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After the drama that happened everyone just continued partying. Some left since it was late and some stayed to keep drinking and have a good time. Moon never left my side once after she hugged me. Every time Miguel would try and talk to me Moon would pull me away since she could sense that i don't wanna talk to Miguel.

Hawk was a big help as well He kept Miguel away for the rest of the party. Miguel eventually gave up on trying and went home, He sent hawk to bring me home but i really didn't want to go home. I wasn't ready to face Miguel the next morning. Am i a bit dramatic? or was he actually in the wrong and not me? Still i cant help but shake the feeling that i was being over the top. Maybe i was but i don't give a fuck.

I'm so over living in his shadows it's time to climb out of my shell and show the world who i really am. Its time to Flip The Script and time to show my idiotic Twin that i don't need him just like he showed me he didn't need me.

The karate tournament is tomorrow or so to say in a few hours. I don't know if i will be able to survive it since i had a lot to drink and i'll probably regret it in the morning. I mean this shit is already wearing off and i can already feel the headache coming through.

Aisha, Moon, Hawk and i all still stayed a little more at the party after Miguel left. Hawk eventually got tired and asked me if i wanted to go home. I said yes but truth be told i didn't wanna go home. But i stayed silent anyway.

Moon and i Exchanged numbers and i apologised for being so cold to her in the beginning of the party. She didn't mind at all well she said she didn't blame me since she was rude to me. She's nice.


I slowly opened the door to our apartment and closed it behind me. I let out a sigh of relief but that soon turned into a gasp when the light suddenly turned on "where have you been?" I cringed at the voice of my mother. Looks like i'm bout a get another blame thrown at me for leaving Miguel all alone.

I turned around "Sorry I was out with friends" She scoffed "I know that Angel but why didn't you come home with Miguel?" And there it was there was that question i knew she was gonna ask. Next thing you know she's going off on me about how "jealous" i am of him "I still wanted to hang with them and he wanted to come home"

"What if something happened to you?" Her voice was laced with concern. It pissed me off "And what? Miguel was going to protect me?" Sometimes i swear she forgets that I as well do Karate and according to Johnny I'm stronger than Miguel. "I don't need Miguel to protect me. I do karate as well i can protect myself."

"No you cant protect yourself! you're a girl!" She yelled at me. A girl? "What's that supposed to mean? Does being a girl mean Im weak? Does being a girl mean i can't protect myself when i'm in danger? Does it mean that you think i can't do anything because i'm a girl?" I thought mothers were supposed to love their children equally. Clearly not.

"There's just some things girls can't do." I scoffed is she serious right now? "Girls can do everything a man can." Those were my last words to her. I'm not going to sit around and let her break me down like that. If she wants to be like that  Then i'll show her that i'm not just some weak little girl that can't do anything.

Just as i was about to walk i saw the person i didn't wanna see stand in the door way by his room listening in on our conversation. The look on his face showed pity. Did he pity me? My own fucking brother is pitying me. This son of a bitch knows he's the favourite.

Ma only scoffed at my words and turned to walk to her room. Miguel finding the perfect opportunity to talk to me started walking towards me. Oh how i wish Hawk and Moon were here now. 

He went to say something but i beat him to it "Wipe that look of pity off your face or i'll do it for you." He didn't look confused at my words more like amused. Now that. That pisses me off even more than being called a weak girl.

"What's it like?" My voice was softer this time more gentle i guess "What's what like?" The amusement on his face was now replaced with confusion. "What's it like being Mom's favourite?"

"Im not her favourite" Lie. He is and he knows it "Yes you are. Didnt you just hear what she told me? or how about we go a little back in time where she blamed me for you're a stupid actions when Kyler beat you up? Didnt she yell at me for being Jealous of you because you have always been the better child?" He didn't say anything. Instead now he looked upset. Good hurt like i hurt.

"Look I don't know why Ma is being this way towards you but don't blame me for it." I scoffed at his words 'don't blame me for it' "I'm not blaming you Miguel. I never blamed you. I asked you a simple question and you denied it when you know that you are the favourite you have always been the favourite." I wanted to stop talking and continue ignoring him but the words just kept coming

"Even when we made friends back in middle school. Everyone in the friend group only ever payed attention to you. I mean come on i was known as 'Miguel Diaz' sister' I was the one walking in the back of the group while you had people to talk to. You were never the outcast and i was." The words felt like a waterfall i could stop.

"When we finally moved away and came here i finally made some friends and i was finally not the outcast anymore. If anything i think your jealous of the fact that i made friends with your friends. You hate the fact that i'm dating your best friend and that i'm in the same karate school as you and equally as good as it as well. Or maybe you just like being the favourite. Well don't worry Miguel. You will always be the favourite and nothing can change that so don't worry about it." Words finally stopped.

He just stood there. Silently staring at me. The emotion behind his eyes was... Hurt? Or anger? or both "I'm sorry i didn't know you felt this way" I was shocked when he finally talked. He apologised?

"I'm so sorry i never payed attention to the way people treated you But please stop being mad at me i can't handle it." Mad? understatement. I'm furious but not at him. At myself for letting people treat me like this all these years.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist, His body tensed up for a few seconds but relaxed when his arms wrapped around me.

No matter how hard i try. I cant stay mad at him. I mean he's my best friend, My twin my everything. He has always been here for me and for me to be mad at him for one silly mistake would be such a bad thing to do. I love my brother but this still doesn't mean i'm not going to flip the script.

And tomorrow. I'll prove that i'm not just some weak girl.

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