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"Sensei what are we doing here at midnight?" I asked as we entered the school's swimming pool Area.

"you sure we're supposed to be here?" miguel asked

"yeah don't worry my buddy is the night janitor" sensei shrugged.

"Alright let me see your hands... both of you." sensei demanded while taking out a rope. Well that's new? I nodded and stuck out both my hands, as soon as i did that he tied the Rope around my wrists.

"w-wh... what are you doing?" i asked confused, he didn't reply instead he tied Miguel's wrists too.

"when you're in a fight, your first instinct is to use your hands, right? you gotta unlearn that" sensei paused and finished tying miguel's hands.

"and think with your legs"

"uhh how do we think with our legs" i asked

"well you just, uh-" sensei pushed miguel and i into the pool. I was struggling to get up to get air and i could feel miguel having trouble too. I eventually found my way up and gasped for air as soon as my head was above water.

"shit" i heard sensei mumble and i saw him pull miguel up "I'm drowning" he gasped "drowning is for pussies all right? Don't be a pussy! use your legs!" he let go of miguel and suddenly my legs gave out under me, I went back down in the water struggling to kick up. Suddenly i felt a hand grab my hoodie i was wearing.

I gasped for air "Please not again, ill die" i heard miguel yell "cobra kai never dies. say it both of you".

"cobra kai never dies" miguel and i said i'm sync

"Say it like your life depends on it!" sensei yelled

"Cobra kai never dies!" miguel and i yelled

"I'm not gonna help you two this time. all the power you need is in your legs! use it to kick your way up. Do you understand?"

"Yes sensei" is all miguel and i said before i was dropped down in the water again, I closed my eyes and focused on kicking my way up, My breath was running out so i started to kick, It took me quite awhile to get up, as soon as i got up miguel came
up a second after me.

"yes that's it! keep kicking!" sensei exclaimed

I was struggling to stay above water but soon got the hang of it, I was kicking for my dear life, my legs were aching and it's hard to stay above with burning legs.

"three minutes keep going" sensei told us

i mentally cursed and kept kicking

"Ten minutes!" sensei yelled

suddenly the door opened "hey! what the hell are you doing?" someone yelled

"oh shit! we gotta go we gotta go!" sensei exclaimed grabbing both miguel and i pulling us out the pool

"you're not allowed in here!"

"I thought you knew this guy!" miguel and i yelled

"of course not. I lied." sensei said simply

After that night in the pool miguel and i have been learning to do some kicking

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After that night in the pool miguel and i have been learning to do some kicking. It's all going good! Sensei is pretty impressed with our progress.

I'm now sitting on the floor putting on my shoes and miguel is next to me doing the same

"I wish i could show my mom what i did to those boards" Miguel started "But if she knew where we are right now she would kill us" i finished He sent me an amused smirk.

"what's wrong with you?" i asked sensei as i got up

"nothing." he paused and closed something that looked like a letter "Put your costumes on i'm driving you both to that dance. We're gonna pick up more students." sensei finished. I gasped oh fuck i forgot about the dance! I didn't have time to make my costume fuck......

Miguel stood up and out of the costume yaya and mom made for him, it was supposed to be a superhero... but it didn't turn out to great..

"what the hell is that?" sensei asked while scrunching up his nose.

"It's his halloween costume" i shrugged "our yaya made it." i snorted.

"It started off as deadpool" Miguel started

"The  spider man"i cut him off

"and then it just kind of became some generic superhero" miguel finished

"yeah a poor one at that" sensei looked miguel up and down "You're poor-man" sensei and i chuckled while miguel just sighed a 'yeah'

"What about you angel what are you going as?" sensei asked me, I scratched the back of my neck "well uh... so i didn't have time to make it...." i trailed off, Miguel laughed and sensei sighed.

Sensei turned back to Miguel "well i cant let you go out like that, We have a reputation to uphold" sensei smirked.

"what do you suggest?" miguel asked. Sensei's smirk grew even more but then fade once he saw me standing there awkwardly.

"Oh- Oh my god! I have a costume!" I yelled and ran out the dojo ignoring sensei's calls. I ran home and immediately ran to my room looking though my closet grabbing the Halloween costume i wore like 2 years ago.. hopefully it still fits me!

I ran to the bathroom and immediately did my hair and put on some make up, I put on the outfit and walked back to my room, I grabbed my phone and galled Miguel

Miguel: Angel! where did you go?

Angel: Home, I grabbed my Halloween costume, it's safe to say it still fits the skirt is just a little short but that's okay.." i trailed off

Miguel: wait. are you wearing the costume you wore 2 years ago?

I chuckled and replied with a soft 'yeah' i heard him sigh

Angel: anywaysss what are you going as?

Miguel: oh sensei gave me this amazing skeleton costume! it's sick

Angel: wicked! oh yeah i called to say i'll meet you and sensei at school

I heard sensei ask 'Is that angel?

i yelled into the phone i heard him chuckle

Miguel: jesus my ears! anyway see you later

Angel: yeah bye

miguel: bye

I ended the call and walked out the house, I started walking to school and stopped to look at myself, 'Flip the script' ran through my mind, I smirked i think i know what to do.

I started to run to school because it was getting darker and i don't wanna be late.

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