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My eyes Flutter open as the sunlight shines into my room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. God i'm so tired.

I got up and grabbed some workout clothes (on top) and went to the bathroom. I took a nice warm shower and dried my hair tying it up in a high ponytail.

I walked out and went back to my room grabbing my phone to look at the time. I sighed and went to Miguel's room.

I kissed his head softly and started to shake him "wake up Miggy" i said softly while shaking him.

His eyes eventually flutters open and groans "Just 5 more mi..." he trailed off I rolled my eyes "GET UP YOU LAZY ASS DORK" I yelled making him fall off his bed.

"Jesus" be wined i laughed and winked at him walking out his room.

"Good morning" i smiled at my yaya and kissed her cheek, she smiled back and i grabbed an apple taking a bite out of it.

as i waited for miguel i went on instagram and followed Eli and Demetri. Now i don't really like Demetri but oh well.

Eli is really adorable, hes so so sweet and doesn't deserve to be bullied, Hes one of the cutest nerds i have ever met. Then we have Demetri.... He's just... annoying.

My thoughts were interrupted by Miguel walking into the kitchen "You ready" I asked while still scrolling through Eli's feed. Miguel grabbed my phone and smirked once he saw what i was looking at.

"you like him don't you" he grinned

"what? n-no" he raised an eyebrow

"Bullshit." he said in a 'as a matter of fact' tone. I felt my cheeks go red and grabbed my phone from him "just shut up and come before sensei goes ape shit on us." He smiled and nodded.

I walked out the door leaving it open for my twin, I started to walk away leaving him behind.

I walked into the dojo and immediately took off my shoes "Sensei!" I yelled, He walked out the office and grinned once he saw me standing ready. He frowned when he noticed Miguel wasn't with me "where i-" he was cut off by miguel walking in.

"I...hate...my..." Miguel started but i cut him off "Dont even say you hate me because we all know you love me" He glared at me but his eyes soften, I smirked.

"anyway" Sensei started "get on the mat and start punching the shit out of the dummies." I smirked and nodded walking over to the dummy.

I took my fighting stance and started punching the dummy. It feels good to take out all of the anger i had built up for years, The adrenaline that runs through me when i'm fighting is amazing. Its like i'm a whole different person when i'm doing karate.

"hey don't you two happen to have friends who wanna learn karate?" sensei asked coming out his office I turned around "well..." i trailed off.

"Hey, Sensei When are we gonna learn to do some kicking?" I turned to face Miguel "I saw a youtube video of a guy breaking boards and it looked badass"

"yeah, no shit Kicking is badass but you're not ready" I frowned at sensei's words "If i dont get more students in here i won't be able to teach you two anything"

"You've thought about advertising right?" I asked

"Yeah... Duh... of course" I snorted at his response and miguel laughed, He rolled his eyes and walked back into his office.

I went back to punching the dummy for a while. I got tired and walked to sensei's office.

I peeked my head in "sensei?" i asked softly, he looks up and smiles "yes Angel?" he asked and i stepped in his office.

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