ma kissed me on the cheek making me snap out of my thoughts.

"So have you guys decide what you're going as for the halloween dance?" I shook my head "I'll probably just make something" ma smiled at me and nodded.

"well i was thinking deadpool.." Miguel trailed off "but the costume's a little pricey" I finished for him.

Ma frowned "well how much is it?" she asked

"oh it doesn't have to be deadpool" Miguel protested

"You want a Deadpool costume? We'll make you a deadpool costume" Ma said looking at our Yaya. She laughed sarcastically "no." She said making me snort.

"Oh miggy" Ma said in a concerned voice.. uh oh.. "mhm?" miguel hummed and looked at ma.

"What happened to your hand?" she asked gesturing towards his knuckles.. uh oh.. Ma looked at me and grabbed my hands from under the table, She looked at my knuckles and gasped.

"You too?" i smiled nervously "um-" i was cut off by our yaya "no quieres saber" Miguel and i looked at each other confused. I snorted and remembered it sounded like he was jerking off she must have thought of that.

I excused myself and went off to bed, I was tired and my body was sore. I laid awake for a bit thinking of what sensei said 'flip the script' what did he mean? does he mean like i should change the way i act? dress? my hair? i'm so confused...

after long and hard thinking i have come to the conclusion that i will ask him tomorrow. Then i fell into a dreamless sleep

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