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The short girl grabs her water bottle and chugs down a good few sips not noticing Hawk was making his way towards her. "I'm sorry"

Angel nearly chocked on her water but luckily kept it down as she turned around with a cough to look at hawk, she playfully gave him a slap on the shoulder "don't sneak up on me when i drink water you buffoon" She scolded

Hawk chuckled in amusement almost instantly relieved that she's not mad at him, Angel took one of his hands in hers "don't say anything, sensei Kreese has it under control" She gave him a sweet smile and he returned it but their sweet moment was ruined by "Two minutes are up"

The student all initially groaned together as they dragged themselves over to where Kreese threw a bunch of ropes on the floor.

Angel needed a drink, all she could think about was how amazing a sip of water would be, she was thinking about laying on her bed "Keep going" Kreese's voice rang through her ears

Angels eyes shot open and now all she could remember was the burn in her arms "i have all day" Angel groaned followed with a sigh from Miguel and Tory and a loud one from Hawk "you think it's okay if i puke in here?" Stingray asked out of breath

Aisha giving him a shocked disgusted look "No." She simply exclaims "Navy Seals puke all the time." he carried on trying to persuade her "Do Not Puke."

"He's not gonna let up" Miguel spoke through rapid breaths, Angel looked over at him, her arms ready to break or snap or even fall off at any moment, guilt washing over her

She feels bad for being the cause of everyone having to suffer because of her and Hawks stupid decisions, but she wasn't gonna let up, she wasn't going to fess up either "we gotta figure out who did it"

"i bet it was shit breath" Tory accuses breathless looking at him "Hey screw you." He claps back walking towards her "what you say?" she asked as she drops what she was doing, angel being relieved, she drops the ropes and walked forwards to stand next to Tory "wanna do this right now?" He asked mockingly

Tory almost launched but Miguel Held tory back While Hawk had shit breath under control, Angel giggled "no way you thought you would win against her?" she laughed at him "Stop.!" Kreese's loud voice boomed catching everyone's attention "would you really like to know who did it?" He asked the students with a smirk on his face

Everyone turns to face him, Angels heart is pounding a million miles a minute, Kreese looked around the room before making eye contact with Hawk "it was Hawk" Kreese exposed him.

Angel's heart drops as she turns to look at him, Miguel's mouth wide open as anger rushes into his eyes turning to his best friend "and it was the Diaz twins" her head snapped towards Kreese looking at him for a few moments, She turns her head and looks at her twin with a dumbfounded expression on his face

"and Robinson, and it was nichols, Cubs, Red. When one of you makes a move, you all make a move." Kreese paused as he scanned the room, everyone out of breath and listening to what he says, dumbfounded expressions on everyone's faces he smirked "you live and you die, with the consequences and spoils, because you are all Cobra Kai."

Angel looked over to Hawk making eye contact with him, before breaking it to look at her brother and everyone else in the room "Main Dojo. Five Minutes, you're about to begin your real training"

Angel didn't know whether to groan or be happy, she was tired and sore and she just wanted to go home, she was on the verge of collapsing on the floor and falling asleep, Hawk stood with his hands on his hips taking deep breathes, Miguel looking intensely at his best friend, his eyes switching between hawk and his twin sister.

He shook off any feeling that his sister had to do with any of it, but it wouldn't be out of the ordinary if hawk had anything to do with it because of how he had been acting out. Miguel sighed he wasn't about to point fingers at anyone but he had his suspicions.


All the students was kneeled on the floor apart from the two having a spar in front of them, Angel dozed off for half of the spar not really interested in anything else but her bed and a nice meal.

"Point" Miguel's voice rang through her ears as she looked to see mitch kneeled down and tory backing up simply looking at him "hit him again." jerez's told her.

Tory gave him a puzzled look as she panted, miguel's eyebrows slyly lifting with the same confused expression, Angel simply gave a glance to hawk only to realise he was already looking at her.

"Do you have a problem with that?" Keepers questioned tory. She shifted her eyes from mitch back to Kreese as she slowly lifted her hands to her hips with the same puzzled look on her face "a fight isn't over until your enemy is finished. You show your enemy no mercy." Kreese spoke slowly but surely.

Tory nodded at him, She stepped back and went to charge at him, lifting her knee to hit him in the face as he whimpered and flinched from her sudden movement "Wait!" miguel yelled just in time for her to stop, she turned to him confused "This isn't what Sensei Lawrence had been teaching us."

Angel internally pinched the nose of her bridge telling her brother that he's an idiot in her head over and over and over again in hopes that he would some how hear her "Excuse me?" kreese questioned, his voice slightly cold "there's no honor in being merciless. Tory scored a point. It's over."

Kreese clenched his jaw as miguel finished his sentence, tory now turning to look at Kreese as if she was asking what to do now, Miguel not breaking his cold hard gaze from Kreese once "Sensei Lawrence is right, of course, in a tournament, the fighting stops when you land a point." Kreese began as he started making his way towards Miguel

"But in the real world, it's not about scoring points, it's about being a winner or a loser, And there are no losers in this dojo" Miguel gulped as Kreese stopped right in front of him.

Angel sort of nodding her head agreeing with what was just said, she sees what he means, tournaments yes sure you win a point and that's it, but in the real life there's no referees and there's no such thing as points.

Eventually Kreese told everyone they could go, Miguel saying he wanted to stay longer and just work out, Angel thought that was stupid since the whole karate training today was torture but she also understood that he was angry and needed to blow off some steam.

So instead she decided to kiss her boyfriend goodbye hug her best friend and hug her brother before making her way home. She was knackered to say the least, maybe a good hour or five of a nap should do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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