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Angel's eyes fluttered open as Miguel is shaking her "wake up sis" Angel groaned and covered her face with the blanket "five more minutes" she mumbled "Yeah no" Miguel says as he pulls the blankets off her. Angel groaned and sat up rubbing her eyes "i'm up, i'm up" Miguel smiled at her "get dressed and come have breakfast" Miguel says before walking out her room She groans and gets up walking to her closet.

she grabbed a high waisted skinny ripped jean and a black crop top with some black and white vans, she put them on and walked to the bathroom. She tied her hair in a loose ponytail and brushed her teeth, after she was done she walked to the kitchen "Morning mama" she kissed her moms cheek and sat next to Miguel

"so now you're in a good mood?" Miguel teased Angel groaned in response and Miguel chuckled "can you two please go see if there is any mail oh and ask someone if they are having the same problem with the water pressure" their mom said looking at the twins, they both nod and got up to walk to the door.

Miguel holds the door open for Angel "thanks bro" she says as she walks out Miguel nodded and closed the door, they went to see if they have any mail and they don't. A couple minutes later a guy walked out his apartment grabbing both Miguel and Angel's attention. Miguel grabs Angel's hand and walks to the guy "hey i'm Miguel and this is my twin sister Angel we just moved into 109" The guy looked back at the twins "Great. more immigrants" he mumbled "Actually we're from Riverside" Angel corrected "But anyways" Angel started "we were wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure" Miguel continued "cause i know our sink's being weird right now" Angel finished.

They followed the guy to the bins, Both the twins noticed that he's putting bottles in the wrong bin "oh Bottles go in the blue bins" they both said in sync. The guy threw the bottles in the wrong bin anyway.

"Listen" the guy started catching Miguel and Angel's attention "i've lived in this shithole for over ten years. Pipes don't work. The fountain's full of piss. The only good thing here is that i don't have to talk to anybody. So nice knowing ya." The guy says and bends down to grab his toolbox "okay well" Miguel started "have a nice day" Angel continues and looks at Miguel "We guess" they both said at the same time.

The guy got in is car and slammed the door shut, He turned on the car and started to speed away. Angel looked at Miguel "Well he's rude" Miguel nods i'm agreement "Maybe he just had a bad morning" Angel shrugged and grabbed Miguel dragging him back home.

A couple hours have passed since the random encounter with the weird guy Miguel and Angel was just chilling and talking. Their grandma has asked the twins to go get her some medicine at the shop, they agreed and walked to the shop.

when they entered the shop they saw the guy from this morning buying a slice of pizza "hi where is the pepto-bismol?" Angel asked the guy behind the counter "over there" he said in Spanish and pointed at it, Miguel and Angel walked to it They grabbed it and went to stand next to the guy from this morning, They shared awkward glances before Miguel spoke "My grandma's not feeling well" Miguel said to the guy "Didn't ask." he said to him and face the guy behind the counter again

"come on what's Spanish for "just give me my damn slice"?" he said/asked "maldito idiota" the guy behind the counter says looking at the twins "probablemente tiene un pene pequeño" he said making Angel laugh, Miguel laughed softly "what did you just say?" the guy asked "what did he say" he asked the twins "you don't wanna know" they answered in sync "I know it's something bad. just tell me" he demanded "uh.. he said you have a tiny...." Angel started and Miguel pointed down at his pants. "he said i have a tiny wang?" he asked now looking at the guy again "tell him he has a tiny wang." The blonde says making Angel giggle softly.

"I speak English asshole." The guy behind the counter says to the blonde "oh really?" the blonde says and threw money at the other guy grabbing his slice of pizza out his hands and storms off out of the shop. The twins laugh at the show and pays.

A couple minutes later a group of boys walked into the shop. Angel went to walk out but accidentally walks into one of the boys "What the hell" he shouts and pushes her out the store "i-i'm sorry" she says softly, He pushes her again making making her stumble back "watch where you're going!" he yelled "hey leave her alone" Miguel yelled at him. The guy had pushed both The twins making them fall.

"oh what do we got here" he asked picking up the medicine making Both Miguel and Angel sigh as they get up "what do you got? pepto" other one of the boys says "oh shit. someone has fricking diarrhoea!" someone yelled and they all started laughing "hey we should call them Rhea!" the fat one says "give it back dude. Its for our grandma" Angel yelled trying to grab it "oh it's for your grandma? shit i'm sorry" one said Miguel and Angel shared confused glances "hey you want it?" the brown haired boy asked "hey you can take all that shit" he says as he started pouring it all over the twins "bitch" he threw the now empty bottle at Angel "Asshole" Angel mumbled earning ooohs from some of the boys "what'd you say Rhea?" he asked now walking up to Angel "i-i didn't say anything" she says slowly walking back, He punched her in the stomach making her fall to the ground and groan in pain.

"Angel!" Miguel yelled and rushed to her helping her up, Once Angel got up she tried running "Are you crying? Where you going pussy?" he asked and one of them pushed her into a red car "Hey!" someone yelled "watch the car man" He yelled again Angel looked up to see the same guy from this morning "who's this dude?" One of them asked "Just leave the dorks alone" the blonde guy said "you see this guy? eating his dinner at the mini-mart like a bum." One of them teased and the rest laughed.

"wait i think i know this guy" the brown haired guy says "he's the jerk-off that cleaned my dads septic tank" he laughed "that explains why he smells like shit" the fat one says while laughing "trust me you guys are pissing off the wrong guy on the wrong day. All right?" the blonde older guy says slowly walking up to
them "really" the brown haired boy asked "really" he answered back "get the hell outa hear loser" the brown haired boy yelled pushing him making him drop his pizza.

The blonde guy looked back up and kicked him in the face, Miguel had helped Angel To get her to a saver place and watched the fight unfold the rest of the boys started to attack him but he fought them all. They all laid on the ground and the guy turned to us "holy shit how did you-" Angel started but was cut off when one of the boys had attacked him again.

He fought them all once again and they laid on the ground the cops showed up and pepper sprayed The older guy making Miguel and Angel jump to action "It wasn't his fault" they both yelled at the same time but it was no use, they had hit him and he passed out.

Miguel helped Angel Back home, luckily when they got home no one was awake. Miguel helped Angel to her room and helped her get into bed, He kissed her head and walked out her room. Soon after Angel had drifted off to sleep.

hope you liked this since it's my first cobra kai book!!

- angel :)

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