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First up to fight was Miguel, his opponent didn't seem very strong, He looked more like a lost puppy. The fear in his eyes can be spot from a mile away. Its funny really, Why are people like him doing karate when they are so close to peeing their pants?

Just before Miguel stepped onto the mat, Sensei pulled him back and whispered something in his ear while his eyes never left Mr. LaRusso's. Their intense stare ended when Miguel stepped onto the mat ready to beat his opponent.

Instead of taking a normal fight stance he did the kick well known as the Crane kick. Can beat your opponent any day with just one of those kicks.

The referee yelled out fight and as expected the opponent attacked first giving Miguel perfect opportunity to kick him in the face which he did, The guy flew back into the mat with a groan and Miguel earned a point. Cobra kai students were cheering him on non stop. "That's one point Diaz"

"Fighting positions, And fight!"  Miguel attacked again this time first immediately gaining another point for him. Like i said This karate dojo is weak. Where's the competition? I don't see any?

I'm next to fight when Miguel wins, Am i nervous? No. All i want to know is who am i fighting? I looked over at sensei "Sensei?" He turned to me and hummed in response before i got to say something My name was called up. Guess i didn't realise Miguel won.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the mat to see who i would be fighting. And when i tell you i wasn't even shocked i mean it. Tyler Silver. I growled a little to loud since sensei must have heard it "Dont let him get to you" Nodding my head i went to walk up but hawk pulled me back and quickly gave me a peck on the lips telling me good luck.

I wakes up on the mat "This is going to be easy" Closing my eyes and ignoring him i remembered what sensei just told me 'don't let him get to you' This guy is pissing me off, He's everywhere.

"look at me now, Face each other bow, Fighting positions. and fight!"

Without opening my eyes I already knew he was going in for an attack, quickly opening my eyes i sent a knee to his stomach and he fell to the floor groaning. "One point Diaz!" I smirked down at him "Not so easy now huh?" not having it he jumped up "You know a pretty girl like you shouldn't be hanging out with a guy like.. Him" Disgust dripped out his words as he eyed Hawk. Rolling my eyes i took my fighting stance again and he did the same "And fight!"

This time boy letting him attack me first i charged at him Sending a kick his way, But he caught on fast and blocked my kick. He punched me in the stomach sending me flying back. He winded me. "One point Silver!" he smirked down at me kinda like i did with him "I would say it's pretty easy" scoffing i stood up and took my fighting stance. 

"You should join my dojo, I think a girl like you will love it" I readied an eyebrow "What do you mean a girl like Me?" He let out a dry dark chuckle almost like he's a serial killer "well i mean you are the only good looking girl in cobra kai so my guess is that you probably already slept with half of the boys" As those words left his lips i felt my blood boil, My face turned hot because of my anger. I clenched my fists so tight they turned white "Nothing to say now huh little slut" He continued but what he didn't know is that the referee said we can fight.

"Why are you still talking?" And just like that I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and kneed him to the face "One point Diaz!" good one more point then i win. Tyler stood up with a scowl on his face "Did you like that you dipshit?" he didn't reply instead he just growled. Good i'm getting under his skin. "Fighting positions, And fight"

He waited to see what he would do but he didn't move instead he analysed me to see what my next move will be. Having enough of him i roundhouse kicked him punched him yet again in his face. "Winner Diaz" I smirked and looked down at Tyler who's now laying on the floor "Pussy." And with that being said i walked off the mat.

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