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Angel was raging to say the least, After Daniel's little cry about what they had done to his dojo Johnny had sent all of the remaining students home, and that pissed angel off.

Angel didn't feel bad for what her and hawk did, She couldn't care less to be honest, she didn't give a fuck about the medal of honour and the cry LaRusso had, if anything she was more impressed that her and Hawk got away with it even when Johnny looked straight at their panicking faces, But Johnny is blonde so it didn't surprise her as much as it was meant to.

Hawk on the other hand continued to tense up and didn't shake the panicked look of his face "they won't find out it's us, stop worrying so much you'll get wrinkles" Angel pointed out as she poked his forehead that he was frowning so hard, Hawk looked up from the ground and at his girlfriend sitting in front of him with her arms now crossed.

Clearly annoyed at how he could act so tough but he such a pussy "i'm not worrying" Hawk lied, plastering a fake smirk on his lips only earning a scoff and an eye roll from Angel. She expected him to be more of a hard ass because he did beat up his supposed to be best friend.

Hawk wouldn't say he's scared, concerned that if they get caught Johnny might kick them out even though deep down hawk knew Johnny would never do that no matter how mad, all he'll really do is make him do 100 pushups on his knuckles but that wasn't as bad anymore since he's used to it now considering the amount of times he pisses someone off.

"Anyway" Angel spoke quickly once she noticed the silence getting louder and longer, something she wasn't used to around Hawk "better know for a fact he'll be drilling us all tomorrow for class" The girl spoke with a chuckle leaving her lips earning a real smile to form on Hawk's lips.

Angel looked up from her hands and into her boyfriends eyes, Lifting her hands slowly she grabbed his face with her two hands pulling his face closer to hers "get your act straight" she whispered pushing his face away in a joking matter "You're Hawk for godsake!" she raised her voice a playful smirk on her lips "people fear you!"

Hawk let her words get into his head as a sinister smirk grew on his lips, He knows who he is and he knows his authority around kids in school and outside of school, He's the badass with the mohawk who people make way for in the halls, Everyone knew his name and everyone knew his lovely lady's name.

Hawk grabbed Angels face and smashed his lips onto hers, His worrying now pushed aside and forgotten about just because she said so, crazy how she had so much power over him, Hawk pulled away from the girls lips immediately longing to feel them again but instead wiped his mind and gave her a sweet smile


Nothing would've prepared any of the students for the hell of a day they were about to have in the dojo, Johnny wasn't playing around he wanted to find out who did it, too bad he never would unfortunately.

Instead a certain old war soldier kept his eyes trained on Hawk and Angel, Kreese knew these two were going to bring out the worst in each other, They'll make each other release their inner Anger turning them into the most ruthless couple out there, and he was excited to say the least. From the moment he saw Angel fight at the all valley tournament he immediately knew she was going to be wicked.

Johnny has had the students for all kinds of warmups, whether that was doing multiple push ups, to running around the dojo, to sparing with another student, he didn't stop and wasn't intending to until someone fessed up, He currently had the students warming up with the ropes.

Angel's arms were on fire, she's never experienced such a hectic workout before in her life and she's not sure if she should even enjoy it or drop it and cry out for help, Looking around the room she pushed down a laugh at the faces everyone was making, and her eyes landed on Kreese.

Angel's heart dropped, Kreese knew they did it, why hasn't he told on them yet? he is a sensei after all, Kreese grinned at Angel and nodded his head lifting his finger up to his mouth making a 'shhh' motion to which she only nodded and continued killing her arms

After Johnny went on another little rant about asking who trashed Miyagi-Do he had the students do crunches, Angel placed herself in the middle of Hawk and Miguel, right in front of Kreese.

Jumping up and falling back to the ground in a push up way, she continued to repeat what she just done, Sensei went on another squeal trying to find out who did it "Sensei we really don't know who did it" Miguel gasped out, feeling the tiredness come over him "Somebody knows something."

Angel's head snapped to the sound of Kreese's voice only to find out he's already giving her and a hawk a stern look, Angel felt her heartbeat speed up in fear that Kreese might say or do something to give away that her and Hawk did it "Question is.."

"Who's gonna break?" he finished, his face void of emotion as he moved his eyes from mine to hawk causing us both to stop for a split second and stare at him. Angel bit her lip and slowly looked over at Hawk, Kreese was hinting at something.

Angel looked back over at Kreese with a confused expression on her face, 'Was he saying hawk will be the one who breaks?' she questioned herself as she looked over at hawk again, It wouldn't surprise her too much he's been acting way too tense about this whole thing.

Noticing that Johnny was staring at her giving her a questioning look she quickly snapped out of her daze and continued on trying to avoid the confused look on Johnny's fave in case he searches too hard and finds out she did it.

Johnny's phone rang an he walked into his office to answer it, The students still doing what they were, Angel felt like she was about to pass out, this was a lot of exercise and quite frankly she didn't like it much.

Angel looked up at kreese as she stopped doing her exercise, She gave him a begging look asking for a break, Kreese seemed to understand what she meant as he closed his eyes with a big sigh following behind, "Two minute break!"

Angel and everyone else sighed in relieve as they all stopped jumping up and down, hawk immediately throwing his arm around his girlfriends shoulders, Angel looked up at hawk and grabbed his arm and dragged him over to kreese

When the couple approached him he placed a smirk on his lips watching in amusement, before Angel could even ask if he would say anything hawk spoke up "i think i should tell Sensei Lawrence that i did it." Angels heart dropped and a pit formed at the bottom of her stomach as she snapped her head to bed left looking at Hawk with a shocked expression "Say nothing."

Kreese's voice was emotionless and hard trying to get hawk in the right state of mind, Angel still looking at her boyfriend in disbelief "i'll handle it" Kreese finished but still Angel hasn't moved.

"As if you were ready to fucking tell him." She whisper yelled at Hawk, again causing Kreese to fold his arms in amusement "you were ready to be a fucken pussy" She scolded Hawk in front of her Sensei.

Hawk looked at his girlfriend a look of anger on his face that she's embarrassing him in front of their sensei "What happened to Hawk?" she questioned with a scoff "you're just a pussy" she scoffed once more and walked off away to her brother and her best friend leaving Hawk standing in front of Kreese.

Kreese let out a low chuckle as he watched hawk stare at her with a dumbfounded look on his face "she's right you know" Kreese told the boy in front of him.

Hawk looked over at the sensei and raised his eyebrows "You've flipped the script, You're now Hawk, You show no mercy, and you show no one kindness." Hawk nodded, Kreese's words playing on his mind, He was right, He did flip the script exactly for this reason, exactly to me scared of nothing, to have people be scared of him, why does he want to fuck it up by playing mister nice and guilty?

He's been that boy once and he's vowed to never be that boy ever again, so instead Hawk replaced the look on his face with a dark smirk and his eyes darkening immensely almost catching Kreese off guard "yes sensei" hawk bowed and turned around walking to where his girlfriend was standing.

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