2.8 (pt 2)

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"So i did a deep dive online, and you were right. Sensei's definitely keene's father" Miguel sighed at what his best friend told him. Mean sure he knew but he was hoping to be wrong.

Angel on the other hand rolled her eyes, pissed off at the fact that he kept such big news from them. Yeah yeah he doesn't need to tell them anything but she still felt betrayed. "I just don't understand why hr wouldn't tell us" The twins spoke in sync earning a weird look from hawk.

Angel and Miguel slowly looked at each other creeped out yet again, This has been happening too many times to be normal "I don't know, but it explains why he's giving us shit for kicking Keene's ass at the tournament." Angel felt relieved that she wasn't the only one thinking that "If you think about it, That's why he's so pissed off at us for using exactly what he taught us. We showed Keene no mercy and then he ends up being a cry baby about it."

"Show no mercy, unless it's his son." Hawk agreed with his girlfriend, Miguel silently agreeing with the both of them "Then we gotta be pussies" the brunette finishes what she was thinking all along.

"You guys, have you seen the commercial?" Aisha called out to the group who was meant to be stretching but was talking about being pussies instead, Angel looked up at her "commercial?" Aisha nodded sighing "Sam's dad started his own dojo and he disses cobra kai." Miguel grabbed aisha's phone out her hands and played the commercial.

Angel moved in closer so she could see the screen, Miguel tuned the phone so they could both watch. After the video stopped she felt her blood boil. No one disses her dojo and gets away with it. 'Don't worry Larusso. You'll get what's coming for you very soon.'

Angels ears tingled as she heard one of the students start to talk "Wait why are we paying for karate if this guy's giving it away for free?" Getting up on her feet she was ready to slap some sense into the wannabe, Trying to walk away she felt familiar arms snake around her waist holding her in place. She felt him move his lips ti her ear, a chill running down her spine when she feels his breathe on her ear "Let it go princess"

Nodding slowly hawk led her to sit down in between his legs, Holding her waist in place for if she decides to break someone's neck.


"There's a lot of talk going around the valley, About free karate. But everyone knows that in life you get what you pay for. You wanna really kick the competition?" Sensei asked before kicking a plant pot full of sand onto another student. Angel soaked up her laughter by pushing her head onto Hawks shoulder.

Him seemingly trying to do the same turned his body and held her head into his chest letting out some muffled giggles "Then you need to get your ass over to cobra kai. Screw that lane meditation bullshit, what you need is bone-crushing, Face-smashing, hood old American karate." Sensor started punching the dummy letting out his anger that he didn't even knew he held in.

Aisha recoding, loving the enthusiasm sensei has to give for his audience, even if it's funny. "Enough about self-defense. Learn about Self-offense. Don't be a pussy. Join Cobra Kai. and let me teach you the way of the fist."

"and cut" Aisha called after johnny finished his well improvised speech "all right, we get it?"

"i think so." Angel finally listed her head up to look at the rest of the sense play out, the funniest parts are over, she just didn't wanna watch incase she laughed and he had to do it all over again "all right great. Make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at he end alright? i want it to really pop. Make it chrome. Throw 'Thunderstruck' under it."

"i'm pretty sure the rights for that song will cost too much." Aisha had a point, It's AC/DC for goddaske their legends "No, i already own it. Cassette's in the car" Angel looked at Aisha making eye contact holding in laughs, Poor sensei he's too old to know what she meant "Oh and put one of those hash browns at the end. You know like 'Hash brown team Cobra Kai' or something And send it to the internet!" Sensei finished while walking to his office leaving very confused teenagers pissing themselves laughing.

Hawk and Miguel followed after sensei, They told Angel that they'll be asking him about Robby, but she didn't want to be apart of that and get her head bitten off by Johnny, She might be pissed and want to know why he didn't tell them but she's definitely not doing it now since you can tell he's pissed about Larusso.

Angel kissed hawk on the cheek and walked to aisha "Did you here him sha? Hash Brown team Cobra Kai" she giggled at his words, Aisha rolled her eyes laughing slightly "Who's telling him it's Hashtag not Hash Brown?"

"Not it." Angel yelled out fast, not ready to make sensei feel like he's embarrassed himself even tho he did. Aisha laughed at the short girl in front of her.

Hawk walked out of the old storage unit. Seemingly mad about something "He gave me and Miguel 2 weeks of Cleaning the mats." Angel giggled slightly "Sounds like a you problem baby"

"hahaha very funny don't try me princess" Angel giggled when she noticed Aisha pull a disgusted face at the gross couple in front of her, Miguel walked out after hawk and stood next to Aisha "Their gross huh"

"Past gross, Too mushy, they make me want to run in front of a car maybe kashoot myself in the head" Miguel burst out laughing, Not being able to contain how funny it sounded "Kashoot yourself?" he questioned earning a glare from her, He threw his hands up as a defense. Angel and Hawk chuckled at the two friends in front of them talking as if they weren't there or standing just a few feet away from them.

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