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Nothing much really happened after Angel went to the bathroom to cool down, Sam had tried to talk to her but every time she would say something she would get cut off by a "i don't care" or "Save it".

Angel didn't like the fact that Sam was trying to be all buddy buddy with her after she had brought an unknown boy to a party where she knew her boyfriend was going to be. Angel knows that it's not entirely Sam's fault and that Robby did try and help the situation but he ended up making it worse when he didn't stay quite.

The young girl knows that she won't stay mad at Sam forever and that she can't blame here for everything. "Look Angel please just-" Angel wasn't having it, She didn't want to hear what Sam has to say, Angel looked at the girl in front of her glaring daggers at her making her Shut up mid sentence "No Sam i won't listen to what you have to say. You cant just come here acting like you have the right to talk to me after you broke my brothers heart. You didn't even bother to send him a message or call him so the first thing you thought of was to bring another boy." With that the brunette girl stormed out the bathroom leaving a heart broken Sam behind.

Little did Angel and Sam know that the same old man who had just talked to Angel a couple minutes ago heard everything that was said from outside the bathroom. And he had to admit that he liked Angel's fire and he cant wait to help her grow it more. What can he say? He is the king of no mercy after all.


Angel walked back over to her Brother and Boyfriend, But while she made her way over she couldn't shake the feeling of everyone's eyes on her or that one specific cold glare that sent shivers down her spine. It made her anxious. She felt intimidated by His Icy blue eyes.

She looked behind her and made eye contact with the one and only person who's glare can make her run to a corner and cry. Tyler Silver. Something about him seemed off to the girl but she just brushed it off and continued walking over to her blue mohawked boyfriend.

Hawk saw her staring at Tyler and to be fair it pissed him off knowing that he isn't one of the most good looking guys and she can easily leave him for someone more attractive. He's jealous and he knows it.

He watched as his girlfriend and the guy stared at each other making him think to himself 'what if i never became hawk, would she still be dating me?' Questions flooded his head as he started to become self-conscious about himself. He hated that someone like Tyler could get his girls attention so easily.

Hawk saw Angel turn her head back towards him and he quickly looked back in front of him wiping his face of all emotion.

Angel went to go and hug Hawk but before she even reached him he looked at her no emotion present on his face and walked away simply stoping the girl in her tracks.

'what's up his ass?' the girl asked herself, She shrugged and kept walking standing next to her twin, "Is hawk okay?" Miguel looked down at his twin sister and stared at her for a moment. He was thinking of what he could say and how he's going to say it without it sounding as if he's accusing her of liking someone else. He has come to the conclusion that no matter how he's going to reply it's going to come out bad. The brunette boy went to say something but was interrupted by one of the workers.

He got called up on the mat for the final fight against Robby, But he hasn't come out yet because Angel and Hawk hurt his arm pretty badly.

Miguel and Sensei went on the mat and left Angle standing alone. She's still feeling the cold glare and she hated it. She wanted his attention to be on someone else and not on her. The girl sighed and looked back to where hawk as standing. They made eye contact for a split second before hawk looked away up in the crowed and his eyes fell on something.

Or rather.


Angel follows his eyes and saw that he was in fact starting at?


She sighed and clenched her jaw. 'it doesn't matter' she told herself over and over 'He's just a boy' Little did she know that the old man in the crowd once again focused on her and how she's clenching her fists. The man with the Cobra tattoo was intrigued.

He saw how angry she is and he knew that she would make a great soldier. Or at least that's what he likes to call his Karate students.

Angel sat down on the bench next to Hawk who was looking into the distance trying to avoids her. If he was ong honest he doesn't even know why he's avoiding her.

Hawk's heart skipped a beat when he felt someone slowly take his hand in theirs, He looked to the side and looked straight at his Girlfriend. His face softened when he saw her light smile. He lifted up her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles Simply reminding her that he still cares.

The girl blushed and moves closer to him. "Are you mad at me?" Hawk looked into Angel's eyes for a split second before replying "No." Then he pecked her lips and looked back in front of him.

Its true He cant stay mad at her even if he tries. Its not possible.

Robby finally came out of wherever he was but clearly in pain. Not Angel or Hawk felt bad for hurting him. Hawk felt pride and Angel just didn't care. She would do it again if she could.

The announcer guy told everyone that it's the final moment and literally everyone nearly jumped out of their seats. They were all excited and on edge to see who's going to win. When they first arrived Angel had no doubt that maybe her or Miguel would win but when she saw Robby fight she started doubting that her Brother might actually win.

The two boys got into fighting positions after they bowed. Angel kinda zoned out and didn't pay attention at all, She was bored and just wanted to get out of there. If she can't fight she's not interested. She also didn't care if it's her brother fighting she did not give a flying Fuck.

She wanted to get out of that place so that she could escape His glare.

The young girl looked up at the crowd and looked at Moon. Her Beautiful features stood out like a sore thumb. She was attracting most guys in the audience. It pissed Angel off.

Angel thought that they were friends but not once did moon Look at her or cheer for her. It was only ever just for Hawk.

Suddenly she was yanked off the bench and pulled onto the mat. Only then did she realise that Miguel had won and Robby was Glaring at him while holding his shoulder in pain. But it was something else that caught Angel's attention more. Sensei didn't look happy. At all.

Miguel said something about how he thanks Sensei Lawrence but Angel wasn't listening until Miguel mentioned her name "And i'll like to Thank my Twin sister" He looked back at her and Hawk pushed her forwards "For always having my back even she really wants to hit me" She smiled at Miguel and hugged him. He hugged back but too tightly.

She pushed him off and took a deep breath earning a chuckle from him.

Miguel Diaz All Valley Under 18 karate tournament winner.

She was proud.



Who do you guys think Tyler Silver is??

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