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Miguel and I were now waiting for sensei outside the dojo, Miguel was yapping about the site he made in class while i wasn't even paying attention.

A couple minutes later Sensei's car came into view and i jumped on my feet, I noticed that he seemed a little off...

He got out his car and slammed the door shut "Hey sensei you told us to be here at five right?" miguel asked

"Yeah but today's training's cancelled." Sensei answered while putting in the keys to open the door.

"What?" i sighed "why?" miguel asked confused.

there was a small pause before sensei answered "cause i said so" He opened the door and walked in the dojo. Miguel and i shared confused looks before i ran inside with miguel following shortly after.

"Sensei, there's something that i wanna show you." Miguel exclaimed reaching into his bag.

"great here we go again" i muttered to myself

"look i'm really not in the mood" sensei said while grabbing a drink from the mini fridge.

"but i think you'll like it" Miguel pushed "hes not wrong" i shrugged.

"It's a cobra kai web page, right?" miguel started but i interrupted him "He made it in study hall" sensei looked at me and i could see him fight back a laugh.

"anyway.. Click on the snake" sensei looked back at miguel and hesitatingly clicked the snake.

"okay this is the sign-in page... I was thinking maybe we make an app where you track your progress, get a social media campaign going, get it out to the whole school. The possibilities are endless" Miguel was yapping but was cut off by his phone ringing.

"that was my mom..." he paused "I'll uh.. all her back later." he shrugged

"hey was that just-" sensei started but we cut him off

"Ratt?" miguel and i said in sync

"Awesome right?" miguel asked

Sensei smirked "Yeah" he said softly

"We went online and looked up some guns N roses and ended up going on this whole 80's-rock rabbit hole" I stated and walked up next to sensei

"that shit is dope" Miguel and i said i'm sync again.

"Stop doing that" sensei chuckled and fake shivered "its creepy" I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully.

"all right, Meet me at the high school at midnight. don't be late." Miguel stood up

"W-what for?" he asked

"you wanna learn how to kick ass" sensei paused "First you both gotta lean how to kick." I smirked and stood next to miguel.

"Hell yeah!" miguel and i both yelled in sync i looked at him and he looked at me "stop that" we said at the same time "no actually stop" we said together again "Stop-" we said in sync again "Sensei!" we both exclaimed in sync we turned to him "she wont stop" "he won't stop" we both yelled "Ugh" we both threw our hand in the air "STOP THAT" We yelled.

sensei started at the show in front of him making me start laughing and soon after miguel "how do you two do that?" sensei asked "Dont know" we said together again "Jesus" we both exclaimed.

sorry for this short chapter😬😬

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sorry for this short chapter😬😬

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