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the next morning Angel was up and about early, getting ready for karate excited to see how many new kids will join after their little valley fest stunt.

Angel grabbed her duffel bag with her karate gi and ran out of the house leaving Miguel standing at the door looking at his sister with a weird look on his face "Hey wait for me you bitch!" he yelled out as he ran after his crazy twin

Angel ran into the dojo with pure joy on her face when she was met with the loving eyes of her boyfriend standing staring at her with admiration, she ran into his arms and gave him a big hug "well hallo there you seem happy" hawk giggled as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, Angel nuzzled her head inti his neck not saying anything

"She's too happy, it's scaring me" Miguel said out of breathe as he walked into the dojo a few minutes after. Angel pulled away from hawk causing him to frown "oh stop your moping i'm getting changed" The young brunette let out as she walked into the locker room leaving a scared Miguel and a frowning hawk.

"you gotta understand that Mogadishu in the '90s was a hellhole. Warlords controlled whole swaths of the city. My team and i were charged with cleaning the place up." Angel heard sensei Kreese say as she walked out of the changing rooms standing next to her boyfriend "how many warlords did you kill?" she asked causing sensei to focus on her, hawk looking at her in amazement because he was just about to ask the same thing.

"you keep track of every ant you stomp out?" Miguel scoffed at Sensei's reply with a "woah" following from Aisha hawk and angel smirked at each other "baddass."

"they were outgunned, we were outmanned, I tell you... Rwanda was no joke." Sensei finished as Miguel stood up with a confused expression on his face "Don't you mean Somalia? Mogadishu is in Somalia, Rwanda is a whole different country"

Sensei Kreese turned around to face Miguel, A look on his face of disbelief before turning around once again"of course, Somalia" he chuckled out "I've spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kind of bleeds together, you know?" Miguel seemed to not buy senseis crap as he still had that look of confusion on his face, Hawk Aisha and Angel all nodded with big smirks on their faces as if they knew he wasn't lying.

"Listen up!" Sensei Lawrence's voice rang through the dojo grabbing attention from all his students as he walked out of the storage room, "I see we've got some new recruits" Angels smile beamed excited to see what they've got in store "Everybody fall in!"

They started to move into two their lines, Miguel, Hawk, Angel, and Aisha in the front of the lines "In neat rows and lines" sensei called out

"time to see what you're made of." Sensei started walking through the lines observing every new student "straighten up, ginger twins" The two new students obeyed and straightened up their stance

Sensei's eyes landed on a bulky guy, who looks like he's well in over his 40's "Sorry parents can't stay for class. it's an insurance thing."

"no i'm not a dad i... I am here to kick some ass, Sir!" Sensei looked at him intensely while Angel and hawk tried not to giggle "do i know you from somewhere?"

"Oh yeah, the um.. I sold you the mirror, we kind of bonded, talked about rock bands." The guy confirmed sensei's thinking "look you're a little old. This is a class for teenagers"

"Well, i.. i can take them." The guy chuckled awkwardly "i'm not afraid of kids, sir. And my mom, she doesn't charge me rent, so i just... i got a lot of cash to burn" the man finished while taking some cash out of us shirts pocket and handing it to Johnny "yeah." Sensei said quietly while forcefully grabbing the money out of his hands "we'll consider this a trial run." The guy nodded and looked down as sensei started walking back to the front

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