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I am currently sitting in between Aisha and Hawk as we are at the movies right now. Miguel hasn't stopped frowning since this morning and it's kinda pissing me off.

I looked over at Hawk "Watch this" I whispered to him as i grabbed one kernels and threw it at a blonde girl in front of us he chuckled and copied my actions but missed.

I did it again this time showing him how to do it correctly, Miguel let out a big sigh that caught Aisha and my attention, Hawk was to busy trying to hit the blonde's head to hear it.

"Hey what's wrong?" Aishas soft voice asked Miguel. I swear to god if he actually tells her about his problems i'm gonna lose my shit. I mean he doesn't even wanna talk to me about it.

"I cant stop thinking about what Sensei told me about Sam's dad." Miguel replied as he looked over at Aisha. Are you kidding me right now? He tells her but he doesn't even tell me his own TWIN sister?

"So sensei and sam's dad had some beef. whats that have to do with you?" Aisha asked not really thinking about what she said. I mean it's Obvious that Sam's that is automatically going to hate on Miguel.

Miguel made this weird face and looked at Her again "Do i have to spell it out for you? Sam's dad hates cobra kai. I'm part of cobra kai. So by the transitive property, Sam's dad is gonna hate me."

"Jesus Christ, you're such a nerd." I bit down on my lip to stop myself from laughing. I looked at hawk to see him smirking while he's still throwing kernels at the girl.

"I'm telling you, it's not just on my mind, Sam was acting weird the other day when her dad walked by" Miguel continued. Is it just me or is this a toxic relationship?

"That's true i hear-" I was rudely cut off my Miguel's glare. Why doesn't he want me to talk about this what the fuck? I'm just trying to help him but seems like i'm not important enough.

"Listen, I've known Mr. LaRusso since third grade, He's a really nice guy. you just have to talk to him" I roll my eyes at Aishas statement. Does she not know that he's the bad guy here?

and since when is she defending LaRusso's? She doesn't even like Sam? "just go over there, It's an Alpha move" I turned my attention back to Hawk and saw him throw another kernel but misses terribly when it just the back of a guys head.

The guy started standing up "who the hell did that?" His firm voice caught Hawk and i both of guard.

The guy turned around and without thinking i grabbed Hawks face and smashed my lips onto his, He reacted immediately and kissed back with just as much force.

In the corner of my eye i saw the guy sit back down. I continued with the kiss and somehow ended up on Hawk's Lap. Damn things escalated fast. Hawk moves his hands to under my butt making me slightly gasp giving him perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in.

The kiss kept going for quite some time until i pulled away. Hawk frowned "Why did u pull away?" He asked as his hands moved to my hips "Because we're at the movie theatre and everyone can see"

"What if i wanted to continue?" Hawk asked me with a smug look on his face. I smiled down at him and pecked his lips jumping off his lap sitting back down on my seat.

"To bad. Now if you don't mind." I turned my attention back to the horrible movie we are watching only when i felt hawk place his hand on my thigh.

My breath caught in my throat as i tried to ignore him and keep my eyes on the big screen. He moved his hand slightly more up but stopped when he found a spot to rest his hand. I looked over at him and saw a sly smirk plastered on his face

His fingers started tracing lines on my thigh as he moves them up closer to my private making shift in my seat. Just to be a tease i put my hand on his thigh and moved it up until i felt him tense up.

I did the same he did abs started tracing lines. I removed my hand from his leg and looked back at the big screen.

He took his hand off my thigh muttering a 'bitch' under his breath making me laugh. I kissed him on his cheek and turned my attention back to the boring ass movie. Okay who's idea was it to pick this?

This is probably the worst movie in movie history i swear to god, Low-key think Miguel picked this or Aisha i mean they seemed invested at first but they they started talking about Miguel's girl problems.

Now they are watching the movie again. Okay how does anyone watch this without wanting to sleep?


After the movie finally came to an end Hawk and i walked out hand in hand smiling like idiots. Every now and then i would get extremely defensive when i see the girls make googly eyes at Hawk. Like piss off ladies he has a girl. Like do you need glasses to see him holding my hand? Am i just invisible?

Miguel was still busy ranting to Aisha about Sam which pisses me off so much. It's like he doesn't need me anymore and that sucks because i still need him. But it's whatever right? I have to flip the scrips and be a bad bitch, Not a sad bitch.

"what's up?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at hawk "its nothing really im just thinking" I assure him giving him a sweet peck on his lips. He smirked and let go of my hand making me pout.

"Why did you let go?" Hawk simply shrugged and started following behind Aisha and Miguel, I acted fast and ran next to his side trying to grab his hand but every time he would move it.

I let out an Huff of annoyance causing Hawk to chuckle "Pay back for not kissing me" I rolled my eyes. This is all about not kissing him? I folded my arms over my chest "Jerk"

I think he heard me because he threw his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side. Or it was probably just because some boys were staring at me and he's jealous.

After Miguel and i bid our goodbyes to hawk and Aisha we walked back home.

Miguel had asked if i could go with him over to Sam's so that he doesn't feel awkward. So now he needs me? Of course i agreed.

I told Miguel to lead the way because weirdly he knows where she lives so yeah..


After like Ten minutes we arrived at her house in the Hills obviously. To be fair it's massive and really pretty. I wouldn't mind living in here.

Miguel threw his Bicycle side and let out a big Sigh "Hi Mr.LaRusso. I'm Miguel Im...." Miguel started but trailed off when he looked down at his helmet still in his hands.

I got off my bike and took off my helmet as well.

"Hi, Mr. LaRusso. I'm Miguel, and... I'm Sam's Boyfriend." I scrunched my nose up at him is he seriously practicing his lines?

In a distance i heard laughing that must mean Sam's family are outside. Miguel also heard them because he grabbed my arm and dragged me with them to an opening where you can see.

As soon as that opening came into view my eyes landed on one specific person.

That boy. The boy with Long brown hair and a charming smile that can make any girl's knees weak.

But how does he know the LaRusso's better yet how does he know sam and why does it look like they have a thing?

I tore my gaze from the boy and looked at Miguel. The smile he wants had was now replaced with a frown, His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes held pain.

My heart aches for my twin right now. I grabbed his hand trying to comfort him but once again he yanked his hand out my grasp and pushed past me.

He pushing me away again. I let out a sigh and walked back to my bike. I saw Miguel already left so that means i'm going home by myself. Great.

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