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sitting around the matt, the students watched in excitement as their sensei's was sparring together, both being equally as good as the other.

"okay pay attention" sensei lawrence called out from the headlock sensei kreese has put him in "he's got my neck, i've got his elbow, if i try to break out" sensei demonstrated as he talked "i dig in" sensei kreese called out slamming his free hand over his other "and i put him to sleep"

"if i go for his ribs" sensei sent his elbow flying back into kreese's ribs "he completely exposes his chest" sensei kreese breathed out while lifting his leg up to johnny's chest "two difficult choices, what do you do?" everyone looked around the room but no one seemed to know what to do

sensei lawrence took the silence as an answer and moved his foot around kreese's dropping them both to the ground with a loud thud "you damn the consciences and you power forward"

"you may get hurt, but nobody wins by doing nothing" angel looked around and her eye caught sight of Aisha and tory looking at her hair and pointing to hawks, she smirk and lightly tapped hawk and gave him the eyes to see where she was hinting at, he finally caught on an a sly smirk started to form on his lips "you make a move, you go all in"

senseis voice brought the girl back to him, realising that karate was over she jumped up in excitement, miguel hasn't seen her hair since now and he's been giving her looks like 'i'm gonna kill you' or 'what the fuck have you done'

laughing to herself she felt an arm snake around her shoulders as the lovely overpowering scent filled her nose indicating that it was hawk "how about we all go out later?" he whispered in her ear causing her to smile "sounds like a plan" she replied back staring up at his beautiful eyes.

She often found herself wondering how a boy who acts so hard around other people can be a proper baby around her, Because when hawk talked to other people he would be firm and hard, but around her his guard would be down and he would soften his eyes and voice almost as if he was scared that when he talked to loud around her she'll break like she's fragile.

"earth to angel!" angel blinked a couple times realising she was day dreaming again, she looked to the side where tory had now stood with Aisha both having a smirk on their face "you can go now hawk"

Hawk looked at Tory almost as if he was going to say something back but bit his tongue only not to upset his girlfriend standing in his arms, He nodded and kissed Angel on the head walking over to where an angry looking miguel was standing staring at his sister's hair who was now nothing like his.

"sooo when we're you going to tell us?" Tory's voice rang through the short girls head as a smile krept on her face "well technically now" she laughed out as Aisha rolled her eyes and tory just smiled "have you two had sex yet?" Angel nearly choked on her spit at the random question that just left the blondes mouth.

Aisha going into a fit of laughter resulting in everyone to look at them, angel went quite red as a tomato at the fact that her friend jjst asked if her and hawk had sex yet, honestly she knew why she was asking, her and hawk do have a lot of tension and she's not the only one who thinks that either "no we haven't"

Tory smirked and Angel knew exactly what she was going to say next "not yet" the young girl rolled her eyes at tory only smiling and not saying anything.

Little did the girls know Miguel was throwing a fit to Hawk about taking her to get her hair done with out telling anyone "i just can't believe you would t even tell me man"

"no scratch that i cant believe she didn't tell me!" miguel cried out to hawk who was just huffing and puffing trying to get it over with "come on man it's not a big deal it's just hair"

"yeah but what if you break up, you'll be matching g like two idiots in school and karate training" Hawk looked over at miguel tilting his head a bit to maybe try and figure out why he was being so pressed about the fact that his sister dyed her hair "is there more to the story?"

"what?" Miguel questioned not understanding what hawk meant "is there more to this? i feel like this ain't just cause of her hair" Miguel stood still for a second, trying to get his last two brain cells to work properly "nah that's the only reason" hawk rolled his eyes and faced towards his girlfriend watching from afar as his smile slyly grew on his face.

Miguel watched ad hawk blatantly ignored him just to stare at her, his heart lightly warming up, loving to know the fact that he's just as in love with her as she is with him.


the boys had decided to take the girls out for lunch, angel being bored off her hair she was scrolling through instagram aimlessly looking at memes to maybe get her out of her daze

She had a gut feeling something wasn't right and she could t quite place what it was, but whatever it was isn't going to end good and it won't make her too happy either "watch this" tory whispered to angel as she got an ice cube from her drink looking over to miguel throwing it at him, Got him right in the eye as well "hey" miguel sighed and shook his head turning back to his lap top "oops, must've slipped out of my hand"

Angel gave tory a little nudge out of the chair after she realised miguel was ignoring her because he was more focused with what was happening on his lap top "what are you even doing over there" tory questioned to make it seem like she wasn't just pushed out of the booth sitting in front of miguel

Hawk walked past her table and grabbed her arm waiting for her to be up on her feet, throwing his arm around her shoulders they walked up to his table "move" chris got up as fast as he could after hawk told him to move

Angel looked up into a growing face, she tilted her head "what's the matter with you?" she questioned? only getting looked straight in the eyes with a look of pure horror on his face "there's something you guys should see" he said handing the phone to Angel.

Hawk stood behind her and started to read it out loud "very unprofessional sensei"

"does not take into account safety or personal boundaries" angel read out after, feeling her blood boil "the facility is in dire need of a major facelift"

"who the hell does this guy think he is?" Angel yelled out, her hands now in small fists her knuckles turning white, she grabbed the phone from hawks grip and went in on the account to see who this guys was

shocking her self when she realised that it was Demitri's face who popped up, feeling her breathing slow down she suddenly felt hawk's entire body stiffen ad his breathing became ratchet, she could tell he was fuming.

Angel suddenly got up, Hawk seeming to understand exactly what she was thinking as he followed behind her fast, Angel ignored tory miguel and Aisha when they had asked why she was storming off, Hawk hot on her heels with the two dipshits hot on his.

Hawk finally caught up to angel throwing his arm around her shoulder, she could feel his heart pumping fast and out of his chest, Hawk swore he left her burn him with all the anger she had in her eyes, "we breaking someone's neck today?" hawk questioned his girlfriend walking next to him"

"i'm killing demitri and no one is going to stop me." Hawk smirked "that's my girl"

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