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I let out a sigh as i stared down at the practice test this is actual bullshit like we don't need this.

Just when i slammed my head on the table Miguel also threw us pencil down with a. loud sigh.

I was sitting in front of Demetri and Miguel. The person that's suppose to sit next to me isn't here so i'm sitting alone that god.

"Okay whats going on with you two?" I heard Demetri ask. I slowly lifted my head and turn my body to look at him "The test is almost over" He whispered.

Miguel gave Demetri a side glance "It's just a practice test. Relax" He then reached over to gram his pencil again.

"easy for you to say, you have a girlfriend" Demetri stated. What what the fuck that that have to do with a test?

Miguel looked back up at Demetri with an annoyed face "what does that have to do with anything?"

"I gotta do well on these, So i do well on the actual test, So i get into a good collage, which will lead to a good internship, then a high-paying job, and then after a couple promotions i should have enough confidence to get a super-hot girl..." Demetri paused in the middle of his speech and looked at me

"Like Angel." I chocked on my spit as Miguel's head shot to Demetri "Jesus Demetri and you say you don't have confidence" I chocked out as i started laughing.

"I made her laugh!" he ex clay making me laugh harder, Demetri is so cute at time- Wait what the fuck did i just say? He's cute? Oh fuck uhm ew-

"Anyway you got the karate thing, I gotta play the long game." Just when demetri stopped talking the bell went off signalling us it's time to go home.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and threw it in my bag dashing out of the classroom literally running into Sam.

"Oh sorry i didn't see you" I apologised as i tried to hide the annoyance in my voice. Her face annoys me now. "Oh no it's okay"

I walked over to where hawk is and smiled big at him getting a smirk in return "Hey babe" I giggled at the pet name and kissed him.

"how was the practice test?" Hawk asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist "Boring"

In the corner of my eye i saw Miguel and Sam kissing, I can tell Miguel is annoyed just by his facial expressions.

Demetri came walking over to us and scrunched his nose up. "What you making that face for?" I asked him.

"I want a girlfriend." He stated bluntly causing both Hawk and I to laugh "Then flip the script."

Demetri was about to reply but just then Moon and her fellow rich pretty friends walked by Moons voice rang through my ears as she smiled at Hawk and I.

To be honest Moon makes me feel insecure, I mean look at her, she's perfect, Beautiful face, Perfect body, The prettiest smile, Long beautiful brown hair that flows exactly the way she she wants it. She's rich and overall the perfect girlfriend.

And Hawk actually acknowledging them kinda scares me what if he leaves me for her?

I snapped out of my thoughts when Hawk started dragging me with Him as we followed behind Miguel. I was in the middle of Hawk and Demetri.

"I'm guessing she's still refusing?" I heard Hawk whisper. I nodded my head and hawk places his arm around my shoulder.

Poor Miggy i know how much Sam means to him and for her to just completely shut him off like that must hurt. I mean i know for a fact that Miguel obviously loves the girl already.

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