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Grabbing Hawk's hand She pulled him towards a Mopping Miguel, Angel has had enough of him moping about Sam, Shes not worth it and he'll realise it sooner or later.

"El Serpiente, There you are" Miguel looked over at his friends and sister walking up to him, Hawk and Angel sad next to each other and Aisha also seemed to realise that Miguel was looking a bit off "This how you celebrate a first place trophy?"

"She blocked me." His voice came out weak. This is a way different Miguel than the one Angel and her friends saw at the tournament "So what happens when you get blocked? You counterpunch. Except maybe don't actually hit her this time" Hawk chuckled earning a side glare from Miguel and I both, Aisha just shook her head, Seeing our serious faces he stopped laughing "What too soon?"

"Yes shitbrain" Angel whispered "Look, All i'm saying is Don't give up" Angel wanted to scoff so bad, She wanted to pull a face and completely disagree with what Hawk said but for the sake of her twin she didn't "It's no use. I blew any shot i had with her."

"Just give Sam some time, She'll come around" Angel tried to reassure her brother no matter how awful those words tasted in her mouth "Or she won't, You're the champ now. You can get any chick in the valley you want. You're like Drake. Enjoy it"

Angel nearly gagged at the thought of her brother being told he's like drake, There's a difference, Her brother is a shit eating pig who mopes over girls he doesn't need, Where drake is a hot rapper who can actually get any girl he wants whenever he wants and where ever he wants.

Hawk got up and left but not forgetting to smile a warm smile at Angel "Not sure i wanna be Drake" Angel made a fake gagging noise catching Aisha and Miguel's attention "Don't worry, You're not." Miguel chucked for the first time tonight making Angels heart go warm at the thought of him being happy again.

She won't ever admit it but she loves the goody side of Miguel that he had before karate, Less drama you know? Angel got up from her chair and walked back to the table where her Boyfriend was, Obviously not forgetting the hungry stares.

She could practically feel the eyes undressing her "Fucking horny teens" She muttered for herself before sitting down next to Hawk "So i'm guessing you two finally made up?"

Angel smiled at Demetri and grabbed Hawks hand holding it up showing off their interlocked fingers "Yeah" Demetri smiled and nodded his head in a "oh" way.

"Maybe we can get you a girl here?" Demetri shook his head no frantically "No way no, Not happening" Angel laughed at his panic matter "Weren't you the one complaining about not having a girlfriend?"

Demetri stopped doing anything he was busy with, He froze, He thought about it "Thats very true but having a relationship is a lot of work and not to say loads of drama, I mean look what happened to you two, You were like this happy couple when you first started dating, Everything was so perfect but then drama happened and i don't want that because to be quite frank here my heart won't be able to handle that and like i said the first time we met i do not need to be suicidal right now, Thank you very much."

Holding back a laugh the young girl nodded her head very slowly trying to process what he said, He confuses her.

After about ten minutes or so Miguel and Aisha finally came back and joined the table, Aisha moving next to Demetri and Miguel passing Angel into if Hawks lap to sit down, Angel chuckled and threw her legs over Miguel's legs to make herself more comfortable. Miguel looked down at her legs and scrunched up his face "Eww get them off"


"Get them off"

"I said never"

"I don't want you're cooties"

"Too bad, Live with it"

"Nooooo get them off"




"Okay we get it you don't want her legs on you and you don't want to move your legs can we move on now?"

Miguel and Angel chuckled at an annoyed Aisha Hawk and Demetri later on started giggling too and a couple seconds after Aisha started to laugh as well.

The groupie all ended up clutching their stomachs in pain "Wait where-where's moon?" Angel asked while her laughter slowly died down "Oh she left when Hawk threw her off the bench" Angle replayed the scene in her head and started dying of laughter again "I-i i wish- I wish someone re-recorded h-her" Angel stuttered out in between laughs "Oh i did" Aishas replied proudly.

The rest of the night the group of friends were laughing and having fun, Enjoy their night of victory without any drama and problems. Miguel felt happy for the first time in a while, Seeing his twin happy, Happier than what she was made him happy, He loves her so much and without her he believes she would be lost.

Hawk also enjoyed seeing Angel smile more, He also loved to see her and her brother's bond is back, They we're bickering back and fourth over the smallest things and ended up getting scolded by a very very annoyed Aisha.

Demetri on the other hand felt like the coolest person ever, He had Miguel, Angel and Aisha added to the group of friends and if he was honest this is the most friends he has ever had throughout his entire life, He made these cool friends and for that he couldn't ask for more.

But little did the entire group know what drama will unfold in the next couple of weeks... Starting with a simple fight between three girls, three boyfriends, And one brother. But right now, All the group could possibly feel. Was happiness.

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