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After our talk we had Johnny told us that he would take us home.

We jumped out of the car after we arrived. As we passed the corner our Ma just came around another corner.

She saw us immediately and smiled at us "Hey guys" Her soft voice greeted us "How was training?"

"oh, your kids are doing great" Johnny replied to our beautiful mother.

"Why don't you two get cleaned up. Yaya's making seco de carne" Miguel and i nodded "Okay, Bye sensei" Miguel bowed down to his sensei and walked off.

I looked at Sensei and smiled "Thanks for trusting us with your story sensei" I told him as a smile played on my lips. He smiled down at me before mouthing an "thank you"

I walked inside the house and straight to my room after i said hallo to yaya.

I changed my clothes and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

When i walked back to the kitchen i saw Johnny sitting at our table. I smiled warmly at him when his eyes landed on me.

I made my way over to my chat next to miguel. So i'm currently sitting in between Johnny and Miguel.

Our yaya already has our food set out and we took our hands together and said grace. Obviously Johnny didn't understand a word but somehow ended up making us all laugh.

Ma started talking about the tournament and stuff. Then asked if johnny had always lives in Reseda. Turns out he grew up in the hills.

Sam ended up calling Miguel and he ran to his room. Ma told me to go get him since he's taking to long.

I stood up from my chair and walked over to Miguel's room. Just when i was about to enter i heard sam's dad ask her who she's talking to.

"Uh nobody, Just a lab partner." He replied to her dad making me frown. Lab partner? Nobody? Is that how she sees Miguel.

I peeked my head in and saw the dumbfounded expression on Miguel's face as he stares down at his phone.

He looked up at me and i saw the pain in his eyes. He was hurt by sam's words. Man imma beat this bitch up.

Sam said sorry to Miguel about her dad interrupting them but she didn't apologise about calling him a nobody just a lab partner.

He brushed it off but you can clearly hear the disappointment in his voice.

They bid their goodbyes and as soon as His phone dropped to his lap i ran to him.

He looked up at me like he wanted to cry.

"She thinks i'm a no one?" I frowned at his words as i embraces him in a hug "I'm sorry Miggy, Don't beat yourself up over a girl. Its not worth it"

I guess he didn't like what i had to say since he pushed me off him and walked back to the kitchen.

Not going to lie that hurt more than to see the pain in his eyes. He totally just ignored me. Not just that he pushed me away. He didn't even wanna hug me back.

I sighed and went back to the kitchen dismissing myself since i'm done eating.

I said goodbye to johnny and went back to my room going to bed immediately.


The morning rolled by fast waking me up from my peaceful slumber. My eyes fluttered open as the thought of miguel's hurt in his voice replayed in my head.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. To be honest i thought Miguel would talk to me about his girl problems instead he just ignored me.

Literally! He didn't even say goodnight to me. I think he must have thought that i said she wasn't worth it, That's not even what i meant jeez.

I walked out of my room into the kitchen and saw Miguel sitting on the couch growing at his phone.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a cut to make myself coffee. As soon as i picked up the cup Miguel's head snapped towards me.

"Oh good morning sis" and suddenly he's smiling, He was just frowning a minute ago.

I ignore him as i start making my coffee "What's wrong?" I ignore him once again while i poured water into the cup adding the milk.

"Okay, look i'm sorry about last night okay" I looked up at him and frowned "yeah whatever. Get ready we're meeting Hawk and Aisha to go to the movies"

He sighed as o walked back to my room forgetting my coffee, a loud groan escaped my lips making me turn back and walk back to get my coffee.

When i re-entered Miguel started laughing as he held my cup out to me. I gave him a sarcastic smile "Haha very funny." I grabbed my coffee out of his grasp making some fall on the floor. I groan in annoyance and turn on my heel walking back to my room.

"Come clean this up!" I heard Miguel yell from the kitchen "No." I yelled back.

"Dont make me drag u back here" He yelled back at me again "Bite me" I playfully yell. Yep that made him shut up. I giggle as i close my door to my room and walked to my closet looking for something cute to wear.

I ended up grabbing a black crop top with a big scull on it with a pair of high waisted black jeans.

I walked over to my mirror and added my Chain that goes with the jeans. I then put on my chain around my next not including the choker.

I will admit the choker would make it badass but it's just too much for me at the moment. Let's just wait until i get get mum to agree to let me dye my hair.

After i put on my clothes i grabbed a pair of black and white old school vans to match with the fit. After i put that on i asked to the bathroom.

I studied my face and how i want my hair to be today. I decided to lear it just lay freely to compliment the fit. I brushed my teeth and added some eyeliner.

After all that i walked back out to the kitchen to see Miguel already done and frowning at his phone. again.

I sigh "what's up?" His head shot up and he scrunched his nose up as he took in what i'm wearing "Since when did you have those clothes?"

I looked down at my outfit. Wait when did i even buy these? I looked back up at him and shrugged.

He never even told me what's wrong yet again he just ignored the question fully. It's almost as if he doesn't want to talk to me about it. Well if that's the case then i won't talk to him about my relationship.

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